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Prepare Carrot Salad successfully, Recipe with Cooking Video and +12 Ideas for Variations

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

I would like to introduce you to my carrot salad recipe here. You can find out how to prepare a variety of carrot salads quickly and easily in this article.

The yellow beetroot is a year-round vegetable. Besides the classic orange carrot, you can also find exciting varieties in dark colours in the supermarket.

Raw vegetable salad is extremely healthy and deserves a place at your table from breakfast to dinner.

Older generations still know the salad as part of the mixed side salad. It was and is served as a healthy addition to almost every dish, whether roast, cutlet or fish.

The beet salad is definitely charming! You can whip up a delicious vegetable in just a few minutes and make not only Bugs Bunny happy!

Cooking success is guaranteed today, because in addition to the instructions, there is a cooking video and a table with more than 12 variations of this delicacy. I wish you good luck and bon appétit!

1. Cooking Tips for Carrot Salad Preparation

Prepare yourself optimally for your carrot cooking event. My summary of the cooking steps will help you to do this:

I will discuss other ingredient variants later in a table.

Be sure to supplement with a cold-pressed oil, only the oil enables the absorption of the valuable carrot nutrients!

Nutrition tip from chef Thomas Sixt
Carrot cut types
Carrot cutting types for carrot salad at a glance: Shaved sticks on the left, finely grated in the middle, coarsely grated on the right. © Foodphotographer Thomas Sixt

The firmer and fresher the beet, the better and richer in vitamins the carrot salad will be!

Shopping tip from chef Thomas Sixt

2. Recipe Carrot Salad

Below you will find the exact ingredients and step by step instructions with lots of photos.

By the way, you can send me a cooking question directly via the comment function!

Carrot Salad

Instructions from Chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 408
Preparation Time 10 Min.
Cook Time 5 Min.
Total Time 15 Min.

Today I show you a fine raw carrot salad with ideas for more than 12 variations. Learn chef’s tips and look forward to a quick and delicious salad… I wish you good luck!

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Carrot salad close-up
Carrot salad arranged on a plate close-up, decorated with mint and walnuts.


2-4 pc carrots (I use organic vegetables)
1 pc Lemon (I use organic lemon)
4 pinches Salt (I use primal salt or Himalayan salt)
3 pinches Pepper black, ground
1/4 tsp Sugar (I use brown cane sugar)
2 pinches Cayenne pepper (I use optional)
5 twigs mint
1 tbs oliv oil
4-5 pc walnut kernels
1 tbs pomegranate seeds (I use optional)


Preparation step 1
Ingredients for carrot salad
Carrot salad ingredients to spin ideas. From left: lemons, dark carrots, mint and pomegranate, carrots and apples.

Prepare ingredients

Prepare the ingredients, wash the carrots and dry them.

Preparation step 2
Squeeze lemon
Lemon half on a lemon squeezer.

Lemon Juice

Roll the lemon by hand until soft, cut in half and squeeze out the juice.

Preparation step 3
Carrots cut types
Carrot types of cut for carrot salad at a glance: planed pens on the left, finely grated in the middle, coarsely grated on the right.

Carrots grate

Decide on a variant for grating the carrots:

Finely grated, coarsely grated or shaved into fine sticks.

Preparation step 4
Finely chop mint leaves and mint on a cutting board.

Prepare herbs

Pluck off the mint, fold the leaves over each other and chop finely.

Preparation step 5
Marinate the carrot salad
Finely marinate the carrot salad with lemon juice, mint, salt, pepper, sugar and oil.

Prepare Salad

Season the lemon juice with salt, pepper, sugar and cayenne pepper and add to the carrots with the oil.

Add the mint and marinate the salad.

Optionally, chop the walnut kernels and decorate the salad.

Preparation step 6
carrot salad
Carrot salad recipe picture

Arrange and serve

After 5 minutes, season the salad again, arrange and serve.

Enjoy your meal!


You can mix lemon juice with orange juice or alternatively use a white wine vinegar. Balsamic vinegar and other fruity or mild vinegars also harmonise wonderfully with finely grated vegetables salad.

3. Calories and Nutritional Values

4. Ideas for +12 Variations Carrot Salad

You can vary the classic raw vegetable salad in many different ways and refine it individually. Here you will find some tips and ideas:

Ingredient Description
Vinegar White wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar or balsamic vinegar
Fruit juicePomegranate juice, orange juice, lemon juice, beer juice
Dairy productsYoghurt, sour cream, soy yoghurt, soy cream
OilWalnut oil, olive oil, linseed oil, other cold-pressed oils
SpicesTurmeric, curry
Fresh fruitOrange fillets, grated apple or pear, figs
VegetablesFennel, celery, courgette, cucumber
Nuts & seedsCashews, peanuts, walnuts, pine nuts
Dried fruitGoji berries, sultanas, figs, dates

5. What Carrot Salad goes with

The raw vegetable salad was and is a classic side salad. We even know it as an accompaniment to Viennese schnitzel, at the salad buffet in general and it has even become established at the breakfast buffet…

6. More Vegetable Recipes

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