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Plum Cake Recipe with Yeast Dough

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

My plum cake recipe is presented to you in this article.

As a basis we use a sweet yeast dough, I have again summarized a lot of tips for you.

This classic of German cuisine is prepared quite quickly.

The cake is perfect for a family celebration or a coffee klatch with friends.

The preparation decelerates and lets you start the weekend with pleasure.

Here you will find a wonderful step by step guide. Have fun baking and good luck!

1. Tips for Preparing Yeast Dough for Plum Cake

I see a first overview of the ingredients and their effects as a good introduction to kneading dough 🙂

I will explain the dough process briefly and concisely below:

Mix the yeast dough with warm ingredients, then let it rise in a warm place. That way the dough is sure to rise!

Yeast dough preparation tip from Chef Thomas Sixt
Prepare sweet yeast dough
The yeast dough works better if you add the ingredients room warm and the milk lukewarm. The yeast gnocchi are quickly activated by the flour and sugar and add volume to the dough. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

2. Recipe Plum Cake

Plum cake with yeast dough

Backed, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 4
Calories 238
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 60 Min.
Total Time 75 Min.

Simple instructions for the preparation of plums cake with yeast dough.

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Plum cake
Plum cake recipe picture © Thomas Sixt


yeast dough

200 g flour (Type 405 or 505 or glutenfree)
30 g fresh yeast (or 1 sachet dry yeast)
30 g Sugar (I take brown cane sugar)
100 ml lukewarm milk
40 g soft butter
1 Stück egg (medium size)
1 Prise Salt


500 g plums (I have used organic plums!)
1 EL apricot jam
1 EL rum


Prepare yeast dough

Preparation step 1
Mix the yeast dough
Mix the yeast dough with flour, butter, sugar, warm milk and yeast.

Prepare dough

Sieve the flour into a bowl and form a hollow.

Pour the lukewarm milk into the hollow and crumble the yeast into it.

Add the softened butter on the side.

Preparation step 2
Prepare sweet yeast dough
The yeast dough works better if you add the ingredients at room temperature and the milk lukewarm. The yeast gnomes are quickly activated by the flour and sugar and add volume to the dough. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

Add eggs

Add the eggs, sugar and salt and mix.

Preparation step 3
Mix the yeast dough
Mix the yeast dough with the kneading paddle of the food processor.

Knead dough

Knead the dough ingredients with a mixer and dough hook.

Preparation step 4
Knead the yeast dough until smooth
Kneaded yeast dough.

Dough check

Stir until a smooth dough is formed, which beats bubbles and comes away easily from the bowl wall.

Preparation step 5
Let the yeast dough rise
Let the freshly prepared yeast dough rise.

Dough rise

Let the dough rise for a good 15-45 minutes covered with a cloth in a warm place until the dough has visibly increased.

Preparation step 6
The yeast dough has risen
Matured and risen yeast dough in the bowl.


Further process the risen yeast dough in the bakery.

Preparation step 7
Buttered cake pan
cake tin coated with butter.

Butter cake tin

Brush the desired cake tin with warm butter.

Preheat the oven with 175-200° C.

Preparing the flooring

Preparation step 8
Wash the plums
Wash the plums under cold running water.

Plums wash

Wash the plums and rub dry.

Preparation step 9
Halve the plums
Halve and core the plums.

Plums pitting

Cut the plums in half and remove the core.

Preparation step 10
Plum wedges
Cut the plums into thin wedges.

Plums cleave

Cut the plum halves into thin slices.

Cover and bake cake

Preparation step 11
Yeast dough in the form with a plum topping
Yeast dough in the form with plums cut into wedges.

Insert plums

Pour in the yeast dough in the desired height and cover with the plum wedges.

Preparation step 12
Plum cake raw topped
Cover the plum cake generously.

Cake topping

Cover the cake generously with the plum wedges.

Mix rum with apricot jam.

Preparation step 13
Plum cake
Plum cake freshly baked out of the mold

Bake cake

Bake the cake at 175 °C for about 35-40 minutes, then remove from the oven and spread with the prepared jam.

Preparation step 14
Plum cake piece
Cut pieces of plum cake and serve with whipped cream.

Serve cake

Cut the cake into the desired pieces and serve with freshly whipped cream.


My tip:

Sprinkle the cake with sugar after baking.
Glazing with marmalade conjures up a wonderful shine on the cake.


3. Calories and nutritional values

4. More Ideas for Baking

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4.97 from 1353 ratings

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