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Frequently asked questions and professional cooking answers about asparagus soup

Asparagus soup common questions
Asparagus stock cover picture frequently asked questions about asparagus soup

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

This article answers asparagus soup faq. You can find my cooking tips on peeling asparagus elsewhere.

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1. What is the difference between asparagus soup and cream of asparagus soup?

Green asparagus soup

The difference between the two soups is fluid. Cream of asparagus soup is a more or less bound asparagus soup. Corn starch and potato starch are commonly used to thicken it.

2. How do I make soup from asparagus peelings?

Die spargelsuppe durch ein Sieb passieren.

Place the asparagus peels in cold water in a saucepan on the cooker and bring slowly to the boil. Allow the asparagus peelings to simmer gently for about 30 minutes. Gently season the stock with salt, pepper, stock, sugar, nutmeg and cayenne pepper. Strain the asparagus stock through a fine hair sieve. Bring the stock to the boil and slowly pour the cold cream into the boiling asparagus stock. If desired, thicken with cold cornflour, refine and serve. The recipe for asparagus soup shows the preparation step by step.

3. Is green asparagus suitable for making asparagus soup?

Gründer Spargel beim kochen im Topf

Use a bunch of asparagus for the preparation. Peel the ends of the asparagus by about 4-5 cm. Then peel 2-3 more stalks for the soup. You will get thin green asparagus strips. Sauté the rest of the asparagus without the tips in butter, add white wine, stock and cream and bring to the boil. After 10 minutes, mix and strain. Thicken with cornflour. Cook the asparagus tips and serve. Mix the soup with cold butter and serve.

4. How can I make asparagus soup with canned or jarred asparagus?

Spargelsuppe mit Sahne verfeinern und aufmixen.

Boiled asparagus from a jar or can, including asparagus water, is suitable for making asparagus soup. Here you will find instructions and a recipe for asparagus soup.

5. How can I prepare asparagus soup with soy cream?

Spargel weiß schälen

Instead of cow’s milk cream, you can also use soy cream to prepare the soup.

6. How can I prepare asparagus soup with coconut milk?

Rezeptbild für Spargelsuppe mit Kokosmilch.

Cook an asparagus stock from asparagus and/or asparagus peelings. Strain the asparagus stock after about 30 minutes. Season the soup to taste, for example with ginger, chilli, soy sauce and refine with coconut milk. Thai basil harmonises perfectly with this soup.

7. The asparagus soup tastes bitter, what can I do?

Brauner Zucker

Balance the bitter taste of the asparagus with sugar. Use little sugar at first and flavour the soup harmoniously.

8. How do I get a frothy asparagus soup?

Spargelsuppe einfach

Finally, blend the boiled soup with the hand blender and ice-cold pieces of butter until frothy. Chemistry is not necessary here. At the same time, the butter refines the asparagus flavour and creates a harmonious taste experience on the palate. Recipe for asparagus soup as a guide.

9. Asparagus Recipe Ideas