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Asparagus Cream Soup Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Asparagus Cream Soup Recipe from the cook professional, the creamy asparagus soup we cook today with step by step instructions and many photos. 

I have added North Sea crabs to the soup, these special shrimps have an excellent taste and harmonize wonderfully with the creamy soup.  

For your information:

The German asparagus season starts in the middle of April and ends traditionally on June 24th.

The asparagus cream soup is, as the name suggests, a creamy soup with a strong binding.

The soup sticks better to the palate and many people like the creamy taste experience.

I wish you good luck! Enjoy the delicious asparagus soup!

1. Recipe Asparagus Cream Soup

Asparagus Cream Soup

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 4
Calories 534
Preparation Time 30 Min.
Cook Time 30 Min.
Total Time 60 Min.

Simple instructions for preparing cream of asparagus soup.

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Asparagus Cream Soup Recipe Image
Asparagus Cream Soup Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Asparagus Soup Ingredients

300 g white asparagus
500 ml Vegetable broth (I like to use organic vegetable broth!)
80 ml dry white wine
1 pc Lemon
50 g butter
250 ml Cream
etwas brown cane sugar
Cayenne pepper
1 tsp starch (Guide value for the binding to the asparagus cream soup!)
80 g Cold butter

Inlay and Decoration for Asparagus Soup

150 g herb mushrooms
30 g butter
1/2 bunch Parsley (I also like to use chervil!)
200 g North Sea crabs (I also like to use shrimps)
50 g nut butter


Preparation step 1
Asparagus peeled with asparagus stalks
Peeling asparagus made easy: use a sharp pendulum peeler.

Prepare asparagus

Cut off the ends of the asparagus spears and peel them.

Preparation step 2
Prepare asparagus soup.
Prepare asparagus soup with asparagus and asparagus peels.

Prepare asparagus stock

Prepare the asparagus stock in a large pot:

Place the asparagus peels and asparagus remains in the pot.

I also add small pieces of asparagus without asparagus tips, so that a powerful asparagus broth develops.

Then add cold vegetable stock, white wine, a slice of lemon, salt, pepper and some sugar and bring the asparagus stock to the boil.

Remove the lemon slice.

Let the broth steep for 15-20 minutes.

Optionally you can also cook potato slices, I like to use them to bind the soup.

Preparation step 3
Cut asparagus as a soup for asparagus cream soup.
Cut and prepare the asparagus and the soup.

Prepare soup garnish

Cut the tips of the asparagus and the remaining asparagus into bite-sized pieces and provide them as an extra insert.

I have also included herbal sideburns in the filling, halve the pizzles or cut them into small pieces.

Preparation step 4
Strain the asparagus soup through a sieve.
Pass asparagus soup.


Remove the potato slices from the asparagus stock and prepare them separately.

Pass the asparagus broth through a fine sieve and put it back on the stove.

Preparation step 5
Cook the asparagus soup in the asparagus broth.
Cook the asparagus as a soup in the asparagus broth.

Asparagus cooking

Bring the asparagus broth to the boil, add the raw asparagus pieces for the soup and cook until al dente.

Preparation step 6
Asparagus as a filler for asparagus cream soup
boiled asparagus tips as a soup.

Provide insert

Remove the asparagus tips from the asparagus broth and place them in a bowl.

You can also add the asparagus pieces to the herbs and keep them warm.

Preparation step 7
Refine asparagus soup with cream and mix up.
Finish the asparagus soup with the cream and mix.

Finish soup

Bring the asparagus stock to the boil and pour the cream into the boiling asparagus stock.

Season the soup with salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg and cayenne pepper.

You can now bind the soup by adding the cooked potato slices and cold mixed starch.

Stir the starch into approx. 80 ml cold water.

Mix the asparagus soup with the potato slices and check the binding of the soup.

Now bind with the cornflour as required:

Slowly add the water with the starch to the boiling soup until the desired binding of the soup is reached.

Cook the soup for 2 minutes so that the starch taste evaporates.

Mix the asparagus cream soup with the cold butter until foamy.

Preparation step 8
Serve asparagus soup with shrimps.
Serve asparagus cream soup with crabs.


Briefly toss the crabs in the hot nut butter and season with pepper.

Arrange the prepared asparagus pieces in the middle of the soup plates.

Add the frothed soup.

Sprinkle the soup with prawns and parsley and serve quickly.

Enjoy your meal!



2. Nutritional Values

3. North Sea Shrimps as Ingredient for Asparagus Cream Soup

North Sea crabs as an ingredient for cream of asparagus soupIn all honesty, the crabs from the North Sea taste best cold.

Be careful when heating them, strong heat does not agree with the delicate sea creatures.

Therefore, please gently warm just before serving in the soup – or just pour nut butter over them.

This soup with crabs tastes excellent. Heat the crabs only slightly, never boil! Then the crabs are fantastically delicious!

Tip from Chef Thomas Sixt
North Sea crabs
North Sea crabs photographed on a plate
Butter in a pot while cooking.
Heat butter in a pot, prepare nut butter.

Soups pictures and close ups

asparagus soup crabs
Asparagus soup with crabs.
Cream of asparagus soup on a spoon with foam, asparagus tip and crabs.
Cream of Asparagus Soup

4. Other Tasty Soup and Asparagus Soup Recipes

All soup recipes

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