Zum Rezepte-Letter: Jetzt anmelden – Gewinnspiel im April!

Wash and clean Chanterelles, so you bring Mushrooms without dirt into the Pan!

Clean the chanterelles
You can find local chanterelles yourself.

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Wash and clean Chanterelles: Mushrooms from nature usually come with luggage into the kitchen. Sand, needles, moss and insects are unwelcome companions.

The type of fungus plays a subordinate role here. Tube mushrooms such as bay bolete and porcini mushrooms, lamellar mushrooms such as chanterelles and meadow mushrooms… all mushrooms naturally have a cuddly surface.

I have found that forest dwellers of all kinds are magically attracted to mushrooms. I think they actually meet under the umbrella!

Cooks don’t like to wash mushrooms so much, the cooking guild is a few as an exception: During washing, the hat journeymen lose their aroma.

It would be a full evening discussion to find out how much taste is lost in the wash. Or is it perhaps even the forest companions that make up the typical taste of mushroom dishes in the end?

A simple statement… If the mushrooms are very dirty, please wash them. If the dirt can be removed easily with a brush, then please do without washing.

Following the instructions in detail, have fun reading and bathing mushrooms!

1. Clean Mushrooms with a Brush

No water is used in this method. Use a high quality natural hair brush to stroke the mushrooms.

I recommend a watercolour brush Askia 100 for cleaning the mushrooms. The brush is suitable for liquid painting techniques such as watercolour painting and for gouache and oil in normal use. The manufacturer promises a trimming from Kolinsky red sable hair.

The brush has the ideal “hardness” for mushroom cleaning because the fill (=brush hair) has a medium dimensional stability.

Red sable hair for mushroom cleaning, that fits well together! Forget the baking brush for cleaning the mushrooms. Silicone is not possible anyway! A small watercolour brush does not frighten the mushrooms and the dirt can be easily removed.

Now it goes to work: Carefully brush off the fruit body and the mushroom hat and remove the dirt.
Brush to clean mushrooms
A small brush is perfect for cleaning mushrooms. You can also use a simple bristle brush if you don’t get the mentioned premium model!

A small brush is perfect for cleaning mushrooms. If you don’t get the mentioned premium model, use a bristle brush and work with a lot of feeling when stroking!

Please pay special attention to the mushroom hat: The underside with the tubes or lamellas are a popular meeting place and a secret cuddle corner for moss and needle pairs.

If stroking the mushrooms is not enough, go to variant two….

Clean mushrooms with a brush
Chanterelles cleaned with a brush. The red marten natural hair brush variant is only suitable for moderate soiling. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

2. Wash Chanterelles with cold Water, Flour and Lemon Juice

What is Thomas pulling out of the cooking drawer today, please? Look out, I didn’t invent it, I learned it from my chef Helmut.

Helmut remains incognito here, but he should laugh when he reads this. Helmut has a meadow in his surname and thus a real close relationship to the mushrooms.

Why? Because on the Wiesn also the mushrooms grow. Sure! or? I learned to wash mushrooms from the chef Helmut. Now comes the explanation from the kitchen miracle department…

washed mushrooms
Washed chanterelles dripping off on the kitchen paper.© Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

2.1 Why you need Lemon Juice

Water naturally has a surface tension. Therefore water runners can run on the water. This natural tension prevents the absorption and loosening of dirt.

Water alone does not wash! The steam jet does not come well, alternatively let the water from the pipe run “hard” on the mushrooms.

We can watch it wash the salad: If the lettuce is only in the water, the dirt remains on the lettuce leaf. Only by moving the lettuce leaves in the water can the dirt be removed.

And that’s just the way it is: If physical energy is added, then movement comes into play. Lemon juice water dissolves the dirt on the mushrooms better! The lemon juice changes the surface tension of the water, so please add it.

Workplace to wash mushrooms
Washing mushrooms in the future is best done with flour, lemon juice and water. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

2.2 Why you need Flour

The cleaning effect of the water is created by the acid, which changes the surface tension of the water. Well done!

The flour in the water binds the dirt, the mushrooms get a fine peeling.

The flour keeps the dissolved dirt in the water. By additionally moving the mushrooms, the dirt can loosen optimally.

3. Wash Chanterelles properly, the Step-by-Step Photo Guide

Washing mushrooms made easy: For this you need a kitchen cloth, a sieve, the kitchen sink or a bowl, a whisk, flour, lemon juice and water.

Wash mushrooms properly
We want to wash mushrooms very quickly so that the tasty journeymen don’t get a buzz. Cooks use a mixture of water, lemon juice and flour.© Thomas Sixt Food Photographer
Mushrooms in the flour lemon water
Put the mushrooms ready and knock them off carefully. Mix the water with the flour and lemon juice. Dip the mushrooms quickly and move them in the water. I always do this with small portions. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer
washed mushrooms
Place the mushrooms in a sieve and wash quickly under running water. Dry the cleaned mushrooms on the kitchen towel. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer
Chanterelles when sautéing in the pan
Now you can prepare and enjoy the chanterelles! © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

4. Recipe for Chanterelles and other Mushrooms

On my page you will find some selected chanterelles recipes. I wish you good luck and a good appetite.

5. Season for Chanterelles

The chanterelles season is from July to October, please prefer the local produce to do the planet a favour!

Visit my seasonal calendar for vegetables, fruit, fish and meat. There you will find a practical list, divided by months.

Freshly collected chanterelles
You can look for local chanterelles in the forest yourself. The best time is from July or, depending on weather conditions, from August. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer
Recipes for chanterelles by chef Thomas Sixt. Chanterelles are called regionally Eierschwammerl and Reherl, further designations are: chanterelles, yellow sponges, yellow sponges; popular: yellow, gehling, roe deer; Austrian: re(c)hling, research© Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

6. More Cooking Tips