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Fried Potatoes Recipe with Step by Step Photos

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

My Fried Potatoes Recipe I show you on this page.

Many step by step photos accompany you while preparing.

You can use cooked or raw potatoes, raw potato slices must then first make a free float in the hot oil, only then these become cooked.

The fried roast potatoes are my second choice at home. I don’t like the smell of the deep fryer.

Many cooks put the cooked potato slices first in the deep fryer and then in the pan.

This is faster and saves time.Today I prepare the original fried potatoes in the pan.

I deliberately added onions to this recipe, so the taste experience is round.

You can send me cooking questions using the comment function. Have fun reading and good luck! 

1. Fried Potatoes Recipe

Which potato variety is the right one? …use a waxy potato variety for perfect fried potatoes.

If necessary, you can use any other variety, but you will get the best result with a waxy variety.

Now we take a closer look… following many photos and tips…

Fried Potatoes

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 559
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 15 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.

Simple guide for preparing fried potatoes.

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Fried potatoes Recipe Image
Fried potatoes Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


300 g Potatoes (I like to use this year’s young potatoes)
20 ml Sunflower oil (You can also use rapeseed oil!)
2-3 pc red onions
1/4 tsp Salt (I use Ursalz or Himalaya salt)
4-6 pinches black pepper
1 tsp majoram (I also like to use thyme, rosemary, parsley.)
4 pinches Cayenne pepper
20 g Butter cold (I also like to use Ghee)


Preparation step 1
Peeled potatoes after cooking.
Boiled and freshly peeled potatoes.

Wash the potatoes with peel, cook in salted water until soft, drain and peel.

Preparation step 2
Sliced boiled potatoes.
Cut the boiled potatoes into slices.

Cut the potatoes into 3-4 mm slices. I always let the potatoes cool down a bit, boiled potatoes from the day before are very good!

Preparation step 3
Potato slices in the coated pan.
Potato slices in the pan when frying.

Fry the potato slices in a coated pan with the oil.

Preparation step 4
Cutting onion strips made easy.
Onion strips Step picture.

Cut the onion generously at the top and root, halve and peel. Cut the onion halves into strips.

Preparation step 5
Turn the fried potatoes in the pan.
Turn the roasted potatoes in the pan.

Turn the potato slices in the pan and fry on all sides.

Preparation step 6
Add the onions to the potatoes.
Add the onions to the potatoes.

Place the prepared onion strips in the pan and fry at high temperature. Onions caramelise easily with this method of preparation and form a wonderful, sweet aroma.

Preparation step 7
Finish the fried potatoes with herbs and spices as well as with butter.
Finish the fried potatoes with the spices, herbs and butter.

Season the fried potatoes with salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne pepper and marjoram and toss in the butter.

Preparation step 8
Classic fried potatoes in the pan with onions.
Fried potatoes recipe picture. In this post I will show you how to prepare fried potatoes step by step.

Place the fried potatoes in the pan until warm and serve.



2. Nutritional Values

3. What Kind of Potatoes for Frying Potatoes?

In a pinch, you can buy any variety of potato. However, you will get the best result with a firm cooking variety. 

Use a firm cooking potato variety for perfect fried potatoes.

Ingredients tip from chef Thomas Sixt
French fries, potato wedges are the classic fried potatoes. You can also fry raw potato slices and then fry them in the pan to make fried potatoes.

4. Tips for Raw or Boiled Potatoes for Frying Potatoes

You can use cooked or raw potatoes to prepare fried potatoes.

Raw potato slices must then first make a free float in the hot oil, only so they are cooked.

This works quite well in the deep fryer.

Alternatively, you can also cook the raw potato slices in the pan floating in the fat.

The potato slices should not lie on top of each other, but only next to each other and enjoy their fat bath.

In this way, the potato slices do not stick together and can cook evenly in the fat.

The fried roast potatoes are second choice for me at home.

I prefer to boil the potatoes and then prepare the fried potatoes classically in the pan.

Many cooks even put the cooked potato slices into the fryer first and then into the pan.

This is simply faster and saves time. At Alfons Schuhbeck’s, we always cooked the potato slices in the deep fryer first.

Then with butter, marjoram, caraway. Salt, pepper and nutmeg refined.

The advantage of this preparation: The potato slices are so evenly crispy even in larger quantities.

5. How to Make your Fried Potatoes Extra Fine

For this we still want to turn to the typical herbs and spices: 

Parsley, marjoram, thyme, caraway and nutmeg are the classics.

Herbs and spices tip from chef Thomas Sixt

Dried or fresh? Both make the great tubers happy and tasty.

Fresh herbs you can add a little later, so that the color and aroma are well preserved.

The rosemary and sage is the exception. I fry both first crispy in oil, remove them from the pan and only then make the potatoes fine.

Only shortly before serving the herb chips and crispy needles may return to the potato meeting.

You can roast dried marjoram, which awakens the flavors exquisitely!

Says chef Thomas Sixt about the use of dried herbs
Garden herbs bouquet
Herbs as a supplement are popular with star chefs, what tastes good and makes you happy is allowed.

6. More Suitable Recipes

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