Cooking with Chef Thomas Sixt

Cooking Boxes
I have put together exciting cooking boxes with selected suppliers. In the descriptions you will find a link to the respective online store, where you can order the boxes directly. EU-ONLY!
–> Fisch Kochbox (DE
–> Reis Kochbox (DE)
–> Wakame Salat Kochbox (DE)
–> Sesam Kochbox (DE)

Cooking & Enjoyment Interviews
New interview series: Learn expert knowledge about cooking and nutrition from interesting personalities.

Cooking School
In this category you will find step by step instructions with photos and videos on various cooking techniques.
Boil eggs perfectly and prepare asparagus, fry steak and fillet oranges will no longer be a mystery!

Cooking Questions and Answers
Answers to common cooking questions are summarized in this category.
–> Cooking questions FAQ by Thomas Sixt

Cookbooks from Thomas Sixt
Cookbooks published by publishers, iPad® books designed by Thomas, cooking apps and nutrition guides can be found in this category.
About Cooking
The word cooking comes from the Latin coquere and describes as a word the heating of a liquid to the boiling point. Furthermore, the cooking and preparation of food regardless of the method of preparation. The job title “cook” is derived from “cooking”.
Cooking is one of the oldest cultural techniques of mankind and dates back to before the deliberate use of fire. Recent studies suggest: prehistoric people already cooked food in hot springs at 90°C and prepared it for consumption.
What Happens During Cooking?
Cooking causes a chemical reaction: the cellular tissue of the ingredients is loosened, the contained protein coagulates, connective tissue gels and fats become liquid.
From a nutritional point of view, cooking releases the minerals of the ingredients and makes the food easier to digest. The cooking process has a preservative and sterilizing effect on the ingredients.
Cooking and Recipes
The oldest recipe of mankind on a clay tablet in cuneiform writing was deciphered as “Lamb Tuhu”. The clay tablet comes from ancient Babylon and is 4,000 years old. At that time, people had not yet specified quantities, but only listed the ingredients.
Today cooking is certainly easier, discover for it recipes with cooking video tutorial.