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Quail With Bavarian Cabbage

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

You can find my sophisticated quail recipe with Bavarian cabbage in this post.

With this dish we release the quails and prepare a quail sauce from the carcasses.

For this dish you need a little more time and muse.

It is best to cook the quail sauce the day before, so this dish is guaranteed to be stress-free 🙂

Enjoy the first impression and let yourself be seduced by a special poultry dish.

1. Recipe Quail With Bavarian Cabbage

Here are the step-by-step instructions for your kitchen.

Use the comment function at the end of the page and write me your cooking questions or kitchen gossip 🙂

Quail with Bavarian cabbage

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 4
Calories 740
Preparation Time 300 Min.
Cook Time 120 Min.
Total Time 420 Min.

Preparing challenging instructions for quail with quail sauce and side dish.

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5.00 from 471 ratings

Quail with Bavarian cabbage recipe picture
Quail with Bavarian cabbage Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


8-12 Pieces Quails Quails ingredient wild fowl
primal salt
black ground pepper
Cayenne pepper
brown cane sugar
1 tbsp Sunflower oil
500 ml Quail Sauce
50 g Cold butter
4 Servings bavarian cabbage white cabbage stewed or braised with cumin or other spices


Preparation step 1
Quail fresh on the kitchen board
Quail prepared for release

Prepare quail

Unwrap the quail and wash under cold running water.

Then lay the quail dry and ready to release.

Preparation step 2
Triggered and prepared quail
Triggered and prepared quail

Trigger quail

Cut the quails individually:

First cut the thighs, then release the bust.

Finally detach the clubs from the carcass.

Prepare the legs ready to roast.

My exact instructions how to trigger quails provide information.

Cover the quail pieces with foil and chill in the refrigerator until ready to cook.

Preparation step 3
Quail bones in the roaster
Quail bones, carcasses, prepared for roasting in the roaster.

Roast bones

Place the quail carcasses in a roasting pan and roast at 175°C for at least one hour.

–> Detail Recipe Quail Sauce

Preparation step 4
Roasted quail bones
Roasted quail bones

Process carcasses

Take the quail carcasses out of the oven and let them cool down.

Prepare the quail sauce.

Preparation step 5
Bavarian cabbage recipe image
Bavarian cabbage recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

Side dish

Prepare the herb:

–> Cut the cabbage

–> Knead the cabbage with salt and caraway.

–> Sauté the cabbage in a pan with oil, steam and stew carefully until al dente.

You can find an exact recipe for Bavarian cabbage elsewhere on the food blog.

Alternatively, follow the recommendations under heading 5. Side dishes with quail .

Preparation step 6
Passed quail sauce in a pot
Passed quail sauce in a pot

Provide sauce

Prepare the prepared quail sauce in a fresh pot on the stove and bring to the boil.

Preparation step 7
Fry quail breast
Fry quail breast in Pan

Fry quail

Season the quail breasts and drumsticks with salt and pepper.

Fry skin-side down in a pan with a little sunflower oil.

Let the pieces of meat cook on the skin side at a reduced stove temperature.

Preparation step 8
Mix quail sauce
Mix the quail sauce with the hand blender

Mix sauce

Season the sauce to taste with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and a little sugar.

Mix the sauce with the cold butter (assemble).

Preparation step 9
Quail with Bavarian cabbage recipe picture
Quail with Bavarian cabbage Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Turn the quail pieces in the pan just before serving and let them simmer.

Arrange the cabbage on warmed plates and add the quail pieces.

Pour the sauce over the cabbage and serve quickly.

I wish you a good appetite!


2. Nutrition Facts and Calories

3. Quail Shopping List With Bavarian Cabbage

To make it easy for you, I have summarized a practical shopping list for 2 people here:

For the spices you need salt, pepper, sugar, cayenne pepper, gingerbread spice , bay leaves and juniper berries.

Quail fresh on the kitchen board
Quail prepared for release
Ingredients for quail sauce
Cooking ingredients for quail sauce.

4. Schedule Prepare Quail And Gravy

With this dish, please start the day before, the distribution is as follows:

Day Before:

–> Start releasing the quail.

–> You will find instructions for triggering the quail in an extra post.

–> Put the quail legs and quail breasts covered in the fridge after they have been released.

Prepare the Quail Sauce:

–> To do this, roast the quail bones or carcasses in a roasting pan in the oven.

–> Then prepare a roast and prepare the sauce.

–> You can find all the details in the quail sauce recipe.

Main Day:

–> Prepare and prepare the Bavarian cabbage .

–> Finish the sauce and prepare it for assembly.

–> Roast quail breasts and quail legs

–> serve and enjoy.

This wild fowl dish is only fun if you split up the preparation.

The sauce needs at least 3-6 hours cooking time to create a fine poultry ice cream.

Mix quail sauce
Mix the quail sauce with the hand blender
Quail sauce on spoon closeup
Quail sauce on spoon closeup

5. Side Dishes To the Quail

You can serve this quail dish with other side dishes:

6. More Ideas For Quail

I have summarized further information about the quail here in this paragraph.

7. Other Dishes With Venison

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

5.00 from 471 ratings

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