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Aphrodisiac Food, Tips for Erotic Cuisine and your next Evening for Two

pomegranate is a aphrodising fruit © thomas sixt bavarian chef and food photographer food art artist

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Aphrodisiac food, this article is dedicated to erotic cuisine and as a professional chef I present you some aphrodisiac food, spices and secret ingredients.

Unfortunately there is no guarantee for the effect of the ingredients, but a beautifully prepared dinner can open a wonderful evening.

I wish you good luck and a nice time with your dearest person!

1. Aphrodisiac Foods

Is it a fairy tale or does it really work? The newspapers are full of it and even cookbooks and guidebooks on the subject of “love cuisine” have been written by the meter.

The magic of aphrodisiacs – the aroma of stimulating spices and herbs – in short – everything that turns us on and makes us “hot”.

The list of stimulating ingredients, spices and herbs is in principle infinite, I have made here a compilation of the most important foods known to me with aphrodisiac effect.

I leave any personal interpretation of the effect of the following ingredients to you, have fun trying them out.

Poached egg on spinach and wild herbs, an ideal recipe for Easter.
The poached egg on the spinach leaves, surrounded by wild herb blossoms, looks splendid.

2. Aphrodisiac Herbs

In erotic cuisine, use fresh herbs at best when cooking and decorate your dish with herbs.

Use leaf tips, these look particularly beautiful or cut the fresh herb into fine stripes.

A fine, aesthetic person can be recognized by the way he handles the kitchen herbs. The fresh aroma has a certain effect 🙂

Herbs and aromatics
Erotic cuisine, herbs that can enrich your love life …

Dill – should be freshly cut and consumed in tolerable quantities to dispel any anxiety.

Chervil – supposedly makes tired men awake again.

Coriander – is supposed to make women really wild and unrestrained, but here caution is advised, not everyone likes the herb!

Marjoram – is known as an erotic and disinhibiting herb and goes well with many preparations.

Lemon balm – should make especially nervous contemporaries feel relaxed and happy again. Melissa can be wonderfully added to a drink or to tap water/mineral water. Just like the following mint!

Mint – definitely helps with impotence and increases the feeling of pleasure.

Parsley – is a good source of energy and strength.

Rosemary – should stimulate the senses and drive away nervousness.

3. Aphrodisiac Spices

The aphrodisiac effect of various spices has been known since ancient times. What Cesar already used cannot harm us, here are the most important spices and descriptions.

Madras curry powder
The Madras curry powder is fruity and available in the “mild” version.

Absolutely spices in the erotic kitchen use. That’s how taste and pepp come into the matter!

Chili and cayenne pepper – have always been a real “hot-maker”, especially in combination with lemons or limes.

Ginger – promotes blood circulation in any case.

Nutmeg – is a truly passionate spice and should always be grated fresh. Beware, do not exaggerate, too much nutmeg leads to fatigue.

Cinnamon – seductively sweet and particularly aromatic, cinnamon is a particularly stimulating spice.

4. Aphrodisiac Vegetables

Vegetables are healthy, make you fit, provide energy and many vitamins.

The aphrodisiac effect of different vegetables is therefore clear.

Colourful is always good, pay attention to a beautiful play of colours when putting them together 🙂 so foreplay!

Asparagus has long been considered an erotic vegetable. It is essential to buy and prepare the asparagus fresh, cooked soft asparagus does not look good in the love menu.
Asparagus has long been regarded as an erotic vegetable.

Tomatoes – harvested at the right time are an excellent source of energy and can be combined with basil to invite an erotic aromatic feast.

Fennel – is a real bundle of energy and the aroma of freshly grilled fennel slices is absolutely stimulating.

Garlic – is an invigorating ingredient, but it is better to discuss its use with your partner beforehand.

Asparagus – is an erotic pleasure, especially because of its appearance.

Leek – should make especially young ladies unrestrained.

Celery – has a relaxing and calming effect and has always been stylized as a male miracle weapon.

Artichokes – are especially prepared as a whole – and then served with plenty of dips when defoliated together, a highly erotic treat.

Truffles – unfortunately expensive but even more erotic.

5. Aphrodisiac Fruits

Like vegetables, fruit is very healthy and full of effective vitamins.

The aphrodisiac effect unfolds even more when the fruit is beautifully prepared.

After all, everyone knows the pictures of old masters, a great fruit arrangement works wonders even in our time.

The pomegranate is a good fruit for the love kitchen because of its color. You can squeeze the erotic apple or use the seeds decoratively.
The pomegranate: You can press out the erotic apple or use the seeds decoratively.

Pomegranate – the small pomegranate seeds with their bright red colour will certainly bring you to other thoughts.

Apricots – fresh or dried – are supposed to dispel any anxiety.

Figs – have not been missing on any love table in ancient Greece.

Limes – are equally popular with men and women because of their special aroma.

Quince – the fruit stands for love, happiness and fertility.

Grapes – are both a source of energy and highly erotic finger food.

Lemons – are a real vitamin bomb and sour is known to make fun.

6. The most important Secrets of Erotic Cuisine and Recipes Ideas

Chestnuts and truffle oil – sweet chestnuts or also chestnuts called, are in combination with white truffle oil a genuine miracle weapon around erotic moments to produce.

A truffled chestnut soup is recommended.

Game meat should seduce women and men alike to highly erotic thoughts. Try a fine, light venison goulash in a thyme stock.

Fish – is a grateful source of energy due to its high protein content. A suitable erotic recipe: Dorade from the Oven… here is enough time for other activities.

Seafood such as shrimps, prawns, mussels and lobsters are always a good tip for a stimulating evening. In addition the recommendation mussels in curry, if it is to become particularly hot. mussels in white wine sauce are ideal if you want to slow down. Scallops with asparagus are ideal for the skilful seducer.

Dessert – chocolate is always good and makes you happy. The vegan chocolate mousse is a thriller, visually and tastefully convincing!

Vegan chocolate mousse decorated with mint, strawberry and pomegranate seeds
Vegan chocolate mousse as an erotic dessert.

7. More Cooking Tips