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Baked Asparagus, Deep-Fried Asparagus

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

My recipe baked asparagus I present to you today.

By baked asparagus, as a cook, I understand asparagus coated in batter or breaded asparagus, it is crispy asparagus 🙂

You can use green or white asparagus for this preparation.

In the article I show you how to prepare asparagus in batter and how to prepare asparagus breaded.

A recipe for asparagus in the oven (without baked) you can find here!

I wish you good luck!

1. Recipe Baked Asparagus

Here now the detailed instructions with all quantities. I wish you good luck!

Baked fried Asparagus

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 271
Preparation Time 20 Min.
Cook Time 20 Min.
Total Time 40 Min.

Simple guide to prepare asparagus wrapped in batter or breaded.

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Baked Asparagus Recipe Image
Baked Asparagus Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt



300 g white asparagus
some Salt
some Pepper
some brown sugar
some nutmeg grated

Asparagus fried the Ingredients:

100 g flour
1-2 pc eggs
100 g breadcrumbs (Please use very finely grated breadcrumbs)
150 g clarified butter or oil

Asparagus in the Batter the Ingredients for Wine or Beer Dough

100 g flour
1 pc egg
80-100 ml milk (or prepare as follows with beer or wine:)
beer (prepared with beer a beer dough is created)
white wine (prepared with white wine, wine dough is formed)


Preparation step 1
Himalayan salt
An example of unrefined and pristine salt is the pink Himalayan salt.

Prepare water

Bring a wide pot suitable for asparagus to the boil with water.

Season the water with salt, pepper, sugar and nutmeg and cook the asparagus until it is firm to the bite.

Preparation step 2
Peel the asparagus white
Peeling white asparagus explains this picture.

Prepare asparagus

Peel the asparagus according to the instructions in the article.

Preparation step 3
Asparagus while cooking
Cooking asparagus

Cool asparagus

Let the asparagus cool in cold water and dry.

Preparation step 4
Baking dough
Baking dough

Baking batter

Variant baking dough:

Cover the asparagus spears with flour. Flour extracts the moisture and later provides a crispy coating and sticks the dough.

Place the floured asparagus spears on an extra plate and add an egg, salt, pepper and some milk to the remaining flour.
Use a whisk to stir in a creamy, not too thick batter.

Put plenty of vegetable fat or rapeseed oil in a deep pan or wok. Bake the asparagus spears in very hot fat until golden yellow.

You can also use a deep fryer!

Preparation step 5
sifted flour
sifted flour in a bowl.

Breading Variant

Breading variant:

Prepare your breading line:

1st plate flour, 2nd plate whisked egg, 3rd plate breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs.

Season the cooked asparagus spears with salt, pepper.

Bread the asparagus tips in the following order:

flour – egg – breadcrumbs.

Then bake the asparagus spears floating in hot fat until crispy light brown.

Preparation step 6
Baked asparagus as finger food in a bowl served with a chive sauce
Baked asparagus with chive sauce, you can serve this dish as finger food.


In the article you will find ideas for suitable sauces.

Let yourself be inspired and enjoy baked asparagus during the asparagus season.

2. Calories (kcal) and Nutritional Values

3. Buy and Prepare Asparagus

The traditional asparagus season in Germany begins in April and ends in June on St. John’s Day.

St. John’s Day is June 24 and is popularly known as Asparagus New Year’s Eve.

When shopping, prefer local asparagus, it is healthier and has no jet lag.

For the baked asparagus, peel the asparagus spears.

You can recognize good and fresh asparagus by its appearance: shiny skin, closed heads and no brown spots.

Ingredients tips from chef Thomas Sixt
Fresh asparagus close-up
Asparagus fresh, the ends should not be dried off.

Peel asparagus INFO: Peel white asparagus starting about 3 cm below the tips, peel green asparagus only at the end about 5 cm.

Peel asparagus info from chef Thomas Sixt
Peeling asparagus finger and hand technique
Peel asparagus
Peeled asparagus with asparagus spears
Peeling asparagus made easy: Use a sharp pendulum peeler.

4. Baked Asparagus in Two Variants

You can now choose one of two variants for baked asparagus. The first variant is asparagus in batter, the second variant is asparagus breaded.

For both versions, pre-cook the asparagus in salted water. Depending on the thickness, cook the asparagus spears for 4-8 minutes until firm to the bite, then place in cold water and allow to cool, then dry.

4.1 Asparagus in Batter

I particularly like this variant. Season the precooked asparagus spears with salt and pepper. Dredge the asparagus spears in flour, then place in the batter and coat with batter. You can use a wine batter, a beer batter, or an Asian baking batter. I’ll show you my simple version of the batter in the recipe below.

Then bake at 170°C in hot fat until floating.

4.2 Bread Asparagus

For breading asparagus you will need flour, eggs, breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs.

Baking dough
Baking dough


Season the precooked asparagus spears with salt and pepper.

Turn the asparagus spears individually in flour, pull them through the beaten egg, then coat them in the breadcrumbs by pressing them gently.

Then fry the breaded asparagus spears at 170°C in hot fat until floating.

Mix the finest breadcrumbs with thyme.
Mix the finest breadcrumbs with thyme.

5. Cold Sauces to Add to Baked Asparagus

Baked asparagus is best served with one or more cold sauces. Here I have prepared two beautiful variants for you:

5.1 Egg sauce

You can make a note of the cold sauce with eggs for the entire asparagus season. The egg sauce is delicious with baked asparagus, boiled asparagus and roasted asparagus.

Prepare egg sauce for 4 people:

Egg sauce or cold dip with eggs, capers, parsley and olive oil.
The sauce made from hard-boiled eggs tastes excellent with any asparagus dish!

5.2 Chive sauce

You can also vary the chive sauce with other herbs.

The basic sauce of creme fraiche and sour cream tastes just as fine with frozen herb mixtures.  

I prefer fresh herbs…

Chive sauce for 4 people

Optionally, you can add a little garlic and a teaspoon of mayonnaise to the chive sauce to make it more flavorful.

The baked asparagus tastes equally delicious with a homemade hollandaise sauce.

My safe recipe shows you how to make this sauce with cooking video instructions step by step.

Baked asparagus as finger food in a bowl served with a chive sauce
Baked asparagus with chive sauce, you can serve this dish as finger food.

6. More Asparagus Recipes

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