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Roasted Duck, how you can prepare Duck Breast or Duck as a whole with a sure recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Fried duck is available on my Kochblog in all variants richly, today I dedicate myself to the fried, whole duck and present a simple recipe Fried Duck with much vegetables.

The recipe is ideal if duck meat is left over. You can then refine the duck meat as shown in the video and recipe to another dish.

First I explain the roasting of the duck, the triggering and carving of the duck, the preparation of the duck sauce and variants of roasting the duck: Duck bavarian, duck classic and duck chinese I explain briefly. This will give you an overview!

Some videos will help you to cook yourself. The video roasted duck prepare you find before the recipe.

Wish you good luck and I would be happy if you share this article with your friends on Facebook.

1. How to prepare roasted Duck, classic in the Oven

In this preparation the duck is usually stuffed with apple, onion, salt, pepper and marjoram and then cooked in the oven at 175°C hot air for 75 minutes. The time refers to a commercial duck with a weight of approx. 2-2-5 kg. The cooking time also depends on whether you fill the duck or not, whether you use the oven with hot air or top and bottom heat, further of course on the size of the duck. Consider my statement a guideline.

duck in a roasting pan raw with grave goods
Raw Duck whole prepared for Roasting in Oven

2. How can I tell if the Duck is finished?

That’s a common question. The first piece of duck meat to be cooked is always the breast. Therefore, the duck is served in very good restaurants, if ordered whole, in two courses and carved before the guest – first the breast. The legs are cooked again.

2.1 Checking the cooking degree of the Duck Breast by pressing the Button

The cooking degree of the breast is checked by pressing or piercing. If the breast only yields firmly, the breast is ready, if the breast yields softly, the duck is still too raw or must be cooked further.

2.2 Checking the Degree of Cooking by piercing the Roast Duck

If this is “clear” the breast can be served, if the meat juice is still “bloody” it is cooked further accordingly.

2.3 Checking the Cooking Degree of the Duck with a Needle sample

Another possibility is the needle sample: A roulade skewer or your thin meat fork is pierced between the legs and breast, then the temperature of the needle on the lip is checked. If the needle is hot, one notices that already without touching, the needle becomes cold towards the tip, the duck is still further to cook.

2.4 Checking the Cooking degree of the Duck with the Roast Thermometer

The core temperature of the duck should be above 72°C, fully cooked. Check the temperature as for the needle sample by piercing between chest and club.

Whole duck fully cooked in the roaster

3. Which Duck Breast can be served pink?

Rosa is usually served only the barbarian duck breast. Here the core temperature is 62-65°C. The preparation of the duck breast, roasting the duck breast can be found in an extra article. There you can find the step by step guide how to fry duck breast with picture.

Carve the duck breast properly, the meat is cut diagonally.
Roast duck breast pink, core temperature approx. 65 °C.

4. How is a Duck cut up?

The duck carving I show here briefly and briefly on the basis of some photos.

Cutting a duck without poultry shears, that’s what I’ll show you below!

4.1 Duck Cut Up Step by Step

First make a cut on both sides between the breast and the legs, then the legs fold away to the side.
First cut on both sides between duck breast and duck legs, the legs then fold away laterally.
Then peel off the chest along the sternum
Then remove the duck breast along the breastbone.
Fold the chest away and cut down from the duck carcass.
Fold away the duck breast and cut down from the duck carcass.
After releasing the second breast, the duck can be thrown and the legs are released.
After the release of the second duck breast the duck can be turned, the duck legs are released.

4.2 Video Duck Cut Up

The dismantling of the duck is quite simple, since I am very intensively engaged in the contribution Christmas goose and duck and goose are related, as far as triggering and carving is concerned, I show here the video of the goose carving and dismantling.

4.3 How you get a crispy Duck

When the duck is released, duck breasts and legs are placed on a baking tray. When the guests are there, put the duck pieces (skin up) in the oven at 230°C grill and let the skin become crispy. Adding salt is helpful, side dishes and sauce should be ready to serve at this time, plate preheated.

