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Peppers Vegetables Antipasti

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

You can find my fine peppers vegetables recipe in this article.

They are a feast for the eyes, these red pods, which I prefer for vegetables.

You can also use yellow peppers, I don’t like the green ones that much.

We know the delicious vegetables from Italy as antipasti.

At best, the pods are peeled and put on the plate, you can find the instructions for this here.

I wish you a lot of fun tasting and later success in the kitchen!

1. Recipe Peppers Vegetables

Let us now show you the preparation step by step with many photos.

Also look at the cooking tips after the recipe.

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Peppers Vegetables

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 283
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 10 Min.
Total Time 25 Min.

Simple instructions for peppers as vegetables and for antipasti.

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Peppers vegetables
Peppers Vegetables Antipasti Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt



5 Pieces bell pepper red


6 Pinches primal salt
4 Pinches black ground pepper
50 ml Olive oil
5 Drops balsamico (Aceto Balsamico silver or gold)
1/2 Bunch basil


Preparation step 1
Peppers on the cutting board
Peppers on the cutting board

Prepare peppers

Wash the peppers, dry them and place them on the cutting board.

Preheat the oven on grill at 240°C.

Preparation step 2
Halve the peppers
Halve the peppers

Halve peppers

Halve the peppers in the middle.

Preparation step 3
Clean the peppers in half
Clean the peppers in half

Cleaning pods

Cut the white fibers out of the halved peppers.

Preparation step 4
Prepared pepper halves
Prepared pepper halves

Check peppers

Check the cleaned pod halves and generously remove all seeds or fibers.

Preparation step 5
Peppers on oven rack
Peppers on oven rack

Peppers rack

Place the halved pods, skin side up, on an oven rack.

Place an oven tray under the grid to keep your oven clean.

Slide the grill grid into the oven, on the top rail from above, and grill the pods.

Preparation step 6
Grilled peppers
Grilled peppers

Grill peppers

Grill the peppers until black, then remove from the oven immediately on the grid.

Preparation step 7
Grilled peppers
Grilled peppers in the pan

Prepare peppers

Quickly place the hot peppers in a large skillet.

Preparation step 8
Cover grilled peppers with damp cloth
Cover grilled peppers with damp cloth

Cover peppers

Cover the hot peppers with damp kitchen paper and place the lid on the pan.

Preparation step 9
Peel off the skin of the peppers
Peel off the skin of the peppers

Peel peppers

After a good ten minutes, you can remove the pods one by one and peel off the skin.

Preparation step 10
Remove the skin from the peppers and peel the grilled pepper
Peel the skin from the peppers and peel the grilled pepper

Peel pods

Carefully peel the skin off the pods.

Preparation step 11
Peeled, grilled peppers
Peeled, grilled peppers prepared in a pan for pepper veggies.

Marinate peppers

Place the peeled peppers in the pan.

Marinate the vegetables with salt, pepper, a little sugar and olive oil.

Preparation step 12
Peppers Vegetables Antipasti
Peppers Antipasti Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Arrange the peppers vegetables on plates, decorate with basil and serve with olive oil, bread and balsamic vinegar.

Preparation step 13
Antipasti recipe image
Antipasti Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

Antipasti variety

You can find a nice antipasti plate with different types of vegetables as an assortment elsewhere.

The vegetable appetizer is practical to prepare, goes well with brunch and barbecues, for dinner with friends or for two.



2. Calories And Nutritional Values

As usual, you can find the precisely calculated nutritional values for the peppers in the table below.

3. Prepare the Peppers Vegetables In the Oven

The peppers go in the oven to grill.

To do this, place the halved and prepared peppers with the skin side up on an oven grid.

Preheat the grill and slide the pods onto the rack on the top rail.

You stay at the stove and watch the browning of the pods, which takes about 5-7 minutes.

The pods may turn black on top, after which you can take the vegetable pods out of the oven.

So that you can peel the pods, put them in a pan.

In addition, you cover the pods with damp cloths and the breakdown cover.

You wait about 10 minutes, then you can easily peel off the skin of the pods.

Peppers must be grilled black, only then the skin can be peeled off easily.

