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Savoy Cabbage Recipe for Savoy Cabbage Vegetables

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

My Savoy Cabbage recipe I serve you in this post.

Savoy cabbage is a great side dish for roasts, poultry and game.

In autumn and winter it goes excellently with strong sauces, it simply works and is healthy! 

Did you know? The ruffled cabbage can compete with the lemon in terms of its vitamin C content.

Therefore, many raw food fans eat the tender leaves without cooking and cut the leaves finely as an insert in autumnal and winter salads.

If you want to preserve your intestines, you prefer to boil the leaves, so the cabbage is more digestible.

The savoy cabbage has many regional names: Welschkohl, Welschkraut, Savoyenkohl, Savoyer Kohl, and Schavur are well-known names.

In Swiss German it is called Wirz or Köhli and in Austria it is simply cabbage.

Please read on! Let us show you several variants of the preparation that will make you survive in all situations. Wish you good luck!

1. Recipe Savoy Cabbage

Here now the step by step instruction with many photos to the Rahmwirsing.

The derivations you will succeed with the help of the table and tips! You can use the comment function to send me a cooking question directly!

Savoy Cabbage

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 4
Calories 559
Preparation Time 18 Min.
Cook Time 12 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.

Simple guide to prepare savoy cabbage vegetables

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Savoy cabbage
Savoy cabbage Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


1 pc Savoy Cabbage (I like organic quality)
2-3 pc shallots (or yellow onions)
100 g bacon cubes (optionale Zutat)
30 g butter (I like Ghee)
1 tsp Maize starch (for binding the cream sauce)
1 mug Cream (optional, you can also use soy cream)
1 tsp Vegetable broth (I use organic vegetable broth)
1/4 tsp Salt (I like Himalayan salt)
4-6 pinches black pepper grounded
1 pinches Cayenne pepper
4 pinches nutmaeg


Preparation step 1
Savoy cabbage head
Savoy head photographed as a whole

Prepare cabbage

Place the savoy cabbage on a board and remove the wilted outer leaves.

Remove the cabbage leaves until the yellow head is about the size of a tennis ball in front of you.

Cut out the stalk and tear to pieces. Wash and dry the leaves.

Preparation step 2
Savoy cabbage leaves and saucepan
The savoy cabbage leaves without stems when placed in boiling salted water.

Blanch cabbage

Take the savoy cabbage leaves individually and cut out the strong V-shaped stalks.

Bring a large pot of water to the boil and season with plenty of salt.

The water may taste like sea water.

Preparation step 3
Cooking savoy cabbage
Savoy cabbage leaves in salted boiling water.

Cook cabbage

Place the prepared savoy cabbage leaves in the boiling water and cook for about 6 minutes.

The leaves are ready when they can be easily torn.

Preparation step 4
Pour off the savoy cabbage leaves
Pour off the savoy cabbage leaves after about 6 minutes.

Pour Cabbage

Pour the savoy cabbage leaves into a sieve.

Preparation step 5
Cooked savoy cabbage and ice water to cool
Cooked savoy cabbage and ice water to cool. Proper blanching brings wonderfully robust vegetables to your plate.

Cool down

How to cool savoy cabbage leaves under running water or prepare an ice water.

Preparation step 6
cooked savoy cabbage leaves
Let the cooked savoy cabbage leaves cool in ice water.

Green color

Put the leaves in the ice water and cool them down.

This preserves the green colour of the vegetables.

Preparation step 7
Cooked savoy cabbage leaves in a colander
Drain the savoy cabbage leaves in a colander.

Drain cabbage

Drain the leaves on a sieve and squeeze well.

Preparation step 8
Cut cooked savoy cabbage
Cut the cooked savoy cabbage into thin strips.

Cut cabbage

Lay on top of each other like savoy cabbage leaves and cut into fine strips with a knife.

Preparation step 9
Cut the onion into fine cubes.
Cut the onion halves into cubes.

Prepare onion

Cut the onion or shallots in half. Halved onions are easier to peel!

Cut the peeled and halved onion or shallot into very fine cubes.

Preparation step 10
Sweat the vegetables.
Sweat the onion and garlic until translucent.

Sauté onion

Sauté the onion cubes in some butter or…

Preparation step 11
Bacon and onion pan
Diced bacon and onion in the pan while sweating.

Add bacon

Optionally, fry the bacon cubes until crispy and add the onions.

Preparation step 12
Mix the cornstarch.
Mixing cornstarch to thicken.

Prepare cornstarch

Mix the cold cream with the Cornstarch.

Preparation step 13
Cream sauce for savoy cabbage
Cream, bacon and onions in a saucepan.

Finish sauce

Add the prepared cream to the onion or bacon onion cubes and bring to the boil.

Season with vegetable broth, salt, pepper, nutmeg and cayenne pepper.

Preparation step 14
Savoy cabbage
Savoy cabbage Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

Prepare ready

Gently squeeze out the finely chopped savoy cabbage strips again and add to the cream to make the savoy cabbage vegetables.

Arrange quickly and enjoy as a side dish.

Enjoy your meal!


The Low Carb variant is prepared without corn starch. Reduce the cream by half before seasoning.

The preparations in the table are relatively simple. If you have any questions, please use the comment function.

In star gastronomy, only the light green leaves are used in the side vegetables. Dark green leaves and yellow leaves end up in the staff stew.

2. Nutritional Information

3. Top Tips for Preparing Savoy Cabbage Vegetables

In order to make the preparation easy for you, here is a small overview first.

This will really put your cooking skills to the front!

How long must savoy cabbage cook? The cooking time is about 5-6 minutes. The cabbage leaves can be easily torn after cooking.

Cooked savoy cabbage and ice water to cool down. Correct blanching brings wonderfully thorough vegetables to the plate.

4. How can you Season Savoy Cabbage?

So that you get to know immediately some variants, you find here immediately one 🙂 Wirsingtable. Please blanch the leaves before preparation!

Savoy Cabbage with Buttersavoy cabbage leaves, butter, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne pepper
Savoy Cabbage with Gheesavoy cabbage leaves, ghee, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne pepper
Savoy Cabbage with Creamsavoy cabbage leaves, cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne pepper
Savoy Cabbage with Baconsavoy cabbage leaves, fried bacon cubes, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne pepper
Savoy Cabbage with Bacon and Creamsavoy cabbage leaves, fried onion cubes and bacon cubes, cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne pepper
Savoy Cabbage with Soy Creamsavoy cabbage leaves, soy cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne pepper

5. Other Side Dishes Recipe with Vegetables

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