5. Variants of roasted Duck

The duck you can prepare in many variants some I introduce here.

5.1 Bavarian roast Duck

The Bavarian duck is served with various typical Bavarian side dishes. The pretzel dumplings appear here, potato dumplings as well and even a sauerkraut tastes good with roasted duck.

Bavarian duck, duck breast and leg of duck cooked crispy, here a farm duck with red cabbage, glazed carrots and pretzel dumplings as a side dish.

5.1.1 Roast duck Bavarian, typical side dishes

are supplements to the Bavarian duck:
red cabbage, cream savoy cabbage, savoy cabbage, glazed vegetables, Brussels sprouts, Bavarian cabbage, sauerkraut
Potato dumplings, finger noodles, pretzel dumplings or napkin dumplings …

5.1.2 Pretzel Dumplings according to Bavarian Chef

The pretzel dumpling recipe from my apprenticeship in Waging am See: It consists of 1 kg pretzel cubes (from fresh Bavarian pretzel sticks), two onions sweated in 1 pack of butter, a liter of milk, 10 eggs, parsley, salt, pepper, nutmeg. The pretzel sticks are cut into cubes and placed in a bowl. Sweat the onion cubes in the butter until colourless, then add the milk, bring to the boil, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Pour the milk hot over the pretzel cubes and stir the mixture. After approx. 10 minutes (temperature of the mass below 80°C) add the previously whipped and mixed eggs and mix. After another 10-15 minutes, the fresh and finely chopped parsley can be added (this must not be done too early, if the mixture is too hot, the parsley turns all green). The dumpling mass is then wrapped in buttered aluminium foil and cooked in a water bath at 90°C or in a steam cooker at 100°C for 45-50 minutes. I have made a new contribution on the subject of napkin dumplings, which includes pretzel dumplings.

5.1.3 Cooking video: Making Pretzel Dumplings yourself

The cooking video shows the preparation of the pretzel dumplings. Two videos are summarized as a playlist.

5.2 Duck classic

The duck classic, that means for me with red cabbage and potato dumplings.

Classic duck with red cabbage and potato dumplings.

5.2.1 How to make Potato Dumplings for perfect Duck Dish

The use of ready potato dumplings has established itself both in gastronomy and in private households. Both raw dumplings and half and half variants are available in the supermarket, even in organic quality.

I would like to briefly introduce two recipes for potato dumplings so that the article is complete.

5.2.2 Raw Dumplings for Duck (potato dumplings)

Grate 400 g floury boiled potatoes from the previous day finely and place in a bowl. Add 60 g cornflour, 2 egg yolks, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Grate 600 g raw, floury potatoes, collect the water and add the grated potatoes to the remaining ingredients. Add the potato starch from the water (settles) to the potato mixture. Mix the dumplings quickly, season to taste, form dumplings and place in boiling salted water. Bring the dumplings to the boil once, then let them steep for 15-30 minutes depending on the size. The finished dumplings float on the surface! The potato dumplings are often served with bread crumbs butter, in addition 2 tablespoons bread crumbs with 2 tablespoons butter and some salt heat up and with parsley refines over the arranged potato dumplings pour.

6. How to prepare Sauce for Duck, classic Duck Sauce Tips

The preparation of the duck sauce requires some timing and good planning. If the duck dinner is scheduled for the evening, I prepare the duck already in the morning, release it and put duck breasts and legs on an oven tray.

6.1 Preparation of Duck Sauce

I cut the remaining duck carcasses as small as possible, then I fry apple pieces (2-3 apples) and onion eights (2-3 goats) with duck fat and gravy in a large pot. The duck bones are added, I fill up with cold chicken stock and let the sauce simmer for about 4 hours. If you buy veal stock or cook it yourself, you can improve the sauce mixture by adding half veal stock and the other half chicken stock. The duck sauce based on veal stock is the best sauce. After about 4 hours the duck bones have given the taste to the sauce and I pass the sauce through a fine sieve. The sauce is then boiled down to the desired strength and thickness. Binding is done with finely grated, raw potatoes (learned from Hans Haas in Tantris) or with cornflour (mix cold water and cornflour and add slowly).

