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Grandma’s Beans In Tomato Sauce

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Grandma’s bean vegetables recipe can be found in this post.

The green beans are a popular vegetable and a common ingredient in the vegetable garden.

My grandmother often combined beans with tomatoes, both of which were readily available at harvest time.

Here’s a simple step-by-step recipe for a delicious side dish made with beans.

Even today we still like to enjoy tomato and beans for dinner as a vegan version in summer.

By the way, the vegetables taste fantastic both warm and cold!

Have fun and good luck!

1. Recipe Grandma’s Beans In Tomato Sauce

Here we go straight away 🙂 You can send me your cooking questions via the comment function at the bottom of the page.

The simple instructions accompany you to the surefire result.

Watch the cooking video to get in the mood.

I have added more bean information and cooking tips after the recipe.

Grandma’s beans

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 257
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 20 Min.
Total Time 35 Min.

Easy instructions for preparing green beans grandma style.

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Grandma's beans
Grandma’s Bean Vegetables Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


4 Piece tomatoes
2 Piece glove of garlic
1 tbsp. Vegetable oil
primal salt
black ground pepper
brown cane sugar
Cayenne pepper
tomato puree (Optional)
500 g green beans


Preparation step 1
Beautiful tomatoes on the cutting board
Beautiful tomatoes on the cutting board

Wash tomatoes

Wash the tomatoes, dry them and place them ready on a stable cutting board.

Preparation step 2
Tomato green stalks cut out
Tomato green stalks cut out

Cleaning tomatoes

Halve the tomatoes and cut out the stalks.

Preparation step 3
Sliced tomatoes on the cutting board
Sliced fresh tomatoes on the cutting board

Cut tomatoes

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

Preparation step 4
Tomato garlic olive oil in pot for stewing
Sliced tomatoes with garlic slices and olive oil prepared in a pot for stewing.

Plant tomatoes

Place the tomatoes in a saucepan or pan.

Add garlic slices to tomatoes.

Season with salt, pepper and some sugar.

Sauté tomatoes in oil.

Preparation step 5
Tomatoes cooked in a pot
Tomatoes cooked in the pot, the stewed tomatoes are ready.

Finish tomatoes

Crush the tomatoes, I used a potato masher.

You can now reduce the tomato sauce a little or optionally add tomato paste.

Preparation step 6
Fresh green beans on the cutting board
Fresh green beans on the cutting board

Wash beans

Wash and prepare the beans.

Place a pot of water on the stove, bring to the boil and season with plenty of salt.

Preparation step 7
Cut off the ends of the green beans
Cut off the ends of the green beans

Cleaning beans

Remove the tips and ends from the beans.

Preparation step 8
Cleaned beans
Cleaned beans on the cutting board, the green beans are cut.

Cut beans

Cut the beans into pieces.

I cut beans 2.5-3 cm long.

Preparation step 9
Boil green beans in salted water
Boil green beans in salted water until al dente.

Boil beans

Place the beans in the boiling salted water and cook until al dente.

Preparation step 10
Boiled green beans in colander
Cooked green beans in colander after cooking.

Strain beans

Drain the beans. I actually found the grandma sieve and used it.

Preparation step 11
Add cooked beans to tomatoes
Add the cooked green beans to the stewed tomatoes.

Drain beans

Shake the cooked beans well and drain, then add to the tomatoes.

Preparation step 12
Mix in grandma's beans
Mix in grandma’s beans

Mix beans

Mix the beans with the tomato sauce.

Reheat the beans shortly before serving.

Season to taste with salt, pepper, a little sugar, cayenne pepper and herbs of your choice (see heading: Add grandma’s beans).

Preparation step 13
Grandma's beans
Grandma’s Bean Vegetables Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Arrange the beans and serve.

Bon appetit!


2. Nutrition Facts And Calories

The calories and precisely calculated nutritional values are listed in the table.

3. Tips For Preparing Beans In Tomato Sauce

Some cooking tips will surely help you…

Prepare green beans:

We usually clean the beans before cooking.

We cut off the bean ends or bean tips very tightly.

Now you could prepare the beans whole or cut them.

A long time ago I saw beans with the tips in a Jamie Oliver cookbook.

That looks nice, but it doesn’t meet our requirements 🙂

Cut off the ends of the green beans
Cut off the ends of the green beans
Cleaned beans
Cleaned beans on the cutting board, the green beans are cut.

