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Prepare Sashimi Yourself

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Here I present you my simple sashimi recipe. The fine fish slices come from the Japanese cuisine and have a long tradition there. Unlike sushi, the raw fish is usually served without rice.

Important: Only frozen fish with the Sashimi quality label is suitable for preparation. Please ask at the fish counter or order online accordingly.

Learn all the steps at a glance in this article and let yourself be tempted to try. Good luck!

1. Shopping List and Tips for Sashimi

You will find the tips for your purchase in the very first paragraph.


You will soon be able to order the salmon directly online, a picture follows here:

sashimi salmon
Sashimi salmon on a cutting board. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer
Wakame salad close up
Japanese wakame salad can be found elsewhere. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer
Sashimi LAs photographed in sunlight
Sashimi photographed here in the shade/sun just before serving. © Thomas Sixt

2. Recipe Sashimi


Guidance from Chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 193
Preparation Time 25 Min.
Cook Time 5 Min.
Total Time 8 Min.

Sashimi fast and easy to prepare shows you chef Thomas Sixt in this recipe with cooking video.

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sashimi on plate
Sashimi served with wakame salad, gari and wasabi.


200 g Wild Salmon (From the cooking box)

Wakame Salat

160 g Wakame salad (See recipe or get ready)

Beigaben und Deko

2 tbsp. Gari
2 tsp. Sesame Seed Furikake (Colorful sesame from the cooking box)
2 tsp. Wasabi
4 tbsp. Soy sauce
2 tsp. Fish Eggs
2 tsp. Arara (I use crispy rice balls from the rice cooking box.)


Preparation step 1
Wakame salad close up
Close up of Japanese seaweed salad with wakame.

Supplements recommendation

First you should prepare the seaweed salad. To do this, please follow my Recipe Wakame Salad. Alternatively, you can buy the seaweed salad ready-made.

Preparation step 2
sashimi salmon
Sashimi salmon on a cutting board.

Unwrap salmon

Get plates or wooden boards ready and unwrap the salmon. Place the salmon fillet skin side down on a cutting board.

Preparation step 3
Sashimi salmon fillet skin side
Salmon fillet skin side up. this is sashimi quality wild salmon.

Check salmon

The skin side of the salmon fillet looks like this.

Preparation step 4
Sashimi slices
Cut the sashimi slices from the salmon.

Slicing salmon

Cut salmon fillet in half lengthwise. Then remove the skin by making a horizontal cut. When doing so, cut between the skin and the fish fillet with the knife, turn the knife horizontally, hold the fish skin firmly under tension and cut off the skin with one pull. Cut slices about 3-5 mm thick, oblique or straight, according to taste.

Preparation step 5
sashimi on plate
Sashimi served with wakame salad, gari and wasabi.

Arrange sashimi

Drain and serve seaweed salad, optionally add fish eggs. Squeeze the gari and place on the plate, add the wasabi. Put the soy sauce in a small bowl. Place the salmon slices on the salad, sprinkle with sesame furikake + Arare and serve quickly. Enjoy your meal!


Note on Wakame Salad: 

Seaweed salad is a food containing iodine. Excessive consumption may cause thyroid disorders. Therefore, please do not consume more than one serving (100 g) per day.

Notes on Sashimi Quality Designation:

Freshwater fish is unfortunately prone to parasites, so sashimi quality fish is always sea fish.

Tuna and farmed salmon are most commonly used, wild salmon is particularly expensive and thus rare in restaurants.

Bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, albacore tuna, bonito, and skipjack, like other types of fish, must be specially frozen to be safe to eat raw.


3. Calories and Nutritional Values

4. More Ideas

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