Zum Rezepte-Letter: Jetzt anmelden – Gewinnspiel im April!

Salicornia Recipe with Step by Step Instructions

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

My simple Salicornia Recipe I present to you in this post. The sea asparagus is harvested from May and is available in northern Germany even in supermarkets.

Yes, sea asparagus, not sea level. Bragging rights: We also know the wild vegetable as sea beans, samphire greens and zeekraal. The naming doesn’t necessarily make shopping any easier.

So that your vegetables succeed 100%, you will find below a step by step guide and a cooking video. I wish you good success and a good appetite!

1. This is what Salicornia – Sea Asparagus looks like

Even as a chef, I’m grateful for a good picture when it comes to rare ingredients, so here’s a close-up first today:

Queller close-up
Sea Asparagus, Salicornia photographed very close.

If you want to get more information, I recommend the Salicornia Wikipedia description.

Salicornia only come into contact with fresh water just before preparation. Sea asparagus likes only salt water!

Preparation Tip from Chef Thomas Sixt

2. Recipe Salicornia

Here follows the preparation step by step. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via the comment function at the bottom of the page. Gladly me!


Step by step instructions, cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2 Persons
Calories 61
Preparation Time 5 Min.
Cook Time 6 Min.
Total Time 11 Min.

Queller Rezept von Kochprofi Thomas Sixt. Hier Meeresspargel wie ein Gourmet zubereiten und genießen!

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Samphire recipe picture
Recipe picture for samphire also called sea asparagus, samphire and zeekraal.


Gemüse zubereiten

300 g Salicornia (sea beans or samphire greens or sea asparagus)
1 tbsp butter
2 pinches Sugar
4 pinches Pepper
1 pinches Cayenne pepper

Anrichten und Dekoration

1 tsp. Sesame Furikake (I use Ume plums)


Prepare Salicornia

Preparation step 1
Ingredient samphire
Ingredients picture samphire, salicorne, sea asparagus, samphire and zeekraal.

Get the sea asparagus ready and check for freshness.

Preparation step 2
Wash samphire
Wash the samphire in the colander shortly before preparation.

Clean sea asparagus briefly in a sieve under cold running water.

Preparation step 3
Samphire in the pan
Caramelize samphire, also sea asparagus or Solicorne in the pan.

Heat frying pan or wok, foam up butter and sauté asparagus briefly. Season to taste with sugar, pepper and cayenne pepper.


Preparation step 4
Samphire recipe picture
Recipe picture for samphire also called sea asparagus, samphire and zeekraal.

Arrange the vegetables and serve sprinkled with sesame seeds. I use Sesame Ume Plum from my cooking box for this.




3. Calories and nutritional values

4. More ideas

Matjes salad with salicornia and apple
Salmon with celery and fried potatoes (in preparation)

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

4.94 from 1426 ratings

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