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May Plaice Recipe for Flatfish in the Whole Perfectly Prepare

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Today I show you my great May Plaice Recipe.

The plaice is a flatfish and tastes best in May. 

In North of Germany plaice is traditionally prepared whole with skin.

So that the preparation of the plaice works wonderfully I have prepared this step by step instruction for you.

I wish you good success and a good appetite!

1. Prepare Plaice, what to pay Attention to

First of all I have summarized the most important points for the preparation of May Plaice.

Here are my professional cooking tips:

You will find every step of the recipe explained with a photo below, now you can start.

The plaice tastes best in May! Fresh plaice on a kitchen board. Fresh fish does not smell, please pay attention to the cold chain and prepare the fish quickly!

2. Recipe for Plaice in Whole

The plaice can be served with spinach with potatoes or asparagus with potatoes.

I have decided on green asparagus and early potatoes because it fits so well into the seasons.

Wish you good luck, write me if you have any questions about the comment function!

May Plaice with green Asparagus and Potatoes

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 513
Preparation Time 25 Min.
Cook Time 25 Min.
Total Time 50 Min.

Simple guide for preparing flatfish whole.

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Flatfish whole, plaice recipe picture
Flatfish whole, plaice recipe picture © Thomas Sixt


Prepare the Plaice

2-4 pc plaice (may plaice)
80 g flour (wheat flour or gluten-free flour)
150 g butter (for nut-butter)
1 tbs Sunflower oil

For the PÜotatoes

300 g Potatoes (I use early potatoes.)
1 bunch Parsley
4 pinches nutmeg

For the Asparagus

1 bunch green asparagus
4 pinches Sugar


1 pc Lemon (according to taste)


Preparation step 1
Potatoes in a pan with parsley.
Potatoes in the pan with parsley.

Prepare potatoes

Cook the potatoes in salted water until soft, drain, peel and place in a pan.

Wash and finely chop the parsley and add to the potatoes.

Season the potatoes with salt, pepper and nutmeg and place next to the stove.

Preparation step 2
Asparagus peeled, green
Peeled green asparagus

Peel asparagus

Cut off the ends of the asparagus and peel the green asparagus on the underside.

Preparation step 3
Asparagus vegetables raw in a pot
Cut asparagus as asparagus vegetables.

Prepare asparagus

Cut the asparagus into pieces and place in a pot.

Pour boiling water over the asparagus, season with salt, pepper, nutmeg and sugar and cook until al dente.

Preparation step 4
Butter in a pot while cooking.
Heat butter in a pot, prepare nut butter.

Prepare butter

Put the butter in a saucepan and heat.

Brown the butter.

Preparation step 5
Nut butter in a bowl.
Nut butter ready-prepared, recognizable by its brown color.

Provide nut butter

Pass the butter through a fine sieve and prepare it for preparation.

Preparation step 6
Prepare whole plaice, severed head and fins.
Prepare plaice whole fins and cut off head.

Prepare fish

Wash the plaice under running cold water and cut off the fins with scissors.

Cut off the head with a knife as shown in the picture.

Preparation step 7
Plaice without head and without fins prepared for frying.
Ready to fry prepared plaice.

Oven preheating

Preheat the oven at 140°C hot air, keep the plates warm to prepare the plaice.

Make the plaice ready for roasting and flouring.

Preparation step 8
Floated floe photographed from above
Flour the plaice before frying.

Flour fish

Turn the plaice in flour.

I use gluten-free flour, you can also use wheat flour.

Preparation step 9
fry plaice in a pan
fry plaice in a pan

Fry fish

Heat a pan and heat the prepared nut butter and sunflower oil.

Place the floated plaice in the pan and fry.

After 2 minutes, turn the plaice over and place in the oven.

Preparation step 10
Plaice fried in a pan without skin
Fried plaice without skin in the pan.

Finish fish

Heat the side dishes and refine with nut butter.

Carefully remove the upper dark skin of the plaice with a spoon.

Pour butter over the plaice again and keep warm.

Arrange the side dishes on the warmed plates.

Preparation step 11
Corn plaice as a whole recipe picture.
Whole plaice fried recipe picture may plaice with potatoes and asparagus.


Place the plaice on the plate with the side dishes and serve quickly.

Add a quartered lemon to taste!



3. Nutritional Values

4. Other Recipes and Ideas for Your Kitchen

Saffron risotto with plaice rolls

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

4.98 from 1363 ratings

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