Prepare the sauce for the roast goose, so the sauce for the Christmas goose is guaranteed.
The preparation of the duck sauce is identical to the preparation of the goose sauce.

6.2 Preparing the Duck Sauce for Cooking Video

7. How to prepare Duck chinese style

I would like to briefly explain the preparation and recipe of the Chinese duck.

7.1 Marinade for duck Chinese

The duck is very often coated with a spicy marinade of 6 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar (or rice wine) and 1/2 teaspoon five-spice powder. Reduce the temperature to 150 °C and cook the duck for a good two hours. The duck can then be served with rice and wok vegetables.

Chinese duck with sprouts and rice.

7.2 How to prepare Chinese Duck Sauce

The sauce for the Chinese duck is made from the gravy, refined with soy sauce and garlic. Bring the roast to the boil in the roaster (remove duck before), mix 0.3 l cold water with 1 tsp cornflour and add, garlic finely diced to taste.

8. Cooking Video easy Roasted Duck

9. Recipe

I have long wondered whether I should present a classic recipe or another recipe. Since I would like to show a good cross-section of the possibilities follows a simple recipe for duck with wonderful vegetables and rice. If you are serious about preparing duck, please check out my article on roasting goose, where you will find lots of information and nine cooking videos that you can apply directly to roasting duck.

Crispy Roasted Duck

Crispy roasted duck with wok vegetables, oranges and rice, a recipe with detailed instructions and information about roasted duck by Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 362
Preparation Time 25 Min.
Cook Time 60 Min.
Total Time 85 Min.
The roasted duck and the roast duck are treated in detail in this article with recipe and cooking videos. Everything that is important for roasting ducks, you can find here. The cooking times of the duck, the preparation of the duck, the release and the carving of the duck, the preparation of the duck sauce and variations of the roast duck: Duck bavarian, duck classic and duck chinese are briefly explained. The videos help you to cook yourself. I wish you good luck and would be happy if you share this article with your friends on Facebook!

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Roasted Duck, how you can prepare Duck Breast or Duck as a whole with a sure recipe


2 Stück Roasted duck legs
1 Stück Oranges
1 Stück spring onion
1 Stück Peppers red
1 Stück Paprika pepper yellow
1/2 Stück Zucchini
6 Stück fresh mushrooms
1 Stück garlic
2 EL peanut oil
etwas Chili
etwas Soy sauce


Preparation step 1

Prepare the duck legs in the oven for 45 minutes in the oven at 200 ° C.

Preparation step 2

Trigger and deploy the ducks according to video instructions.

Preparation step 3

Peel and filet the orange. Place orange fillets and juice in a bowl.

Preparation step 4

Cut the cleaned spring onions into 0.5 mm thick diamonds.

Preparation step 5

Cut the pepper in half, remove the core, wash out and cut into strips.

Preparation step 6

Cut the courgettes twice lengthwise in the cross, then cut the quartered slices.

Preparation step 7

Peel the garlic clove, sprinkle with some salt and chop finely.

Preparation step 8

Cut the duck legs into strips.

Preparation step 9

Heat wok, add peanut oil. First add the mushrooms and fry until stirring.

Preparation step 10

Add the courgettes, peppers and stir for a few minutes.

Preparation step 11

Add the onions and duck, garlic and chilli, season with soy sauce. Add the orange juice and bring to the boil with lid for 2 minutes.

Preparation step 12

Prepare the plates, arrange the duck wok, marinate the orange fillets briefly in the sauce and arrange them as well.



10. Calories (kcal)

11. More Ideas

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