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Poached Fish: Recipe Cod poached with Chanterelles, Kochwiki-Instructions with Chef Tips

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Today I’ll show you my recipe to poach Fish. The fish poaching is in the combination with cod and chanterelles a fantastic way of preparation.

Hans Haas from the restaurant Tantris in Munich has prepared a similar dish with the St. Peter’s fish in this way and therefore I have the idea to combine chanterelles with fish.

This recipe is easy to prepare and very tight. The fish poach cooking video accompanies you during the preparation.

I wish you good luck!

1. Definition of Poaching – How to Poach Fish Fillet

In this preparation method, the prepared fish fillet, pieces of fish or the whole fish are prepared in a broth or sauce and cooked slowly, below the boiling point.

The temperature range for poaching is 85-95 °C.

Poach fish is pronounced “posch fish” but written without “s

2. Poach Fish Fillet in Broth

The pochier brew can be a broth or a salted water, seasoned with some aromatics.

The example of a simple poaching broth for fish:

The prepared fish fillets or fillets are placed in the boiling broth, then the pot is pulled from the stove, the fish can cook under the boiling point, this is the meaning of poaching.

I have a second recipe for you, by the way: I poach the fish in a smoked tea with the fish in tomato sauce.

Which means poaching: Poaching means letting it simmer below the boiling point!

Fish in Tomato Sauce, refined Recipe with Cooking Video, simple and sure to succeed
Poach fish, the brew for poaching allows creativity. Above you can see the fish poached in smoked tea with tomato sauce.

3. Can I poach frozen Fish?

The fish fillet must always be defrosted before poaching. Place the frozen fish fillet in cold water and let it thaw slowly for about 30 minutes to an hour.

Warm water is bad because the fish begins to cook in warm or even hot water and later decomposes more easily.

4. Poaching with or without Vinegar

The vinegar is not absolutely necessary as an addition during poaching, sometimes it is helpful.

The poached egg, for example, works better with vinegar, with fish I do without vinegar completely.

The preparation of ‘carp blue’ or ‘fish blue’ is carried out in a vinegar mixture. The vinegar causes the blue colouring of the fish skin. Personally, I don’t like the fish prepared in vinegar broth very much.

Poached fish, no matter whether it is cod, pike, cod or halibut, I prefer to prepare it in filet form without skin, in a suitable broth.

The poaching stock from broth and aromatics can then be served as a stock with the dish, or I prepare a fish sauce based on the stock.

5. Temperature ranges for Fish preparation

The example of poaching shows that the fish is cooking wonderfully at a low temperature.

Therefore I would like to give you a tip to try it out: Place a fish fillet in a buttered porcelain dish, season the fish with salt and pepper, cover the porcelain container with a cling film and place the fish in the preheated oven at 80°C hot air level.

Depending on the size of the fish fillet, the cooking time is 8-14 minutes. This is one of the most beautiful ways to prepare fish fillet, completely without roasts, smells and action with fat and pan.

You’ll be amazed how fine the fish tastes, prepared this way!

6. Fish poached with Chanterelles

In the Pfifferling time my recipe offers a welcome change to the usual and well-known cream mushrooms.

When shopping for chanterelles, please buy as clean a product as possible. Washing and cleaning the mushrooms is explained elsewhere in the Risotto and should be a good guide for you.

In a cooking school article I show you chanterelles wash and clean in detail. The cleaning of the other hat journeymen goes exactly the same as I show it with the chanterelles.

Freshly collected chanterelles
You can find local chanterelles yourself.
Chanterelles go excellently with poached fish.

7. Recipe

Poached Fish – Cod with Chanterelles and Potatoes

Poach fish using the example of poached cod or cod with chanterelles in vegetable stock and potatoes. A recipe from Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2 Persons
Calories 429
Preparation Time 10 Min.
Cook Time 20 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.
Poaching fish is the topic of this article. I answer the question: “What does poaching mean and how does it work” in detail and the poaching of fish and seafood is shown step by step with video. The combination of fish and chanterelles is a dreamlike culinary wedding and you can easily cook it yourself. Good luck!

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Poached Fish: Recipe Cod poached with Chanterelles, Kochwiki-Instructions with Chef Tips
A fine example of poaching fish is the cod


4 pc small potatoes
50 g butter
1 pc onion
1 pc garlic
200 g Chanterelles
some Sunflower oil
100 ml dry white wine
200 ml Vegetable broth
some Parsley
2 pc cod fillets (or cod fillets without skin)
black pepper


Preparation step 1

Cook the potatoes in their skins in salted water until soft, peel and warm in a little butter, seasoned with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Preparation step 2

Sweat onion cubes and garlic in a pan with butter, add cleaned chanterelles cut to taste and sweat with them. If the pan gets too hot, add some sunflower oil.

Preparation step 3

Now deglaze with white wine, add vegetable stock, add finely chopped parsley, bring to the boil. Refine the chanterelles stock with butter, season to taste with salt, pepper, nutmeg and a little chilli.

Preparation step 4

Put the cod fillets seasoned with salt and pepper into the boiling chanterelles stock.

Preparation step 5

Cover the pan with lid, remove from heat source and poach the cod for 4-6 minutes (simmer below boiling point).

Preparation step 6

Arrange potatoes on warm plates, add cod and chanterelles with stock and serve quickly.



8. Calories

9. More Fish and Seafood for Poaching

Poached fish with chanterelles can also be prepared with halibut fillet, salmon fillet and hake fillet. Shrimps and scallops go well with seafood.

10. More Ideas

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