My name is Thomas Sixt , I’m a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger .
On my website thomassixt.de you will find:
😋 Cooking tips for efficient cooking at home
📺 Cooking videos for more fun in your kitchen
🍲 More than 550 recipes for pure enjoyment
🖼️ Photo art for your 🙂 luxury home
🕉️ Spiritual to feel good and with history
Below you will find a comprehensive overview of my professional activities.
As a chef, I have moved my workplace to digital.
Here in the food blog thomassixt.de you will find more than 550 recipes, cooking course contributions and ideas for wonderful culinary moments.
In my work I am supported by my wonderful 👩❤️👨 wife Christiane, thank you!
Feel invited to swing the wooden spoon with us!

I learned how to cook from my mother and from star chef Alfons Schuhbeck .
I worked at Tantris in Munich and looked over the shoulder of Hans Haas .
In the residence with Heinz Winkler I was able to experience 3-star gastronomy in the kitchen.
As a show chef and cooking trainer, I have conducted cooking courses with +12,000 customers in Germany and Austria.
To date, several million website visitors have let themselves be spoiled by my extensive menu.

I have been photographing food and dishes myself since 2000.
Recipes created by me and food pictures from my studio have been published in national and international press articles and on customer websites over the last 20 years.
I take photos with cameras from Apple (iPhone), Canon, Fujifilm (GFX 50S II and X-T4) and Leica (SL2-S)
–> Food photographer Thomas Sixt

Cooking led me to photography a long time ago.
Capturing and passing on magical and enjoyable moments describes my work in artistic photography.
On this page you will find limited edition photographs and individual works for your home and office.