Preparing aubergines Cooking tip from Thomas Sixt
Cover grilled peppers with damp cloth
Cover grilled peppers with damp cloth
Remove the skin from the peppers and peel the grilled pepper
Peel the skin from the peppers and peel the grilled pepper

4. Peppers Vegetables Mediterranean

The freshly grilled and peeled peppers are the typical Mediterranean vegetable.

We are often served pickled pods as antipasti vegetables on a starter plate.

The pods are pickled or marinated with olive oil after grilling.

Fresh basil is the first choice as an accompaniment, it harmonises and goes perfectly with it.

Gourmets like to complement the vegetables with an Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale and enjoy fresh white bread or ciabatta with it.

The paprika vegetables are preferably served cold or tempered.

Of course you could prepare the peeled pods and serve them warm.

For this I recommend you to heat the vegetables very briefly in olive oil so that they still get on the plate with a bite.

Another alternative is the popular ratatouille , here you combine peppers with zucchini and diced tomatoes.

Ratatouille is the classic Mediterranean-style pepper vegetable

Tip from chef Thomas Sixt
Ratatouille prepared
Ratatouille arranged on the plate.
Ratatouille Grilled Vegetables
Grill and BBQ Ratatouille © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

5. Grandma’s Peppers Vegetables

My grandmother had a beautiful, well-kept garden.

Various types of lettuce, carrots, celery, tomatoes, various herbs, even potatoes, peppers and zucchini were grown by themselves.

Depending on the season of the respective vegetables, there was always too much to harvest and eat up right away.

The vegetables were boiled and pickled, often frozen.

My grandma cooked the peppers with fresh tomatoes.

For this, the pods were cleaned, not peeled, then sweated with finely chopped onions in the top.

Add the tomatoes cut into small pieces.

Grandma seasoned it with fresh basil, salt, pepper and sugar.

After a short boil, she either filled the vegetables into jars and boiled them down in the classic way, or filled them into bags and froze them when they were cold.

Another variant was sweet and sour vegetables.

For this, a broth of water, vinegar, bay leaf, cloves and peppercorns was boiled and seasoned sweet and sour.

The armed pieces of pepper were placed in the clean jars, then filled with the broth, sealed and boiled down.

At that time, peppers were also prepared as oven vegetables or as stuffed peppers.

Below are two dishes to try:

Oven vegetables fresh from the oven. Deliciously roasted with plenty of great flavors.
Colorful, roasted, Mediterranean oven-baked vegetables with plenty of delicious aromas.
Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers
Stuffed Peppers Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

6. Prepare Peppers Vegetables Quickly

I will present the simplest way to prepare peppers in this paragraph.

For a creamy paprika you can add tomato paste and a little water.

I do that before seasoning, then boil the vegetables and refine them individually with salt, pepper and raw cane sugar according to the mood of the day.

Incidentally, paprika harmonises perfectly with crispy rosemary needles.

You can quickly fry the rosemary needles in the pan with oil in front of the peppers.

Then place on a plate lined with paper towels and season with salt.

When your vegetables are arranged, you can add the crispy rosemary needles decoratively.

Fry the peppers
Fry the pieces of peppers in a hot pan and let them color well.
Fry the diced peppers
Fry the peppers

7. Common Questions About Peppers Vegetables

I have put together the most important cooking questions answered below:

Why should I skin or peel peppers?

Paprikaschote schälen

The skin of the bell pepper is indigestible, top chefs always peel the peppers and serve the vegetable without the skin.

How to peel peppers with plastic bag?

gegrillte paprikaschote in plastiktüte

Cut the peppers in half, remove the seeds and fibers and grill them with the skin side up. Place the hot peppers in a plastic bag for 10 minutes and seal. The skin will peel off easily afterwards. For skinning and peeling peppers, you can find an extra cooking school post elsewhere on my food blog

How to peel peppers without grilling the peppers?

Pendelschäler oder Sparschäler

You can peel quartered peppers well with a professional pendulum peeler and a little patience.

How does the peeling of peppers in the microwave?

Paprikaschote schälen Step Bild

Wrap the prepared and cleaned quartered bell pepper pieces in baking paper. Cook the wrapped peppers in the microwave on the highest setting for about 5 minutes. Then allow the peppers to cool and then peel off the skin. As a cook, I recommend you use the grill method in the oven or peel with a pendulum peeler.

8. More Antipasti Recipe Ideas

For a summery antipasti combination you will find more great ideas here in the food blog.

Get inspired below.

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