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Prepare Rump Steak, Recipe with Cooking Video Instructions

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Prepare rump steak, the recipe for rump steak with bacon beans and gravy is now available as a great guide for your next kitchen event.

There’s a delicious steak on the table!

I’ll show you how to fry a steak properly and which side dishes go perfectly with it.

A video accompanies you during the preparation.

I wish you good luck!

If you like it, leave me a cooking question or kitchen gossip at the bottom of the page.

1. Recipe Rump Steak

Here are the instructions with step-by-step photos and video.

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Write me at the end of the page via the comment function, I’m happy!

Rump Steak with Bacon Beans and Gravy

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 1187
Preparation Time 35 Min.
Cook Time 0 Min.
Total Time 45 Min.

Simple instructions for preparing rump steak with beans and potatoes.

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Prepare Rump steak Recipe Image
Prepare Rump Steak Recipe Image


2 Piece Rumpsteak (I buy hung meat)
250 g green beans
some fresh parsley
150 g Potatoes
50 g butter
60 g bacon
some chili flakes
2 Piece glove of garlic
etwas fresh thyme
primal salt
black ground pepper


Preparation step 1
Cut the rib eye steak at the tendon.
Cut the tendon on the side of the rib eye steak several times with a sharp knife.

Buy steak

Have the butcher prepare the rump steaks and cut the tendon several times.

Preparation step 2
clean green beans
Wash the green beans, cutting off the ends.

Prepare beans

Clean the beans, cook in boiling water until al dente, cool (blanch) in ice water and set aside to dry.

Preparation step 3
Cooked potatoes
Boiled potatoes in the pot.

Prepare potatoes

Boil the potatoes, peel them, heat them up in a pan with the finely chopped parsley and butter.

Season the potatoes with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Preparation step 4
Prepare bacon and onions
Dice the bacon, cut the onion into strips.

Prepare bacon

For the beans, dice the bacon, peel the garlic, sprinkle with salt and finely chop.

Sweat the bacon and garlic, add the beans and season with salt, pepper and a little chili.

Preparation step 5
Sear the steak in the hot pan.
Put the oil in the hot pan and place the rib eye steak.

Roast steak

Place the dry steaks in a hot pan without seasoning, press down lightly and fry.

Reduce the temperature immediately.

Place a halved clove of garlic and some thyme with the steaks.

Preparation step 6
let the steak go through
Allow the steak to cook to your desired doneness.

Finish steak

Cover and allow the steaks to cook for about 5 minutes to form the gravy.

Preparation step 7
Rump Steak Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt
Rump steak with bacon beans and gravy, recipe picture by Thomas Sixt


Arrange the steaks on warm plates, add the beans and potatoes.

Reduce the gravy to taste and add to the meat.


Always serve steaks on warm plates, 70-80°C is ideal.

2. Nutrition Facts and Calories

3. Prepare Rump Steak Made Easy

As is well known, opinions in the cooking cosmos differ widely.

Should the meat be seasoned beforehand or afterwards, should the steak be fried with fat or without fat?

There are generally two options:

It is a hearty recipe, if you are looking for a light steak recipe, the fillet steak with fennel is just right.

Steak tip from chef Thomas Sixt

3.1 Fry the Steak without Fat and Season Later

With this type of preparation, a suitable thick-bottomed pan is preheated to high heat.

The rump steak is prepared, the tendon is cut, the meat is dabbed dry and placed in the hot pan.

The important thing is: Press the meat in the pan lightly onto the bottom of the pan so that a crust can form.

After a few minutes, the meat can be turned, the second side is treated in the same way, then the steak is steamed with the lid on and the meat is seasoned just before serving.

You can look directly at the video, which you will find at the end of the recipe. There I will show you how to roast without fat.

Frying a steak properly made easy. Finally butter is added to the steak.
The big steak finale: add some butter to the steak and let it froth in the pan. Drizzle the rib eye steak with the flavored cooking butter and toss the steak. Cooking professionals call this process arosing.

3.2 Fry the Steak with Fat and Season Beforehand

I call this form of rump steak preparation the classic form.

That’s what I learned during my apprenticeship as a chef from Alfons Schuhbeck.

The meat is prepared, the tendon is cut so that the steak does not bulge when roasting.

