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Clarified Butter

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

You can find the chef 🙂 clarified butter recipe in this post.

Clarified butter is synonymous with butterfat.

Butterfat and ghee are often mentioned together.

We know ghee from Indian cuisine.

Ghee is a kind of clarified butter and tastes sweeter than our European butterfat due to the long cooking time.

These instructions summarize the relevant work steps for the preparation.

You need fresh butter, a pot, a stove and a hair sieve. Follow this guide…

1. Recipe Clarified Butter

After the step-by-step recipe you will find tips on how to use it and answers to the most frequently asked questions.

You can send me your cooking questions and nice kitchen gossip via the comment function at the bottom of the page.

Clarified Butter

Prepared, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt

Servings 4
Calories 448
Preparation Time 20 Min.
Cook Time 0 Min.
Total Time 25 Min.

Simple instructions for preparing pure butterfat.

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Clarified butter recipe image
Butter lard recipe image © Thomas Sixt


125 g butter
126 g butter


Preparation step 1
butter in the pot
Prepare butter in the pot for clarified butter.

Prepare butter

Provide a clean and dry pot.

I used a copper pot , which distributes the heat evenly and allows the clarified butter to succeed perfectly.

Cut the butter whole or into cubes and place in the saucepan.

The pot should be clean and dry.

Preparation step 2
Boil butter for clarified butter
Boil butter for clarified butter and prepare clarified butter.

heat butter

Heat the prepared butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat.

With 12 levels of the hotplate, the correct levels would be 5-6.

If everything goes right, the butter will slowly melt.

The water sinks to the bottom of the pot, the protein slowly settles to the surface.

The protein contained in the butter appears as a yellow-whitish cloud on the surface.

You can see this even better in the image below.

Preparation step 3
Scoop milk white from butter
Scoop milk white from butter


Using a spoon or slotted spoon, scrape off the egg whites on the surface of the hot butter and discard.

Don’t heat the butter too much or the water will start to boil and the protein components will start to brown.

That would be nut butter and not clarified butter or clarified butter.

Preparation step 4
Pass clarified butter
Strain the clarified butter and pour off the pure butterfat.


Now slowly pass the pure butterfat through a sieve.

In the pot you can see the whey or the water on the bottom of the pot.

This remains in the pot.

Preparation step 5
Drain the clarified butter and reserve the whey
Drain the clarified butter and reserve the whey

Pass detail

Here you can see another detail when passing the clarified butter.

We don’t want the whitish, flaky protein in the butterfat.

Preparation step 6
Filter clarified butter
Optionally, for 100% pure butterfat, filter the clarified butter and clarified butter.


For 100% pure butterfat, run the clarified butter through filter paper.

Preparation step 7
Clarified butter
Clarified Butter – pure butterfat completed.


The filtered, clarified butter does not contain protein and water.

The pure clarified butter is golden yellow and pure.

Since there is no protein in pure butterfat, this fat is suitable for frying and high heating.

In contrast to fresh butter, the extracted heat-sensitive components can no longer burn.

You can now fill your clarified butter into a jar and use it for several weeks.

Please keep chilled in the fridge in a screw-top jar with a lid.

Preparation step 8
Clarified butter / clarified butter - nut butter - ghee
Clarified butter / clarified butter – nut butter – ghee

Subject assignment

I’ve added a picture for you here.

From the left you can see:

-> Clarified butter

–> nut butter

–> ghee

photographed from above.

Butterfat and ghee hardly differ in color.


I noted 2 x 125 g = 250 g butter in the ingredients because Google thinks a recipe should always have more than one ingredient.

Maybe John Müller is reading and can fix this.

2. Nutrition Facts and Calories

From 250 g butter you cook about 150-180 g butterfat.

As a guide, you can calculate 880 calories per 100 g of clarified butter.

3. Use of clarified butter

Many of us know butterfat from grandma’s kitchen.

My grandmother preferred to use it to bake pancakes in a pan or prepare Wiener Schnitzel with it.

I love butterfat for making waffles , for example.

The absolute insider tip is baking with clarified butter.

The butterfat has a positive effect on the cake batter, especially with sour fruits such as rhubarb.

I tried the variant of rhubarb cake with butter and butterfat and can recommend it to you!

The sweet, butterfat catches the sour taste of the fruit and creates a particularly harmonious taste experience.

Butterfat in gastronomy:

In gastronomy, pure butterfat is usually prepared for Hollandaise sauce or Bernaise sauce during the asparagus season.

In fine dining, special butter is used to prepare vegetables.

Carrots , cauliflower , broccoli and zucchini taste particularly harmonious when tossed in pure butterfat.

Taste of clarified butter compared to fresh butter:

The butterfat has a sweetish, pleasant taste compared to fresh butter.

At the same time, caution is required with hearty dishes.

The Wiener Schnitzel fried in pure clarified butter has a very sweet taste.

The baked schnitzel should be sprinkled with salt again before serving.

You can also bake your schnitzel in rapeseed oil.

Finally, toss the schnitzel in butterfat.

Taste of clarified butter vs. nut butter:

Clarified butter tastes sweet, nut butter – beurre noisette tastes earthy and nutty.

For this reason, nut butter is a better choice for savory dishes for me.

When preparing the nut butter, the temperature is higher and the protein components in the butter roast slightly.

It’s a small difference, but you can still taste it.

I prefer to use nut butter for Hollandaise Sauce and Bernaise Sauce.

I learned this variant from my cooking practice master chef during my training.

The taste is better for me and compared to store-bought sauces the nutty aroma is a special feature.

Here are some examples of usage:

Freshly baked Belgian waffle
Rhubarb cake easy
Rhubarb cake
Pancake recipe image
German Pancake
Hollandaise sauce recipe image
Sauce Hollandaise
Bernaise sauce recipe image
Sauce Bernaise
Wiener Schnitzel
Wiener Schnitzel

4. FAQ Clarified Butter

I have summarized the most frequently asked questions from my mailbox and the exchange via the comment function on clarified butter below.

Is pure butterfat a good idea for frying cutlets?

Clarified butter makes the Wiener Schnitzel very sweet. This is not to the liking of every palate! Bake yours floating in canola oil, swirl the schnitzel in a little butterfat before serving.

Can I bake with butterfat?

Use butterfat to prepare pancakes, waffles and cakes with sour fruit.

Can I prepare butterfat in the Thermomix?

No, because the Thermomix always stirs when heating, the Wonder Kettle is unsuitable for preparing butterfat.

How quickly is clarified butter prepared?

Preparation of clarified butterfat takes about 20 minutes.

Can I heat clarified butterfat to high?

Butterfat you can use for frying at temperatures up to 200°C.

Why chefs like to use clarified butterfat

Butterfat can be heated to a higher temperature and provides an excellent flavor finish in a wide variety of preparations.

How long can I store butterfat?

Pour the butterfat into a screw jar with a lid.

After cooling, close the jar with the lid and store in the refrigerator.

The fat can be stored in refrigerated for several months.

5. Recipe Ideas For Asparagus

6. More Sauce Recipes

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

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