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Beef Goulash Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

I cooked my first beef goulash recipe together with my grandmother, she was an excellent cook.

I can still remember the great taste today. You remember the strong and sweet paprika-roasted flavours for a lifetime.

Many summers later, I was able to look into the cooking pots of chefs in Vienna, Salzburg and Munich and gather all the good tips for this article.

This article answers the most important questions about the classic braised dish.

The video shows you how to prepare it step by step. In addition, learn about the regional differences in preparation and decide on your personal favourite variant.

I wish you much joy and good success!

1. Recipe Beef Goulash

Now it’s up to you.

With the following instructions you can bring the popular braised dish to the table like a chef!

Beef goulash

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 1027
Preparation Time 30 Min.
Cook Time 90 Min.
Total Time 120 Min.

Simple top guide to prepare beef goulash in variants.

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Beef goulash Recipe Image
Beef goulash Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


500 g onion
500 g Beef vawn
10-20 ml Sunflower oil
1 tsp tomato paste
2 tbsp Sweet paprika
250 ml Beef broth (I use a strong beef stock)
1 Stück Garlic clove
1 tsp Caraway
1 tbsp marjoram
some Lemon zest
2 Pinches Allspice


Preparation step 1
Beef goulash Cut meat and prepare it for the goulash
Cut beef for beef goulash. Large cubes of 3 cm are ideal.

Meat cutting

Cut the meat into about 40-50 g cubes.

Preparation step 2
Cut onions for beef goulash.
Then cut the onions into cubes.

Cutting onions

Peel and finely dice the onion.

Preparation step 3
Fry the goulash meat and onion cubes and add tomato paste.
Sweat the onion cubes in a little oil for 10-12 minutes until light brown.


You can now EITHER brown the meat first and remove it, then sauté the onions until light brown and add the meat again (German preparation method)

OR s

auté the onions until light brown first, add the meat and sauté lightly (Viennese preparation method).

Then add the tomato paste.

Preparation step 4
Beef goulash Roasted approach, that's how professional chefs and star chefs cook a beef goulash.
Roast the tomato paste with the onions and beef until light brown.


Roast the meat and onions with the tomato paste from a reddish colour to reddish brown.

While doing so, scrape off the roasting substances from the bottom of the pot with the roasting spatula.

Preparation step 5
Beef goulash while cooking on the stove, don't forget to season it with paprika!
The extinguished goulash on the stove here while seasoning it with paprika.


Add the paprika powder either shortly before deglazing with stock (beef stock) or afterwards.

The background:

Paprika must not be allowed to roast, as this spice quickly becomes bitter.

Stew the meat in the juice for about 1 hour over a gentle heat with a lid.

Preparation step 6
Beef goulash Recipe Image
Beef goulash Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Add the finely chopped garlic, caraway seeds, marjoram and lemon zest and continue to simmer with the lid on.

The meat should be tender towards the end of the cooking time.

Season with salt, pepper and a little allspice before serving.

Thicken to your taste with finely grated raw potato or with a little cornflour mixed with cold water and serve with garnish.


2. Calories and Nutritional Values

3. Shopping List for Beef Goulash

My recommendation:

Buy good organic meat from the butcher.

The other ingredients are also available in the supermarket.

Your list of ingredients:

Choose the right goulash meat:

The best goulash meat comes from the front or rear shank of beef.

These cuts have a strong flavour, are juicy, cook as soft as butter (even the tendons) and do not fall apart fibrously.

The meat from the neck of beef, on the other hand, is leaner, cooks fibrous for it and is therefore not ideally suited.

Noble goulash is cut from the shoulder or even the fillet, there are countless variations, which I would like to briefly outline below. 

The best goulash meat is from the beef calf!

Alfons Schuhbeck, chef at the Kurhausstüberl in Waging am See,
*Michelin, 19 points Gault et Millau
Rinderhesse with bone
Cattle calf on the bone, the meat is particularly suitable for braising and is called Wadschunken in Austria.

4. Two Goulash Preparation Methods You Must Know

For the classic braised dish, there are technically these two variants:

4.1 Wiener Saftgulasch – do not Brown the Meat

Here you start with the onions. This is the classic Viennese way of preparing juice goulash.

4.2 German Goulash – Brown the Meat

Here you start with the meat, which is browned first in a pot.

Beef goulash Roasted approach, that's how professional chefs and star chefs cook a beef goulash.
Fry the tomato paste with the onions and the beef until light brown, so that the typical colour develops and the roasted aromas can develop.

5. Beef Goulash Cooking Secrets at a Glance

There are many tips on braising, the most important of which I have summarised here…

The classic dish finds its flavourful perfection through fine seasoning with freshly ground allspice.

Lemon zest
Add marjoram to the lemon zest to create the typical flavour.

6. What Side Dishes Go Well With Beef Goulash?

Regionally we find different side dishes, what tastes good is allowed!

Boiled potatoes:
These are usually classic parsley potatoes, tossed in butter and seasoned with salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley and nutmeg. In exceptional cases, there is mashed potato with the goulash.

Toss freshly cooked al dente noodles (wide ribbon noodles) in foamed butter, serve with freshly chopped parsley, salt, pepper, nutmeg.

A popular side dish, especially in Bavaria and Swabia. Make the spaetzle yourself or use bought spaetzle. After cooking, toss the spaetzle or knöpfle in brown butter and serve with finely chopped parsley, salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Freshly prepared spaetzle as a side dish.
Spaetzle are the most popular side dish. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

7. More Cooking Tips

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