Zum Rezepte-Letter: Jetzt anmelden – Gewinnspiel im April!

Fennel Vegetables Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

I would like to present you my fennel vegetable recipe here. Fennel as a super side dish or as the main actor on the plate is quick to prepare and something special.

Fennel is healthy: the umbellifer was therefore named medicinal plant of the year in 2009.

As an eternal classic of Italian cuisine, it has long led a rather niche existence in Germany. Wrongly so! With its subtle aniseed note, it is an ingenious accompaniment to fish or meat, and with its finely pronounced flavour it also does well on its own on the plate.

We are now celebrating the renaissance of fennel bulbs in the kitchen. I show you the perfect preparation step by step with a cooking video. I wish you good luck and bon appétit!

1. First Tips for Preparing Fennel Vegetables

For a wonderful fragrant fennel meal I have written down the following advice for you:

The fresher the fennel bulb, the more you can use. Save the fennel for decoration, you can juice the rest!

Preparation tip from chef Thomas Sixt
Fennel cut types
Different types for fennel cut of all parts of the fennel

2. Recipe Fennel Vegetables

Below you will find the exact ingredients and step by step instructions with lots of photos.

By the way, you can send me a cooking question directly via the comment function!

Fennel Vegetables

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 559
Preparation Time 10 Min.
Cook Time 15 Min.
Total Time 25 Min.

Simple guide for the preparation of fennel vegetables.

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Roasted fennel with pine nuts
Fennel vegetables Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


250 g fennel (I use organic vegetables)
1/4 tsp Salt (I use primal salt or Himalayan salt)
1 tsp Sugar (I use brown cane sugar)
4-6 pinches Pepper black, ground
1 tbs oliv oil
30 g butter (I like to use ghee)
4 pinches nutmeg (I use optional)

Deko und verfeinern

1/2 tsp red pepper (optional, so-called Schinus fruits)
1 tbs pine nuts (optional)


Preparation step 1
Pine nuts in the pan
Pine nuts get their roasted aroma in the pan.

Prepare nuts

First, toast the pine nuts briefly in a little oil.

Then put them in a bowl and season with salt.

Prepare for serving.

Preparation step 2
Fennel cuts
Different types of fennel cut of all parts of the fennel

Cut fennel

Wash and dry the fennel, remove the outer layer depending on its condition.

Now decide on the type of cut: you can cut fine strips, eighths or oblong slices.

Diced is an additional option.

Preparation step 3
Fennel in the pan while frying
Roasted fennel in the pan

Fry fennel

Fry the fennel slices or eighths of fennel in a pan without oil over a high heat on all sides.

Preparation step 4
Fennel vegetables in the pan when frying
Toast and cook all parts of the fennel vegetables in the pan

Sauté fennel

I then sautéed thinly sliced fennel cabbage in the pan as well, adding a little oil.

Preparation step 5
Fennel vegetables fried in the pan
Fennel vegetables roasted in the pan

Season fennel

Season the sautéed vegetables with salt, pepper, nutmeg and sugar and caramelise lightly.

Preparation step 6
Roasted fennel with pine nuts
Fennel vegetables Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Arrange the vegetables, decorate with fennel fronds and optionally sprinkle with red pepper or a little chilli.

Serve quickly, bon appétit!


3. Calories and Nutritional Values

4. Ideas for Seasoning Fennel Vegetables

You can vary the vegetables in many different ways and refine them individually. Here you will find some tips and ideas:

Complementary ingredientsDescription
WalnutsAdd fresh or caramelised walnuts.
Walnut butterCoat roasted vegetables with walnuts and butter.
AlmondsServe with toasted almonds.
Almond butterChopped or grated almonds with butter and parsley.
CashewAdd chopped or whole cashews.
SesameSprinkle on at the end, light and dark sesame seeds look and taste great!
TurmericCook in turmeric until soft.
SaffronSauté the vegetables and then cook in the fennel stock.
CurrySeason exotically with curry, butter and sugar.
Pomegranate seedsFold in just before serving, it’s a visual kick and super healthy!
Soy sauceGlaze with a little sauce at the end over high heat, please use little to no salt!
Goji berries, dates or sultanasSauté the vegetables and serve with dried fruits.
Cream or soy creamCook in cream until soft and reduce.
Butter crumbsToast the breadcrumbs with butter and coat the vegetables with them.

5. With which Dishes does the Fennel Vegetable go well?

As a classic side dish, this vegetable goes well with:

Fish in saltcrust
Fish with Rice
Fillet steak
Rice noodle salad
Chicken drum sticks
Duck breast
Fish in oven

6. More Vegetable Side Dish Recipes

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