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Redcurrant Jam Cold Stirred – Easy Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Here I show you my recipe redcurrant Jam as cold-stirred Variant of the classic jam recipe. This fruit preparation is ideal as a topping for bread and as a dessert or side dish. 

The red fruits are my favourite: the wonderfully tart aroma contrasts wonderfully with the sweetness of brown sugar and tickles the tongue.

Let yourself be carried away by my enthusiasm and try out a new way to make a great fruit spread without heating. This preserves the valuable vitamins in the fruit and makes us strong!

Then let’s get started: Have fun with the preparation and enjoy!

1. Ideas for Cold Stirred Redcurrant Jam

Why the cold preparation? Currants contain many vitamins, especially vitamin C. If we heat up our berries, a good half of the vitamin C disappears. We can prevent this by stirring the currants cold.

Carefully pick the currants from the stalks, then wash with cold water and drain. The subsequent mixing with sugar makes the fruit durable.First step: carefully pick the currants from the stems, then wash them with cold water and drain them. The subsequent mixing with sugar makes the fruit last longer.

Our little fruits need sugar for the shelf life, when stirred the fruits break open and the flavour can develop wonderfully. Sugar… I use brown whole cane sugar:

You can buy whole cane sugar in the supermarket instead of white sugar.You can buy whole cane sugar in the supermarket instead of white sugar. The flavour is more natural and the sugar is said to be healthier.

Berry fruits cold-stirred with sugar, a 50:50 ratio has proven to be effective. So use 500 g fruit and 500 g sugar.
Recommendation by Cook Thomas Sixt.

When you have brought the washed berries together with the sugar, you can prepare the food processor. Please do not use the stirring hooks but a dough hook…

I made a picture of my mixers and kneaders right away. I used the one on the far right. The whisk would chop the fruit too quickly and too strongly.I took another picture of my scrambling and kneading hoes right away. I used the one on the far right. The whisk would chop the fruits too fast and too much.

Let the fruits stir for a good 1.5 hours at medium speed. This allows the aroma to develop perfectly. 

Tip from Koch Thomas Sixt!

Cold-stirred currant jam, a vitamin bomb with a fantastic color.Cold-stirred currant jam, a vitamin bomb with fantastic colour.

We do not need disturbing nuclei in the gaps between our teeth. The removal of the cores is therefore indeed a must. 

Pass the stirred fruit through a fine hair sieve before filling – it only tastes good without seeds! 

Chef Thomas Sixt recommends

Stir cold currants through a fine sieve. What drips down below makes you happy!Pass cold stirred currants through a fine sieve. What drips out at the bottom makes you happy!

2. Recipe Cold Stirred Redcurrant Jam

Redcurrant Jam cold stirred

Prepared, cooked, photographed by chef Thomas Sixt

Servings 4
Calories 443
Preparation Time 10 Min.
Cook Time 90 Min.
Total Time 100 Min.

Simple instructions for cold stirred currant jam.

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Redcurrant jam stirred cold
Redcurrant Jam, stirred Cold, Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


1 kg red currants
1/2 kg brown cane sugar
1 Pck vanilla sugar


Prepare jam without boiling

Preparation step 1
Currants without style
Carefully pick the currants from the stalks, then wash with cold water and drain. The subsequent mixing with sugar makes the fruit durable.

Prepare berries

Wash 1kg currants and remove them from their styles.

Preparation step 2
Currants with sugar

Sugar berries

Place the currants in a sufficiently high pot and mix with sugar.

Preparation step 3
Cold stirred currants

Stir berries

Stir the currants for a good 90 minutes.

It is recommended to use a food processor with dough hook.

Preparation step 4
Pass currants
Stir cold currants through a fine sieve. What drips down below makes you happy!

Jam seven

Using a ladle, pass the currants through a fine metal hair sieve to help.

Fill in Glases

Preparation step 5
Currant spread in a glass


Fill the currant jam into clean glasses.

Rinse the glasses with lemon juice before.

Close well and store in the refrigerator or enjoy immediately.


3. Calories and Nutritional Values

4. Ensure Shelf Life of Cold Stirred Redcurrant Jam

 Cold jams are always kept in the refrigerator. Then we have the full pleasure for 2 – 4 weeks.

Cold-stirred jam lasts in the refrigerator for 2 – 4 weeks – my jam is eaten long before that 😉

Says cook Thomas Sixt

Before filling into our jam jars we should consider a few things:

5. Other Fruit Spreads

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

5.00 from 1794 ratings

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  • Hi Masterchef Thomas,

    I have already made your cold stirred fruit twice and they taste excellent.

    Thanks for the idea and top explanation!

    Greeting Christina-Mel