Cook Green Beans:

So that the beans are green and not gray on the plate, boil them in salt water.

How long should I cook the beans is a common question.

However, I cannot answer this for you exactly.

The cooking time of the beans depends on the type of beans .

Ripe, full-grown beans, also known as snap beans, need to cook longer, a good guideline is 8-12-14 minutes .

Young fine beans, the so-called princess beans , are harvested young and have no or very small seeds.

These are very fine bean pods that taste incomparably delicious.

You cook the green beans for a shorter time, try the beans after 5 minutes of cooking time and get closer to the desired bean bite.

If you don’t want the beans to go straight onto the plate, blanching has proven its worth.

After boiling, the cooking process in ice water is quickly interrupted.

Pleasant side effect: your beans stay green.

Rinse beans in ice water after cooking, we cooks call this blanching.

This is how beans stay really wonderfully “green” tip from chef Thomas Sixt
Blanch beans in boiling water.
Blanch beans.
blanched green beans, also called beans.
Boiled green beans after cooling in cold water or ice water.

4. Supplements For Grandmother’s Beans In Tomato Sauce

Variants and additions make your kitchen life easier…

Herbs for grandma’s beans:

The tomato beans harmonize particularly well with some herbs.

If you want it to be quick, use some dried marjoram, thyme or oregano.

Another insider tip:

Less is more, too many dried herbs can create a soapy taste.

Very fresh herbs are also fine, pluck off the herbs and add a little to the vegetables.

Heat the vegetables with the herbs again and let the herbs work.

Oregano for pizza
Oregano for pizza
thyme fresh
thyme fresh

Side dishes for grandma’s beans:

To be honest, I really like eating these beans without any side dishes.

I like the taste and the veg is a light dinner.

Nevertheless, we want to think a little further 🙂

Fried potatoes are the first choice, but small, fried or boiled potatoes can also be used as a supplement.

Baked potatoes are even easier to make.

Do french fries go with this? I haven’t tried it yet, please let me know…

You could combine it with pasta like penne or spaghetti, but then I prefer a Mediterranean pasta salad .

beans and potatoes
Boiled green beans and diced potatoes
Oven baked potatoes close-up
Oven baked potatoes close-up
Potato cubes fried close-up
Crispy fried potato cubes

5. Matching Dishes to Grandma’s Beans In Tomato Sauce

The fine beans go well with the following dishes:

Grill suckling pig

Suckling piglet recipe image
Suckling piglet recipe Image

Grill Ribs

Ribs recipe image
Ribs recipe image

Spare ribs

Pork ribs strongly marinated with barbecue marinade
Delicious marinated pork ribs.

Roast chicken breast

Chicken breast fry recipes image
Roast Chicken breast

Cutlet in the oven

Chop in the oven recipe picture
Cutlet in the oven with vegetables recipe picture

Grilled chicken

grilled chicken
The grilled chicken pieces are already perfectly cooked.

Prepare cola chicken

Taste sensation: Grilled Chicken with Red Bull Cola
Grilled chicken or roast chicken with cola marinade.

Roast rack of lamb pink

Saddle of lamb recipe Image
Saddle of lamb recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

Braise lamb roast from the lamb shoulder

Roast lamb shoulder Recipe Image
Roast Lamb Shoulder Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

Grilled lamb shanks

Lamb shanks on the cutting board
Grilled lamb shanks on the cutting board.

Pork fillet in the oven

Pork tenderloin on vegetables in aluminum foil, Fielt roasted pink
Prepare pork fillet with Mediterranean vegetables in the oven.

Fry turkey escalope

Roast turkey escalope recipe image
Roast turkey escalope Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Rump Steak Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt
Rump steak with bacon beans and gravy.

Fillet steak

Fillet steak recipe image
Filet steak recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

Rib eye steak

Turn steak over while searing.
Turn the steak after about four minutes.

6. More Vegetable Side Ideas

Other typical bean dishes are:

Butter beans

Butter beans served
Butter beans deliciously prepared and served. I’ll show you here in the recipe.

Beans with bacon

Bacon beans and beans with bacon
Served bacon beans in a bowl.

Green bean salad

Bean salad recipe image
Freshly prepared green bean salad, served with red onions and oil.

Green Beans vegetables

Beans Vegetables Recipe Image
Beans Vegetables Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

Other typical vegetable dishes are:

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

5.00 from 487 ratings

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