Country Cuisine Recipes

Asia, USA, Italy, Spain and Germany: Other countries, other cuisine and recipe ideas. Here you will find recipes sorted by countries and regions. Exotic ingredients and spices enrich our cuisine. Discover and enjoy!
You can find even more inspiration on the site:
–> All recipes from Thomas Sixt
Good luck!

American Recipes
The USA Recipes Collection lets you experience the world of the North and South.
I like juicy burgers, selected for grilling and love NY cheesecake for dessert! Let yourself be seduced 🙂
Asian Cuisine
I like the different cuisines of Asia because of the variety of flavors and delicious ingredients. Much of it is gluten-free and therefore more digestible. Discover Thai basil and colorful sesame seeds for your kitchen 🙂

Bavarian Cuisine
I was born in Bavaria and learned the cooking trade here. The recipes of my homeland I present you especially with pleasure.
German Cuisine
From north to south, from west to east. German cuisine has been shaped by immigrants over centuries and offers many culinary highlights. Meat loaf, Köngisberger Klopse or Fleischpflanzerl fancy? It’s sure to be fine!

French Recipes
France is the country of great chefs: Auguste Escoffier, Fernand Point, Joel Robuchon, Paul Bocuse, Alain Ducasse are well known names among connoisseurs. The cuisine of France is fine and mature. Some recipes from my wandering time as a cook I present to you in this category.
Indian Cuisine and Recipes
I find Indian cuisine fascinating. The menu in the Indian restaurant is honestly equivalent to a wedding dinner. On site it is even more authentic, the cooking often takes place directly on the street. I could see this in Nepal and India where I was allowed to cook several times while visiting. Namaste!

Italian Recipes
Everything tastes good in Italy. The pizza, the pasta, the dolce, maybe it’s the weather, the nice people or the good air? The most beautiful Italy for me is the region around Venice. I love the fresh seafood that is served there simply and traditionally. Every dish reminds me of this taste of sea and herbs.
Mediterranean Cuisine
I like this term because it immediately reminds me of lavender scent and warm weather.
This category is also practical, here you can sensibly combine recipes from different Mediterranean regions. This creates a great overview and certainly makes you want more!