Zum Rezepte-Letter: Jetzt anmelden – Gewinnspiel im April!

Quince Jelly Recipe for a fine Spread

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

I would now like to introduce my most beautiful Quince Jelly Recipe to you. Quinces are processed here into a delicious fruit jelly.

As a cook and gourmet I love regional ingredients, which are partly forgotten in Germany.

Like a child, I am happy to bring such food like quince out of its shadowy existence.

This aromatic fruit has more than earned its place on the culinary stage.

The apple-like fruit is not eaten raw. That is why we prepare a fine jelly. 

I wish you good luck and have fun with the re-cooking!

1. Recipe Quince Jelly

Quince Jelly

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 4
Calories 443
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 45 Min.
Total Time 105 Min.

Simple guide for the preparation of quince jelly.

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Quince jelly recipe picture
Quince jelly Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


2 kg Quinces
1800 g Gelling sugar (Gelling sugar 2:1)
100 ml lemon juice
80 ml orange liqueur (Cointreau)
80 ml Calvados
1 pc Vanilla Mark
1-2 pc Star Anise
1 pc cinnamon


Quinces cooking

Preparation step 1
Quince and core the quince
Quince and core the quince

Prepare Quinces

Wash and dry a good 2 kg of quinces, rub the quince skin with a cloth and remove it.

Cut the fruits into quarters with a sharp knife and remove the core.

Preparation step 2
Cut the pitted quince quarters into small pieces
Cut the pitted quince quarters into small pieces

Cut Quinces

Cut the quince quarters thus prepared into slices.

Preparation step 3
Sliced quince in a saucepan with ingredients
Sliced quince in a saucepan with ingredients

Quince cooking

Add the spices like star anise, vanilla and a cinnamon stick.

Add lemon juice, Calvados and Cointreau, fill up with water almost covered, bring to the boil and simmer for 45 minutes.

Attention, when the lid is closed the colour changes negatively towards grey!

Passing through sieve and passing cloth

Preparation step 4
Boil the straining cloth
Boil the straining cloth

Prepare to pass

Prepare the passing cloth:

Boil the cloth in a pot of boiling water and disinfect.

Never wash the cloth with detergent.

Preparation step 5
boiled quinces in a strainer
boiled quinces in a strainer

Pass quinces

Line the kitchen sieve with the cloth and place both over a sufficiently high pot so that the liquid in the pot can also drip off.

Preparation step 6
Quince cooked and squeezed
Quince cooked and squeezed


Pour the cooked quince pieces including the spices into the sieve with the cloth.

Wrap the cloth and weigh it down.

This works for example with a smaller pot, which is filled to a third with water.

Press a little and let it rest with the weight for about 30 minutes.

In this way you can squeeze the juice out of the cooked fruit bit by bit.

Preparation step 7
Quinces in the strainer
Quinces in the strainer

Juice produced

After about half an hour, squeeze the rest of the juice by turning the cloth.

From the 2 kg of fruit a good 1 l juice is produced.

Cooking with preserving sugar

Preparation step 8
Gelling test
Gelling test

Gelling test

Bring the quince juice with the jam sugar to the boil and simmer in the pot for about 4 minutes, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon.

Gelling test:

–> Pour some hot jelly onto a cold plate.

–> After a few minutes pull through with your finger.

If the jelly stops, the desired firmness is reached and you can fill up!

Preparation step 9
Quince jelly in glasses
Quince jelly in jars

Fill into jars

Fill the finished jelly into cleaned jam jars and close them immediately.

Tip: Rinse the jars with vinegar essence beforehand and fill the jelly directly into the jars.

Preparation step 10
Quince jelly on buns
Quince jelly on buns


Enjoy the chilled jelly on bread or rolls with quark, cream cheese or Camenbert.

Bon appétit!



2. Nutritional Values

3. Choose Fruits for Quince Jelly

This is what they look like, our yellow wonders.  They’re the size of apples and come from trees or bushes.

Fresh quince, the bright yellow fruit in a quintetFresh quinces, the bright yellow fruit in the quintet.
Sliced quinces show once again the similarity to apples.Sliced quinces show once again the similarity to the apple.

4. Extract the Juice from Quinces

For each jelly we need juice. But how does the juice come out of the so-called honey fruit?

We can obtain the juice of the quince only by cooking.

Tip from Chef Thomas Sixt

Juicing by means of the usual mostly electric juicers does not produce the desired result.  The fruit is raw too firm and hard.

For this reason, the quinces are pitted and cut into pieces and cooked for a good 45 minutes before being strained. A sieve and cloth are used for this. How it works exactly, I describe in the recipe below.

Attention, quinces are very hard, juicing raw destroys the best equipment, even the Thermomix miracle kettle goes into pause mode

Wonder Kettle Tip from Chef Thomas Sixt
Quinces in the strainer
Quinces in the strainer

5. Spices for a Quince Jelly

Besides the quince juice I used the following ingredients for my jelly:

Anise, anise stars close-up
Anise stars

6. Frequently Asked Questions

How can I juice quinces?

The best way to juice quinces is to juice them cooked. For this you can use my simple method with sieve and cloth as first possibility. A second option is to use a steam juicer. However, this is only available in a few households. The third way is to use a fruit press. This is probably even less common than the steam juicer.

What exactly are quinces?

The quince is a fruit from the Caucasus and also very popular in Turkey. It grows on trees and bushes. The harvest is in late summer. The yellow fruit looks like a mixture of apple and pear. Quince is firm and contains raw bitter substances. So it should be enjoyed better cooked. The quince contains many vitamins such as C, potassium, zinc and iron.

Can I prepare quince jelly in Thermomix?

Cook the quince pieces without a lid and do not use a pressure cooker! Use a cloth to strain the cooked quince pieces. Boil the cloth in boiling water before use.

Is it useful to cook the quinces in a pressure cooker?

The closed lid and cooking under pressure changes the color of the fruit juice. For a yellowish, fresh jelly, cut the fruit into small slices and cook with the lid open.

7. Other Fruit Spreads

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