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Recipe Venison Goulash prepared in fine Thyme Stock, with Cooking Video Instruction

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

This Venison Goulash recipe is a light variation of deer goulash and deer ragout with game in a light herb stock. Usually deer goulash is a very strong preparation with a thick, dark sauce. In this article, I am not referring to the classic method of preparation for my venison goulash or venison ragout, but rather to a light and digestible dish. The vegetables, with a Mediterranean flavor, in combination with the delicately steamed venison and the aroma of thyme, can reach new heights. In the video “Preparing venison goulash” I show you everything step by step. Wish you good luck! Please share this post on Facebook, thank you. Venison goulash and deer ragout are usually quite strong preparations with a thick, dark sauce. This recipe is a light variation, game in a light herb stock. The recipe is from my cookbook “Thomas Sixt kocht vor”. Who does not know the book yet: It contains many simple cooking recipes for each day, the recipes have a video code with them, the free cooking videos can be viewed on Youtube at any time.

1. Venison Goulash or Venison Ragout with light Sauce

Personally, I love game dishes with a strong sauce. In the game season, however, a change is always in demand. The stag in the thyme stock is not only colourful, it also tastes excellent, promised!
Deer in light stock, a game dish in a class of its own!
Salad with prawns as starter
To stimulate the appetite I recommend a light bite in advance: salad with prawns… Click on the picture and you will come directly to the recipe!

2. Venison Goulash according to Grandma’s Recipe? Today it´s Mediterranean and Aromatic

The combination of capers, olives, peeled small tomatoes and beans is just spicy enough to set its own accent. Wild game and especially deer, but also wild boar are very compatible with these ingredients. The thyme does its part. If you like it even more sophisticated, you can feed in the stock with very little lemon abrasion. Please be careful with the garlic. Less is more here! In any case, use fresh garlic, the young green garlic is particularly suitable. Caution: Wild makes wild, I have warned you!

3. Side Dishes with Venison Goulash and Venison Ragout

… with croquettes, which I mostly read on the menus to the deer and venison goulash. I have nothing against croquettes but to this dish a fine white bread is enough, that is great to dip! Very suitable are “pommes parisiennes”. Please use the bigger ball cutter, cut the balls out of raw potatoes, boil them in salted water until they are al dente and pour them off. Put the potato balls in some foamed butter, seasoned with salt, pepper, some cayenne pepper, nutmeg and a fine julienne of parsley leaves, toss and finish.
Such a dish is cooking with love!

4. Increases or if Mr. Witzigmann, Lafer or Schuhbeck comes to visit

If the chef of the century would visit me and choose this dish, I would add fried basil leaves as decoration and taste explosion. I think the Eckart would be satisfied with the dish and he would have to bring the suitable red wine himself :-). Fried basil leaves are easy to prepare: Heat sunflower oil, gradually place the leaves in the hot fat and fry until crispy (not brown), remove from the fat and place on a plate with kitchen paper ready for serving. The leaves should be salted immediately after the fat bath; they remain “suitable for cooking for centuries” for about an hour. A few cranberries, best stirred by yourself, go well with this dish as well.

5. Cooking Video Venison Goulash

Find the video exceptionnally before the recipe, this way you can have a look at it before starting to cook

6. Recipe Venison Goulash

Venison Goulash

Fantastic, fine venison ragout or light venison goulash.

Servings 2 Persones
Calories 437
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 35 Min.
Total Time 55 Min.
Venison goulash in thyme stock to prepare yourself, I show a fine variation that comes quite colorful on the plate. Recipe with Cooking video and picture.

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venison goulash thyme stock close up
Recipe Venison Goulash prepared in fine Thyme Stock, with Cooking Video Instruction


120 g fine green beans
200 ml Vegetable broth
300 g venison ragout or goulash meat
1 pc onion (or 2-3 small shallots)
40 g butter
1 bunch fresh thyme
any garlic
5 pc capers
5 pc Olives (black olives are fantastic wtih the tomatoes)
5 pc small tomatoes (short blanching and peeling)
lemon abrasion (add little to taste, later added!)


Preparation step 1

Clean the beans, remove the ends and cut the beans into pieces. Steam the beans in a little broth with the lid closed or slightly open until soft. Cool the cooked beans quickly so that the green colour is retained and the beans do not turn grey.

Preparation step 2

This step can also be replaced by the classic blanching process: Cook the beans in salt water until al dente, allow to cool quickly in ice water and place on a sieve. Here the cocktail tomatoes can also be blanched and peeled in an extra work step.

Preparation step 3

Brown the meat in a large pan without fat or with a little fat. I like to use sunflower oil for frying, then let it steam lightly with the lid. Add the finely diced onion, pour in the broth and let simmer with the lid closed.

Preparation step 4

After about 10 minutes add the freshly plucked thyme and some garlic, if necessary add the broth. Allow to steep for about 15-20 minutes at moderate heat and steam gently.

Preparation step 5

Now add the capers, olives, peeled mini tomatoes, beans, thyme and butter and cover with lid and leave to simmer again. After about 5 minutes season with salt and pepper, arrange and serve.

Preparation step 6

Depending on the meat used, the cooking time, the actual steaming, can take longer. Steam the meat at moderate heat and add some broth if necessary.

This recipe is not a classic preparation for venison goulash. The gentle steaming promotes the own taste of the meat and the formation of taste substances in the thyme stock.

7. Calories (kcal) Venison Goulash, the Nutritional Values

8. Other Goulash Recipes

All German and Austria Goulash Recipes

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veal goulash,
deer ragout,
german goulash,
venison in pepper cream sauce,
beef ragout
vegan goulash,
potato goulash


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