I put some fat in the hot pan:

Sunflower oil, corn oil or neutral coconut oil are suitable.

The meat is seasoned with salt and pepper on both sides shortly before being placed in the pan and then seared on each side.

4. Season the Rump Steak Before or After Roasting, which Method is Better?

The thing about seasoning the meat before roasting or after roasting is a bit like riding a bike with or without a hat.

It remains a matter of taste and both methods are common.

The arguments in this area are sometimes quite tedious.

I can’t understand the burnt pepper or the claim that salt draws the water out of the meat.

It is crucial to season the meat just before pickling it, less than half an hour beforehand.

Rump steak nicely fried in the pan.
Fry the rump steak

5. Meat Science and Terms Related to the Rump Steak

We adopted the rump steak from English, where it is called rumpsteak (lowercase); French: rumsteck or rumsteak; Italian: bistecca di manzo; Spanish: bistec de vaca;

5.1 This is How Rump Steaks come out Tender and not Tough on the Plate

Rump steak is cut from the middle of the flat roast beef. Rump steak should be hung for at least 3 weeks from the day of slaughter, I always buy rump steaks in advance and have the meat vacuum sealed.

Rump steak is cut from the middle of the flat roast beef.
Rump steak is cut from the back of the beef, the intermediate rib.

5.2 Steak Doneness as a Reminder

Gargrad BezeichnungKerntemperatur
Medium Rare50-54°C
Medium well60-72°C
Well done73-85°C

6. Side Dishes Ideas for the Rump Steak

A wide variety of potato preparations and vegetables are suitable as side dishes for the steak.

I’ll just give you a brief overview:

6.1 Filling Supplements

Potatoes such as potato gratin, fried potatoes , buttered potatoes,

Castle potatoes or Parisian potatoes, French fries , potato pancakes , rösti, croquettes.

I’ve also read about tagliatelle as a side dish, I don’t like them with steak.

Onion roast recipe image
Onion roast recipe image © Thomas Sixt

6.2 Vegetable Side Dishes

Bacon beans are very popular, I show how to prepare the beans with diced bacon in the video.

The beans wrapped in bacon are also very fine:

Bacon beans for rump steak

In addition, rump steak tastes great with glazed root vegetables, cauliflower , steamed broccoli with almond butter or butter crumbs or with oven-roasted vegetables .

Rump steak food combining and low carb

6.3 Tips for Cold Sauces for the Rump Steak

As a last variant, I would like to present the Mediterranean rump steak – over here with peppers, zucchini and aubergines as a summery dish, please make your own pesto !

The cold sauce with basil is of course the first choice, but think of wild garlic pesto in the spring season.

Below I have installed a real special feature for you…

Carrot green pesto
Carrot Green Pesto Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

7. My Insider Tip for the Sauce for the Rump Steak

During the asparagus season, I like to prepare rump steak with the side potatoes shown in the video, the asparagus is steamed and I prepare a hollandaise sauce .

The kick is, the gravy from the steak is boiled down and the sauce dialogue of homemade hollandaise and gravy ice cream is unbeatable in taste.

Salmon with hollandaise
The hollandaise goes well not only with the fish. The classic whipped sauce used to be served much more often with meat and steak. My recipe shows a sauce that will definitely succeed!

8. More Pan and Stove Ideas

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

4.95 from 1382 ratings

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  • Hi Thomas 🙂

    Incidentally, you also answered my question about this recipe as to whether meat should be seasoned before or after roasting.

    Thank you very much – and of course also for the delicious rump steak, which we prepared according to your cooking video! 🙂


    • Hello Manuel,

      Nice to read from You 🙂 thank you for your feedback, I appreciate that.

      I still prefer the learned variant with seasoning just before frying.

      That's how I learned it and it tastes good. I wish you continued success!

      Kind regards, Thomas PS Try the potato gratin, it tastes delicious! Kind regards Thomas


  • Hi Masterchef Thomas,

    Great guide.

    Since the sauce thing hasn’t worked out well for me so far, I took up your tip with the carrot green pesto today.

    My loved ones couldn't believe it.

    Thanks for the tip, we really enjoyed it.


    • Hello,

      I am very happy about your message.

      Carrot greens are not just rabbit food and I think this pesto variant is excellent.

      It's great that you enjoyed it!

      Thomas Sixt sends best wishes and continued success
