Zum Rezepte-Letter: Jetzt anmelden – Gewinnspiel im April!

Recipe Herb Soup Maundy Thursday Soup with fried Egg

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

My recipe for the Herb Soup or Maundy Thursday Soup I present to you today. In the article you’ll find lots of tips on how to prepare it. From Maundy Thursday I have the herb soup for spring. When in March and April the first wild herbs appear on the meadow is the best time for this soup. I collect the wild herbs the day before or in the afternoon, if possible. The fresher the herbs, the better. If you would rather prepare a wild garlic soup, you can also find the corresponding recipes in my blog. Please try the recipe and share it with your friends, thank you!

1. Preparing Herb Soup with Wild Herbs

I collect what the herb meadow gives: Young dandelion leaves and dandelion blossoms, primrose blossoms, ground ivy, ribwort and broad-leaved plantain leaves, goatweed, St. John’s wort, daisies and wild garlic. In March and April these wild herbs from the meadow are still young and taste excellent.  I found out that the mixture makes it, use a little of everything for the soup, save the most beautiful leaves and flowers for decorating the soup. The herbs should be kept cool quickly so that the freshness is preserved, collected with a basket because the herbs in the plastic bag sweat quickly and wilt.
Collect the young shoots, flowers and leaves of the wild herbs! This will make the wild herb soup excellent!

2. Soup Base for wild Herb Soup from Maundy Thursday onwards

As a base you need a vegetable broth, which you can prepare yourself or use appropriate aids. I sweat a finely diced onion with a little butter until colourless, pour in some dry white wine or prosecco, add the vegetable broth and bring the soup to the boil. Slowly pour the cream into the boiling soup and let the soup boil again. So I avoid the flocculation of the cream. You can also use soy cream or soy cream instead of cow’s milk cream. I taste the soup with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and nutmeg. If you want the soup to be creamier, either boil a chopped potato in the soup mixture with it or bind the soup with some cornflour. Mix some starch in cold water and slowly add to the boiling soup. The soup then binds little by little.
Always pour the cream slowly into the boiling soup and let it continue to boil, so that the cream does not flocculate!

3. How to keep the Herb Soup nice and green?

The green of the herbs is sensitive to heat. So if you cook the herbs too long, the colour changes from a fresh light green to an unappetizing grey-green and the soup loses its fresh colour. You can prepare the soup in two ways: First, blanch all the herbs in boiling salted water and cool in ice water, then drain and prepare a herb pesto with olive oil. You can add roasted almonds or pine nuts and crush the blanched herbs with a hand blender. Then add the green herb pesto to the soup. You may also look at the contribution wild garlic pesto. I show the preparation in two variations with video! Second variation: Boil the soup, add the herbs to the boiling soup and leave to simmer for 5 minutes next to the stove, then mix and serve immediately.
Herb Soup for Spring - Maundy Thursday Soup with fried Egg
This soup is a real joy, a tradition for Maundy Thursday, a sensational accompaniment for Easter!
Beside the bear’s garlic soup the herb soup is wonderful for Easter, the Easter brunch or the Easter menu!

4. Baked Egg for Herb Soup

I serve the wild herb soup on Maundy Thursday and at Easter. A baked egg is therefore the perfect soup topping for the herb foam soup. The baked egg is quite simple: I boil the egg here in Vienna for exactly 5 minutes and peel the egg under cold running water. The egg yolk is then still liquid, that’s how I want it! Then I carefully bread the egg once in flour, whisked egg and breadcrumbs, then pull it through the egg again and bread it a second time with breadcrumbs. The breading must be a little thicker so that the baked egg has the desired stability at the end. Then fry the twice breaded egg in hot coconut oil until light and crispy, carefully cut open and put into the soup.

5. Recipe Herbal Soup for Spring – Maundy Thursday Soup

Herbal Soup for Spring – Maundy Thursday Soup

Herb soup with wild herbs, the Maundy Thursday soup for spring with fried egg. A recipe by Thomas Sixt with chef tips and step-by-step instructions.

Servings 2 Persons
Calories 835
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 10 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.
Maundy Thursday soup and wild herb soup for spring, in this article I show you a wonderful herb soup with a fried egg. The soup is radiant and pleasing to the eye. The soup goes perfectly with a brunch around Easter! The preparation of the soup is easy and my chef tips will help you, as always, to cook it yourself. Good luck!

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Herb Soup for Spring - Maundy Thursday Soup with fried Egg
Maundy Thursday soup is another green soup and goes perfectly with spring. You can find the recipe for this stunning herbal soup elsewhere!


4 leaves dandelion (may be bought on special markets!)
4-8 branches and flowers ground ivy (may be bought on special markets!)
4 leaves wild garlic (may be bought on special markets!)
2-4 leaves sorrel (may be bought on special markets!)
2-4 leaves ribwort or broad-leaved plantain (may be bought on special markets!)
4 leaves gout weed (may be bought on special markets!)
4 twigs St. John’s wort (may be bought on special markets!)
2 pc flower of dandelion (may be bought on special markets!)
1 pc onion
25 g butter
50 ml dry white wine
300 ml Vegetable broth
150 ml Cream
2 EL Mayonnaise
50 g Butter cold
2 TL Créme Fraîche
3 pc eggs
some flour
some roasted breadcrumbs
1 pinch Salt
1 pinch bell pepper
1 pinch cayenne peppper
1 pinch nutmeg


Preparation step 1

The spring herbs can now be found in every meadow. I look for the young leaves, shoots and flowers together. A small basket is best because the herbs sweat in the plastic bag and wilt more quickly.

Preparation step 2

Put half of the young spring herbs in a bowl of cold water for decoration. I like to add some ice cubes to keep the leaves fresh, but very cold water serves the same purpose. The flowers should always be used for decoration, you will only need them at the end when the soup is served.

Preparation step 3

Cut the onion in half, peel and chop finely. I prefer to peel the halved onion, this is easier. Dice the onion in the direction of the root, which remains on the onion. Place the halved onion on the board with the cut face down, the onion root on the left. Then cut vertically towards the root with a sharp knife, then cut horizontally to the root, then cut the onion cubes finely down.

Preparation step 4

Sweat onion cubes in a pot with butter until colourless, deglaze with white wine, add broth and bring to the boil. Slowly pour the cream into the boiling soup and bring to the boil again. This is important, otherwise the cream may flocculate.

Preparation step 5

Add the herbs to the soup and bring to the boil once, then leave to stand next to the heat for 5 minutes.

Preparation step 6

Prepare the plate: Spread the Mayonnaise with a brush and place the decorative herbs attractively on the plate. Then mix the soup with the cold butter until frothy and serve in the plates. Add a Nocke Creme Fraiche and serve quickly.

Preparation step 7

The preparation of fried or baked egg is explained in the article.


6. Calories (kcal) Maundy Thursday Soup, Wild Herb Soup for Spring

7. More delicious Soup Recipes

All soup recipes

Matching for the season: Wild Garlic Soup, Wild Garlic Pesto for Soup

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