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Black Salsify Soup Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Today I’ll show you my Black Salsify Soup Recipe.

The black salsify as a delicate vegetable in the soup, lightly and finely cooked.

The long, slender black salsify almost fell into oblivion, thanks to “asparagus all year round”.

 The white root on the inside and the black root on the outside were popular as asparagus substitutes for a long time.

We know the roots as miner’s asparagus and winter asparagus.

The season is from October to May.Now the root has emancipated itself from the real asparagus and can shine with its fine taste in the kitchen and on the table.

Let’s just prepare this healthy retro vegetable now. I’ll show you the steps to the perfect result. Have fun and good luck!

1. Recipe Black Salsify Soup

Freshly and with love cooked, then our soup comes on your table. With a little more inlay, the root soup becomes a stew. Let’s start with the preparation…

Black Salsify Soup

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 339
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 15 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.

Simple guide to preparing black salsify soup.

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Black salsify soup served
Black salsify soup Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Black Salsify Soup

500-700 g black salsify
1 pc Lemon (I use an organic lemon)
3 pc shallots
4 tbs butter
20 cl dry white wine
800 ml Vegetable broth
200 ml Cream
1 pinch Salt
1 pinch Pepper
1 pinch nutmeg (freshly grounded)
1 pinch Cayenne pepper
1 bunch fresh parley (I use finely curled parsley)

Optional Soup Inlays

1 tsp truffle oil
100 g fresh North Sea crabs
2 pc Bavarian meatballs (or other meatballs)
2 pc Fish meatball


Preparing and peeling black salsifies

Preparation step 1
Salsify peeling attitude
You can peel black salsify like asparagus. The vegetable is known as the poor man's asparagus.

Peel salsifies

Peel the black salsifies and put on gloves, because the asparagus of the little man is sticky.

Preparation step 2
Cut off the salsify ends
Cut off the ends of the prepared, peeled salsify.

Cut off ends

Cut off the ends of the peeled roots generously.

Preparation step 3
Salsify peeled with husks
Peeled salsify in a bunch with shells.

Twice peeling

I always peel the roots twice:

Once coarsely, before cutting again finely to remove the last black spots.

Preparation step 4
Salsify peeled lemon water
Soak the peeled salsify in lemon water to keep the white color.

Lemon water

Place the peeled black salsifies in lemon water to preserve their white colour.

Prepare soup topping

Preparation step 5
Cut black salsify into slices
Cut the peeled salsify into thin slices at an angle.

Soup Garnish

Cut part of the roots into 3 mm thick slices at an angle.

We prepare the nicely cut vegetables for the soup.

Preparation step 6
Black root vegetables with butter
Put the sliced salsify in a saucepan with butter, salt, nutmeg and pepper.

Prepare soup garnish

Steam the vegetables for the soup in butter and a little water until soft.

Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Preparation step 7
glazed salsify vegetables
Salsify vegetables cooked with butter and glazed.


Place the cooked root vegetables in a bowl until ready to serve.

Prepare soup

Preparation step 8
Cut black salsify for soup
Cut the peeled salsify for the soup.

Cut roots

Cut the roots for the soup into 1 cm pieces.

Preparation step 9
Black salsify with butter in a saucepan
Put the black salsify in a saucepan with butter and sweat until colorless.

Sweat roots

Sweat the vegetables for the soup in a high pot with butter for 8 minutes without color glassy.

Preparation step 10
Finely dice shallots
Whole and skinned shallot, peeled and diced.

Add shallot

Peel the shallots, cut into fine cubes and add to the vegetables.

Preparation step 11
Soft boiled salsify
The soft boiled salsify from the soup.

Deglaze vegetables

Deglaze vegetables with white wine and vegetable stock and bring to the boil.

Cook the vegetables for 10 minutes until soft.

Preparation step 12
Pour the cream into the soup
Pour the cream into the boiling soup.

Add cream

Slowly pour the cream into the boiling soup and bring to the boil.

Preparation step 13
Season the soup with nutmeg
Season the soup with nutmeg.

Season soup

Season the soup with nutmeg, pepper and cayenne pepper.

Preparation step 14
Mix up the soup
Mix the soup with the hand blender.

Mix soup

Mix the cream soup with a hand blender and let it steep for another 5 minutes at reduced heat.

Preparation step 15
Soup happen
Pass the mixed soup through a fine hair sieve.

Pass the soup

Pass the soup through a fine hair sieve.

Preparation step 16
Squeeze out leftover vegetables
Squeeze out the leftover vegetables and add the full flavor to the soup.

Squeeze vegetables

Squeeze out the remaining vegetables with a ladle and conjure up the last taste in the soup.

Finish and arrange the soup

Preparation step 17
Pluck the parsley
Pluck washed and spun dry parsley before cutting.

Prepare herbs

Pluck the washed and dry-spun parsley finely.

Preparation step 18
Cut the parsley
Finely chop the parsley.

Cut herbs

Finely chop the parsley with a chef’s knife.

Preparation step 19
North Sea Crabs
Fresh northern sea crabs on a plate.

Prepare crabs

Wash the North Sea crabs in a sieve under cold water and dry.

Preparation step 20
Salsify vegetables as a filler
Arrange the black salsify vegetables in a warmed plate.

Arrange Soup Garnish

Heat the prepared soup insert and arrange in warmed soup plates.

Preparation step 21
Salsify soup served
The black salsify soup served in a plate with North Sea shrimps and parsley.

Arrange soup

Mix the soup, add some cold butter and froth up.

Pour the soup carefully into the plates with foam.

Place the crab meat in the soup, add the foam and serve decorated with parsley.

2. Nutritional Values

3. Instructions for Peeling Salsify

Before we get into the actual cooking process, we want to gently awaken our black salsify vegetables from their slumber in the ground. I feel like Rübezahl…

How do we get the black root white? Of course, peel it with a peeler. But please make some preparations:

  1. put on rubber gloves
  2. prepare a bowl with water plus lemon juice
  3. peel the black salsifies and put them in the lemon water

Why all this? The black salsify secretes a sticky juice that not only sticks unpleasantly but can also leave your fingers brown for a long time. Both of us don’t want that.

This is not a cooking incantation ceremony! The black salsify sticks, putting on ritual gloves is a remedy!

In addition, the now white peeled black salsify turns brown quickly when exposed to air – i.e. in contact with oxygen. The immersion in lemon water prevents this process and even supports the taste of the tender root through the light fine acidity. So the root remains white: put lemon juice or ascorbic acid into cold water and put the peeled roots into it. Black salsify boils well in slightly salty water for about 20 minutes until soft and cooked.

Salsify peeling attitude
You can peel black salsify like asparagus.
Salsify peeled with husks
Peeled salsify in a bunch with shells.
Cut black salsify for soup
Cut the peeled salsify for the soup.

4. Overview Cooking Black Salsify Soup

Here you will find a short summary and preparation ideas.


  • black salsifies
  • shallots
  • butter
  • dry white wine
  • granny vegetable stock
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg
  • cayenne pepper
  • cream
  • parsley chopped

Optional for soup supplement and inlay:

Squeeze out leftover vegetables
Squeeze out the leftover vegetables and add the full flavor to the soup.
Mix up the soup
Mix the soup with the hand blender.

5. Further Recommendations

preparing black salsifies
black salsify vegetables

Matching soups for the season:

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