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Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish Variations Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

I have prepared a Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish Recipe for you!

This is a great dish. Your guests and loved ones will be thrilled. 

This Saffron Risotto – Risotto alla Milanese I show in two variations:

One with plaice rolls and one with prawns. This will make you happy.

It is a good combination of fresh ingredients and convenience, as you can buy the plaice fillets for the plaice rolls frozen in any supermarket.

The same goes for the prawns!This is a great dish for guests! Tasty, tasty, a dish you can shine with in the kitchen.

I’ll also show you the variation with other fish species, with this recipe the great cuisine is no longer a secret!

1. Recipe Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish

Step by step explained, I am happy if you cook this dish yourself!

If you have any questions, please use the comment function. Good success!

Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 4
Calories 388
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 30 Min.
Total Time 45 Min.

Simple guide for risotto with saffron in the variants with fish or shrimp.

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Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish Recipe Image
Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Plaice Roll:

10 pc plaice fillets
300 g prawns (or shrimps)
2 pinch Salt
6 toothpick


1 onion or 2 shalotts peeled
2 tbs oliv oil
300 g risotto rice (Arborio or Carnaroli or Vialone)
100 g dry white wine
800 g Water
1 dice concentrated vegetable broth
2 pinch Salt
0,2 g Saffron (2 small letters)
2 pinch nutmeg (grounded)
2 pinch Cayenne pepper


0.5 bunch Parsley (only the leaves)
1 tsp red pepper


Preparation step 1
Fish fillets raw after thawing.
Cod, plaice, pikeperch, halibut, saithe, all these types of fish are suitable for preparation without skin in an egg coat, Parisian style.

Prepare fish

Cut the plaice fillets in half lengthwise, roll them up starting from the narrow side and fix them with toothpicks.

Alternatively, prepare shrimps ready to roast, peel, remove intestine.

Preparation step 2
Finely dice the onion.
Dice the onion halves.

Prepare onion

Finely dice onion or shallots and sweat in 1 tablespoon olive oil until translucent.

Preparation step 3
Risotto rice
Risotto rice photographed from above.

Prepare rice

Add the risotto rice and sauté for 3 minutes.

Preparation step 4
Risotto Rice with Shallots
Finely dice shallots and sweat colorless in a saucepan with the rice in a little olive oil.

Prepare risotto

After sweating, add the white wine, water and the cube of vegetable broth, salt, nutmeg, cayenne pepper to the risotto.

Cook the risotto until lightly simmering.

Preparation step 5
Soak the saffron threads
Saffron ready to prepare.

Add saffron

Add saffron threads to the risotto and cook until al dente.

Preparation step 6
raw peeled prawns
The raw, peeled prawns on a board.

Fish addition

Poach the plaice rolls in a steam sieve over boiling water for 4 minutes.

Alternatively poach in some broth:

Bring the stock to the boil, remove from the heat, put in the plaice rolls and poach without lid for 3-4 minutes.

Prawns: Fry in a little oil at high heat, flambé with 8 cl cognac.

Preparation step 7
Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish Recipe Image
Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Arrange the saffron risotto on the warmed plates.

Place plaice rolls without toothpicks or shrimp on each plate with risotto.

Drizzle the plaice rolls and risotto with 1 tablespoon olive oil or finish the saffron risotto with the saffron sauce/saffron foam (see text and description).

Preparation step 8
Finely chop the parsley
Parsley being cut on a board. Parsley leaves and finely chopped strips.


Decorate with finely chopped parsley leaves and red peppercorns and serve immediately.


2. Nutritional Values

3. Variations Tips for Saffron Risotto Shrimps Fish

I introduce this popular risotto dish with prawns and plaice rolls. 

A vegetarian saffron risotto you will find here.

You can use other fish species:

Halibut, turbot or sole (unfortunately expensive) are ideal.

Even crispy fried zander or a crispy fried trout filet would fit to saffron risotto.

The advantage of plaice, halibut, turbot and sole:

These fish have hardly any bones and you can process the fillets directly and quickly without skin.

Pass stracciatella cheese
Fresh plaice or frozen plaice goes perfectly with saffron risotto.

Have the fish fillets either prepared by the fishmonger or buy the frozen plaice fillets.

Remove the skin from the plaice fillets with a sharp knife using the white skin.

To do this, hold the fillet on the narrow side with your left hand, cut it along the skin with a knife under tension and remove the fish skin.

Poach halibut and turbot in portions, if you buy sole, make sure the fish trader prepares it and monitor the cooking time (poaching) carefully.

Pizza Margherita pre-baked with tomatoes, topped with Mozzarella di Bufala
Saffron is an affordable luxury spice and delights the palate.
Types of flour for pizza dough
I introduce the vegetarian or vegan saffron risotto in another article!

4. Variation Saffron Risotto with Prawns or Shrimps

You can also prepare your saffron risotto with prawns.

Ideal are grey, large, raw shrimps, simply fry them in a pan over high heat and season with salt and pepper.

Flambé with cognac, just before serving, would be an option and create a special taste.

Saffron risotto with prawns – a simple dish for guests with a strong appearance!

Recommendation from Chef Thomas Sixt
Prawns in the bowl
Raw prawns defrosting in a bowl.
Gambero Rosso in the pan
Gambero Rosso are luxury prawns from the Mediterranean and popular with gourmets.

5. Tip for Saffron Sauce as Saffron Foam

Stretch the risotto towards the end of the cooking time with some broth (approx. 200 ml).

After boiling, pass the broth through a sieve into a second pot.

Bring the saffron-rice broth to the boil, finish with a cup of cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg and saffron and mix with cold butter until frothy.

Pour the saffron foam onto the risotto, this will please the eye, the foam complements the saffron risotto with a taste explosion.

Mozzarella for pizza
Red pepper gives this dish a decisive taste and visual kick.

6. Other Recipes for Risotto

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