You will find more than 200 cooking videos embedded on this website with the respective recipe.
Cooking videos and cooking instructions can increase the fun in your kitchen and optimize your preparation steps.
The cooking format Headcam-Cooking I developed was shown on Austrian television from 2013-2016.
In the years 1997-2000 I realized several cooking shows for RTL Punkt 12.
I supported Ruth Moschner as a cook as part of her cooking show on Bild.de 🙂
List of media reports and articles 1997-2023 about Thomas Sixt:
sueddeutsche.de – faz.net – hna.de – ga.de – abendblatt.de – op-online.de – hersfelder-zeitung.de – rtl.de – morgenpost.de – thueringer-allgemeine.de – radio912.de – ingame.de- delme-app.de – radioleverkusen.de – rnz.de – lz.de – de.nachrichten.yahoo.com – wn.de – dzonline.de – antennemuenster.de – live.vodafone.de – antenneduesseldorf.de – mainpost.de – wetterauer-zeitung.de – tz.de – kreiszeitung.de – oberhessische-zeitung.de – wormser-zeitung.de – kurierverlag.de – Food-Fotografie Tipps mit Interview – welt.de – Ausgekocht; stern.de – Wiesn Rezept zum Oktoberfest; stern.de – Artikel zu meiner Lehrzeit bei Alfons Schuhbeck; Annemarie Wildeisens Kochen – Interview zum Foodblog; rtf PLUS, rtv Magazin, stern TV-Magazin, tvtv (Beilage der Bild Zeitung), Ticket (Beilage des Tagesspiegel), Wochenendspiegel (Vogtland), regiomag (Neuburg/Donau) und Kompakt! (Beilage der Verlagsgruppe Rhein-Main)– Vegetarisches Rezept; freundin.de – diverse Rezepte; Saarbrückener Zeitung – diverse Rezepte; Liboriusblatt – diverse Rezepte; Meilener Anzeiger – diverse Rezepte; Active Beauty Magazin – diverse Rezepte; derstandard.at – Diverse Artikel; CLOSER – Glutenfrei kochen mit Thomas Sixt; WELTBILD.at – Kochbuch Thomas Sixt kocht vor; W24 Guten Abend Wien – Thomas Sixt zu Gast in der Sendung; iBookstore Feature – iPad® Kochbuchserie von Thomas Sixt – derstandard.at – Headcam Cooking, Koch mit Leib, Seele, Schmäh; regensburg-digital.de – Händlmaier Ideenklau; BILD.de – Kochen mit Ruth Moschner; Alle meine Android Apps – Koch Apps von Thomas Sixt; Gesünder Leben – Kolumne über 2 Jahre; Lifestyle Magazin Trier – iPad Kochbuch Grillen und Chillen; Tageszeitung heute – Wiener Schnitzel App von Thomas Sixt, Neue Woche – Lamm wie ein Chefkoch zubereiten, Neue Woche – Pfiffige Ideen für Gemüse, Freizeit Spass – Saucentipps; Freizeit Revue – Gans und Ente für Weihnachten; Neue Woche – Leckere Vorspeisen für Weihnachten; Bambi 2009 – Live cooking und Bericht hinter den Kulissen; Lust auf Genuss – Kochen mit Ulrike Kriener, Freizeit Spass – Kochideen für Kohl und Kümmel; Freizeit Spass – Meerrettich Kochtipps; Freizeit Revue – mehrseitiges Sommerspezial; Neue Woche – Feine Ideen für Hackfleisch; Ganze Woche – Vorstellung Blog und Dienstleistungen; Freizeit Revue – Grilltipps und BBQ-Tipps; Technik Update – Thomas Sixt stellt Rieber Thermoplate vor; Yahoo.de – Chat “Frag den Chefkoch”; Yahoo.de – Rezeptedienst von Thomas Sixt; Frau im Spiegel – SMS Rezeptedienst von Thomas Sixt; Men´s Health – 28 Küchen und Meistertricks für gesunde und schnelle Küche; Come In Douglas Magazin – Vorstellung Kochkurse; MADAME – Kochkurs mit Thomas Sixt ; Computerbild – Kochvideos als erster im Internet (2000); Bild am Sonntag – Party mit dem Profikoch; Marie Claire – Privatkoch für zu Hause; Fit for Fun– Gesund kochen für zu Hause; emedia – Punsch und Weihnachtsrezepte aus dem Internet; Leckerbissen und Feinspitz aus Österreich– Kinder Kochschule; Presse Schaufenster – Kochkurse und Kochschule Wien; Rondo der standard – Kochschule Wien; News – Haubenmenü für zu Hause; MHK Welt – Showkochen mit Thomas Sixt auf der Focus Küche und Bad; Presse Schaufenster – Kochkurs in Wien Gutschein für Weihnachten
–> Thomas Sixt’s press area

List of cookbooks published so far:
Thomas Sixt cooks – The first cookbook with a video for each recipe.
Amalthea-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3850028318, book for the TV show & YouTube channel.
The minute cook tastes good. more quickly. – Kosmos Verlag, 2005, ISBN 978-3440105146
Meat dishes: basic recipes and variations – Kosmos Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3440112526
Soups & Stews: Basic Recipes and Variations – Kosmos Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3440112533
Recipe Development:
Cookbook “So enjoy Austria” With the Thermomix® TM5 – Vorwerk Austria, 2015, ISBN-10: 3038441074.

So far, many media have reported on my work or invited me to interviews as a cooking expert.
If you are a journalist looking for support, do not hesitate to contact me.
I am always willing to make an offer to editors for the use of my pictures and recipes.
Of course, links to my blog are always allowed.
Please email media inquiries directly to: [email protected].
If you are interested in a cooperation in the form of sponsored posts , food photography , recipe development or banner advertising , please contact me via email.
I look forward to your inquiry and am curious to hear about your ideas.
Please email inquiries directly to: [email protected].
I kindly ask you to refrain from direct goods or product deliveries to my office address and instead to coordinate the delivery address with me in advance by e-mail.
This ensures smooth processing and avoids unnecessary work.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
On other pages:
Stern.de – Oktoberfest recipes by Thomas Sixt
Stern.de – About my apprenticeship in star gastronomy
DERSTANDARD – Thomas Sixt: cook with body, soul and humor
DERSTANDARD – Food Hacks: Viral videos between danger and pleasure
Literature by and about Thomas Sixt in the German National Library catalogue