Zum Rezepte-Letter: Jetzt anmelden – Gewinnspiel im April!

Cooking Asparagus – Simple Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Suitable for the asparagus season, I’ll show you my cooking asparagus recipe. Fresh asparagus prepared simply and easily.

Strictly speaking, there is no longer a special asparagus season. Asparagus from southern Europe or South America is available all year round. Big “but”: German asparagus is only available in May/June. All Germans love and prefer the local asparagus and prefer to dig deeper into their wallets for it. Traditionally, the white sticks are eaten a lot at Pentecost.

Let me accompany you into your kitchen and show you step by step the classic asparagus preparation with fine additions.

1. Recipe Cooking Asparagus

Here is the step-by-step guide. If you have any questions, please use the comment function at the bottom of the page.

Cooking Asparagus

Instructions by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 591
Preparation Time 10 Min.
Cook Time 0 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.

Asparagus cooking recipe simple. Step by step instructions for a fine vegetarian dish with video.

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Cooking asparagus recipe image
Cooking asparagus recipe image © Food Photographer Thomas Sixt


white asparagus

500 g white asparagus (I use Nienburg asparagus)
1 tsp brown cane sugar
1 pinches primal salt

butter sauce

50 g butter


6 pc Potatoes (medium-sized, waxy)

wild garlic pesto

100 g wild garlic leaves (fresh)
40 g almonds (blanched almonds)
20 g grated parmesan
4 tbs oliv oil
1 pinches black ground pepper


Boil potatoes

Preparation step 1
boiled potatoes
Jacket potatoes freshly cooked and ready to peel the skin

Boiled potatoes

Cook waxy potatoes or new potatoes in their skins for about 20 minutes.

Prepare wild garlic pesto

Preparation step 2
wild garlic
Wash wild garlic, the wild herb is my personal highlight for Easter.

Wash wild garlic

Wash freshly collected wild garlic leaves.

Preparation step 3
Mixing wild garlic pesto - recipe Image (c) Thomas Sixt.
Wild garlic pesto being prepared in the blender

Mix wild garlic pesto

Mix the wild garlic leaves, almonds, parmesan, oil and spices in the mug with the hand blender.

Preparation step 4
Wild garlic pesto
Fresh wild garlic pesto

Wild garlic pesto

Pour the finished pesto into well-closing screw-top jars for storage.

Prepare asparagus

Preparation step 5
Asparagus fresh
Fresh white asparagus spears

Fresh white asparagus

Have fresh white asparagus ready. Rinse once under clear cold water.

Preparation step 6
Peeled asparagus
Peeled fresh white asparagus

Peeled asparagus

Using a suitable peeler or pendulum peeler, peel the asparagus from the top of the asparagus spear down to the end of the spear.

Preparation step 7
Asparagus in a pot
Boil white asparagus spears

Boil asparagus spears

Fill a large enough pot with water so that the asparagus starts to swim.

Supplement with sugar and salt.

Cook the asparagus until done. Check in between that the asparagus remains al dente.

Butter sauce

Preparation step 8
melt butter
Butter as it melts in the saucepan

Prepare butter

Melt butter in saucepan or similar small saucepan or brown for a nutty flavor.

Preparation step 9
Cooking asparagus recipe image
Cooking asparagus with potatoes, wild garlic pesto and butter – recipe © Food Photographer Thomas Sixt

Serve asparagus

Arrange the asparagus with wild garlic pesto and potatoes and serve with the butter.

I wish you a good appetite!


The wild garlic pesto preparation is only briefly described at the beginning. I have another wild garlic pesto recipe for this.

2. Calories and Nutritional Values

3. Tips for Cooking Asparagus


I often buy my asparagus in the supermarket. For me this is the shortest way. There are also practical asparagus peeling machines here, which can relieve you and me of the work step of peeling the asparagus for the preparation.

Otherwise you can find the freshest, seasonal German asparagus at the usual asparagus or strawberry stands, the weekly market or directly from the asparagus farmer.

When shopping, please make sure that the ends of the asparagus do not look dried out. Top asparagus should be juicy and squeaky if you rub them together.

Peeling Asparagus

I have already written a special cooking school article on this topic elsewhere and only refer to it here: peeling asparagus

Asparagus Cooking Time

The asparagus is often cooked too long or not lifted out of the water. Such an overcooked asparagus sags quite a bit, like a large, limp spaghetti.

After 7-8 minutes of cooking, try a stick at the end for firmness and cut off a piece for a bite test. Asparagus should actually be “al dente” – just like spaghetti, to stay with the image. This is the only way to have the full asparagus pleasure on your plate.

4. More Delicious Asparagus Recipes

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