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Prepare Omelette with Mushrooms, Chanterelles with Egg

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

The recipe for Omelet with Mushrooms is presented in this article.

The popular mushrooms are in season from June to November.

Our egg dish is a quick dish, suitable for breakfast and brunch, and the mushroom dish is a wonderful and quick dinner. 

The preparation time is about 15 minutes and the preparation time is 10 minutes. You will need a good pan and then you can get started very quickly. 

How you get the mushrooms without sand into the pan, I will show you here below.

If you have any questions while reading or cooking, please use the comment function at the bottom of the page.

For now, have fun while tasting and good luck!

1. Clean the Chanterelles for Omelet

The mushrooms usually come into the kitchen with many additions: sand, moss and needles are frequent companions of the wild mushrooms. There are two varieties for cleaning:

Variant 1: Clean the mushrooms carefully with a knife and a brush. This works with mushrooms that are not so dirty!

Variant 2: Wash the mushrooms quickly in a flour – lemon juice – water mixture, dry them quickly and then process them further. Please do this with very dirty mushrooms!

Very sandy and dirty mushrooms rather wash, if the mushrooms are only slightly dirty, then please brush them off lovingly with a brush. The mushrooms like that!

Recommends cook Thomas Sixt

The cleaning of mushrooms I will show you step by step in a detailed article.

Mushrooms in the flour lemon water
Get the mushrooms ready and tap them gently. Pour in the water and mix with flour and lemon juice. Dip the mushrooms quickly and move them around in the water. I always do this with small portions, then put the mushrooms into the sieve and wash them quickly under running water. Dry the cleaned mushrooms on a kitchen towel. Click on the picture, in the article I show you all tips.

2. Prepare Eggs and Other Ingredients for Omelette

Always break the eggs into a bowl first. You can then examine the eggs better and check whether they are still fresh. In addition, the seasoning of the eggs is more controlled and the preparation is more successful.

Eggs cracked and seasoned in a bowl
It has proved to be a good idea to beat the eggs in a bowl before use. This way you can avoid egg shells in your food and check the freshness of the eggs.

Other ingredients

In addition to the eggs you will need some Emmental or Parmesan cheese. I have added thyme, primal salt and pepper and as a secret ingredient some smoked paprika.

It is best to prepare all the ingredients, then the preparation runs harmoniously. Also think of the warm plates please!

Tip from chef Thomas Sixt

You can prepare this egg dish in different ways: With a small pan and 2 eggs you get a nice little crescent-shaped omelette. In a large frying pan you get either a large omelette, which becomes wonderfully fluffy, or you can leave the shape round and simply serve quarters or eighths.

right pan for perfect omelette
Info graphic large or small pan, crescent shaped small omelette or round egg dish.

The small, crescent-shaped egg dish is an omelette and conjures up a touch of star cuisine on your table

Means cook Thomas Sixt

To be honest, the little crescent-shaped omelettes are my favourite! Here are my preparation steps:

This tastes delicious 🙂 and looks simply gorgeous!

Eggs with chanterelles
Eggs prepared with chanterelles in the small pan. Such an omelette flatters the eye and the palate!

3. Recipe Omelet with Mushrooms

You will find the further steps for this simple dish below. I wish you good luck!

Omelette with mushrooms

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 559
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 10 Min.
Total Time 25 Min.

Simple instructions for the preparation of omelet with mushrooms.

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Omelette with Chanterelles Recipe
Omelette with Chanterelles Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


250 g Chanterelles
50 g emmental (I also like to use parmesan)
4-5 pc eggs
1/4 tsp Salt (I use primal salt or Himalayan salt)
4-6 pinches Pepper black, ground
2 tbs thyme (I use additional thyme.)
15 g butter (or olive oil)
4 pinches paprika powder smoked


Preparation step 1
Wash mushrooms properly
We want to wash mushrooms very quickly so that the tasty fellows don't get too drunk with water. For this, chefs use a mixture of water, lemon juice and flour.

Wash mushrooms

Clean the mushrooms with a brush or wash them in flour-lemon juice water and rinse them clearly under cold running water.

Dry the mushrooms and prepare them for cooking.

The article on cleaning mushrooms is linked in the article.

Preparation step 2
freshly grated Emmentaler
Freshly grated Emmental cheese on a wooden board.

Prepare cheese

Roughly grate the cheese and place it in a separate bowl.

Preparation step 3
Eggs cracked and seasoned in a bowl
It is best to beat the eggs in a bowl beforehand. This way you can avoid shells in the food and check the freshness of the eggs.

Prepare eggs

Beat the eggs in a bowl and season with salt, pepper and thyme.

Whisk the eggs with a fork.

You can also prepare the egg dish in portions, then beat only 2 eggs in the bowl.

Preparation step 4
Chanterelles when frying in the pan
Chanterelles in the pan when frying with butter.

Sauté mushrooms

Heat a pan and let the butter foam up in it.

Pour in the prepared mushrooms and fry for 5 minutes at high heat.

Let the mushrooms take some colour, then the taste will be more intense!

Put some mushrooms aside for decoration.

Preparation step 5
2 eggs with chanterelles
2 eggs with chanterelles in the pan

Prepare Eggs

For the preparation of 2 eggs, use a small pan, prepare half of the fried mushrooms with 2 eggs in the pan.

Preparation step 6
Eggs with chanterelles
Eggs with venison in the pan.

Prepare moon

You can simply fold the egg dish made of 2 eggs into a half moon.

This looks very nice and pleases the eye and palate.

Preparation step 7
Eggs in the pan with chanterelles
The egg is photographed as it freezes in the pan. The Reherl are still easy to recognize, I had already added smoked peppers.

Large omelet

For the preparation of 2-6 eggs you need a large pan.

Add the eggs to the mushrooms in the pan and let the egg set.

Add the cheese and the smoked paprika after a few minutes.

Preparation step 8
Egg dish with mushrooms when turning
The turned egg with mushrooms and cheese in the pan.

Turn over

Fold the egg dish crescent-shaped on one side and let it brown slightly on both sides.

Alternatively, you can leave your egg dish in the large pan in a round shape, turn it once and finish cooking.

Preparation step 9
Omelette with Chanterelles Recipe
Omelette with Chanterelles Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Arrange the eggs halved on warmed plates and serve quickly.

Bon appetit!

You can also prepare this egg dish with porcini mushrooms, chestnuts, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and herb sidlings. Please note the size of the mushrooms. You can either pluck the mushrooms in small pieces or cut larger mushrooms into thin slices!

Shitake Pilze
Shitake Pilze in der Pfanne. Größere Pilze schneide ich in dünne Scheiben.

Anstelle von Thymian verwende bitte Petersilie, Liebstöckl, Basilikum oder Schnittlauch.

Schnittlauch schneiden
Chives finely cut into small rolls on a notice board.


4. Calories and Nutritional Values

5. More and Matching Ideas

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