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Spaghetti with Granola – delicious “organic” Spaghetti

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

An exciting recipe Spaghetti with Capers, Olives and Muesli. We will now prepare this beautiful and above all simple dish together.

The highlight of this recipe is sure to catch your eye: Muesli. Why roasted muesli go so well with my spaghetti, like many other tips for this recipe, I’ll show you now.

1. Granola for a special Flavor in my Spaghetti

Now I stop putting you on a rack and tell you the secret of my spaghetti granola dish.

Those who know me can say that I always try out new and crazy things in the kitchen. I tried many recipes including granola and every one of them was really good. Another example for a recipe with granola is my apple-granola strudel. So if you plan to cook a dinner with a granola theme, I already have a main dish and a dessert for you!

2. Only the best for my Spaghetti with Capers and Olives

If you are in a hurry, just buy your granola in your nearest supermarket. There are so many different flavors that you will easily find a muesli you like. I ordered a special muesli from mymuesli.com that has the wonderful name “Almwiese” which means Alpine meadow.

At mymuesli.com you can order a muesli according to your taste – I think that’s a great opportunity!

My muesli contains many raisins and sultanas – they work great in combination with capers and anchovies.

Now it is time for roasting

First I roast my muesli with a dash of olive oil. Roast it for some minutes but watch out that it doesn’t get to dark. Now it already starts to smell amazing … yum!
When you are done the crumbs, put them in a bowl and set aside.

Since the sauce for the spaghetti doesn’t take much time to prepare, I already start boiling the pasta while I’m roasting the muesli.
The pasta should be al dente after about 8 minutes.

Quick and tasty sauce with capers and anchovies

Now I’m starting my delicious sauce. I cut the onions and the anchovies into small pieces. For browning I use the same pan that I used for the granola crumbs before. I roast the onions and anchovies in some oil to preserve the toasty aroma of the granola, then I add the capers and olives. In the meantime I cut the parsley and also add it to the pan. I add the parsley already at this point so the parsley flavor will be more intense.

White wine and stock make the sauce awesome

In the next step I deglaze everything with white wine and add some chicken stock. The sauce is ready now, you just have to season it with a little salt and chili. I let the sauce simmer until the spaghetti are al dente. If you think the sauce is too thick, just add more stock.

Stop – one ingredient is missing!

I almost forgot an important ingredient – the young garlic.
Young garlic is not used as often as regular garlic. It’s milder and works great with the capers and anchovies. I cut the garlic into small pieces (please don’t mash it or it will get bitter) and let it simmer in the sauce.

Cook the young garlic in the sauce – if you sear the garlic, it will get too spicy!

Dinner’s ready for my spaghetti with capers and olives

When the spaghetti are al dente, I strain them and mix them with the sauce. If you want a more intense flavor, let everything simmer together for a short time. Then I serve the spaghetti on plates. If you want to serve the spaghetti with a fork like I did, please watch my video.

Finally I spread the warm granola crumbs over the spaghetti and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. It looks gorgeous and smells delicious. I can’t wait to eat it!!! Have fun with cooking!

3. Recipe spaghetti with granola

Spaghetti with capers, olives and granola crumbs

Spaghetti with capers, olives and granola crumbs Recipe from german chef thomas sixt with cooking video.

Servings 2 servings
Calories 720
Preparation Time 10 Min.
Cook Time 14 Min.
Total Time 24 Min.
Spaghetti with capers, olives and granola crumbs: we prepare this great and especially easy dish today. a not typical ingredient for spaghetti are granola crumbs. Now I will tell you why granola goes perfectly with my spaghetti, and you’ll get some special cooking tips too! Find the Recipe here…

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Spaghetti with Granola - delicious "organic" spaghetti


100 g granola
4 tbsp Olive oil
150 g spaghetti
1 onions
3 pieces of anchovies
2 tbsp capers
30 g Olives
8 Blatt Parsley
50 ml white wine (dry)
100 ml vegetable stock
a little Chili pepper (dry)
1 Garlic clove
40 g parmesan


Preparation step 1

First roast the granola in a pan with some olive oil until crispy. Set aside.

Preparation step 2

Cook the spaghetti in a pot with until they are al dente, then strain them.

Preparation step 3

Sear the cubed onion in a pan, add some of the finely cut anchovies, capers, olives, as well as the finely chopped parsley. Brown everything.

Preparation step 4

Add the rest of the anchovies and deglaze with white wine and stock. Season to taste with salt, pepper, chili and the finely cut garlic.

Preparation step 5

Add the strained spaghetti to the sauce and mix well. Serve the meal on a plate and decorate with the roasted granola crumbs. If you like, sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top.



4. Calories and Nutritional Values

5. Further Recipes with Spaghetti

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