Filleting Oranges, Step by Step Instructions from a Professional Chef with Cooking Videos

Thomas Sixt is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.
I would like to show you how to fillet oranges here. These instructions will help you to fillet oranges perfectly and safely.
You have probably asked yourself how to get the most beautiful orange fillets in many a salad recipe or fish, poultry and meat dish. Because fresh orange is sometimes the perfect accompaniment and brings a great flavour component to the plate.
Why fillets? The fibrous white on oranges is firm and tough and also slightly bitter. We don’t want that with our lovingly cooked or prepared food!
That’s why I’ve written down how to make the fillets step by step with photos. I also show you the most important tricks in the cooking video.
Enjoy watching and reading and good luck in your kitchen!
1. Filleting Oranges Photo Instructions
Then you and I will see how you can best get the beautiful fruit fillets. In my practice, the following steps have proven successful:

2. Peel Oranges and Fillet Oranges Cooking Videos
For your cooking success, I have even prepared two films for you: Peeling oranges and filleting oranges.
Peel Orange Instruction Video:
Orange filleting instruction video:
Our food does not like tough pieces or bitter parts from the orange peel. Only the fine flesh of the orange goes on our plate!
Recommends Chef Thomas Sixt
3. Recipes with Filleted Oranges
Here you will find recipes that I have already cooked and presented, all of which use orange fillets

The fruity play of orange goes well with many dishes and side dishes. Definitely give it a try!
Says chef Thomas Sixt
4. Frequently asked Questions about Filleting Oranges
I have published an extra article in the Cooking Questions section with the most frequently asked questions about filetting oranges.