Zum Rezepte-Letter: Jetzt anmelden und über neue Rezepte freuen!


Welcome, very wonderful! You are a journalist and have found my press area… I’m glad!

On this page you will find basic information and information about photos and recipe content that you can use for articles and postings.

If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail.

1. Recipes Pictures on the Website Thomas Sixt

I assume that you have already discovered a new favorite recipe on my site. All recipes pictures on the website thomassixt.de were created by me and I have all copyrights as a food photographer. If you are a journalist and would like to publish a recipe with a picture in a magazine or newspaper, this is of course possible. Please contact me directly, after consultation I will send you the photos and the recipes, furthermore a selected photo of me.

Here is a small selection of pictures to taste:

Really frying steak made easy. Finally, butter is added to the steak.
The big steak finale: add some butter to the steak and let it foam up in the pan. Sprinkle the flavored clarified butter on the rib eye steak and toss the steak. Cooking professionals call this process arosing.
Das große Steak-Finale: Gib etwas Butter zum Steak und lasse diese in der Pfanne aufschäumen. Beträufle das Rib-Eye Steak mit der aromatisiereten Bratbutter und schwenke das Steak. Kochprofis nennen diesen Vorgang arosieren.
Apple compote
Classic apple compote
Apfelkompott klassisch
Starters soups
Appetizers soups category image.
Vorspeisen Suppen Kategorie Bild.

2. Images of Thomas Sixt

3. Previous Press Reports about Thomas Sixt

Burda diverse Titel; CLOSER; WELTBILD.at; iBookstore; derstandard.at; daskochrezept; Alle meine Android Apps; Gesünder Leben; Lifestyle Magazin Trier; Tageszeitung heute; Neue Woche; Freizeit Spass; Freizeit Revue; Lust auf Genuss; Freizeit Spass; Freizeit Revue; Ganze Woche; Frau im Spiegel; Men ́s Health; Computerbild, emedia; Presse Schaufenster; Rondo der standard; Focus Küche und Bad; und andere.

3. Contact Thomas Sixt

Mail: [email protected]

Here you find all recipes from the Bavarian Chef Thomas Sixt