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Strawberry Jam Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

My Strawberry Jam Recipe will please you.

Everyone loves the aromatic red fruits.

When the sun shines, when the strawberry fields invite you to pick them yourself, then the best time to get the sun in your glass is for an extension of the oh too short strawberry time.

So I set off and got the red berries straight from the field to show you how to cook jam.

Well, it’s true, I also wanted a delicious spread of bread. I succeeded in doing that and how, that’s what I show you here.

It follows my step by step instruction with many photos. I wish you good luck!

1. Strawberry Jam Recipe

Now we can get started, I’m looking forward to it. This will be a lot of fun!

Following many step by step photos for the preparation of your strawberry jam…

Strawberry Jam

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 10
Calories 443
Preparation Time 30 Min.
Cook Time 20 Min.
Total Time 50 Min.

Simple guide to preserving strawberry jam.

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Strawberry jam recipe Image
Strawberry jam Recipe Image © Food photographer Thomas Sixt


1,5 kg strawberries
1 kg jam sugar (I prefer to take jam sugar 2:1)
3 pc Apple
2 pc vanilla beans
150 ml White wine dry


Cook Jam

Preparation step 1
Strawberries in the basket, fresh from the field
Fresh strawberries from the local field photographed in a basket of green. © Food photographer Thomas Sixt

Get strawberries

Buy the berries fresh from the market or go to the field and pick them yourself.

Preparation step 2
Ingredients for strawberry jam
Put the ingredients for homemade strawberry jam together on a board. © Food photographer Thomas Sixt

Prepare ingredients

Prepare the ingredients and cooking utensils.

Preparation step 3
Cleaned and prepared strawberries
Prepared strawberries in a bowl close-up. © Thomas Sixt food photographer

Clean strawberries

Wash the berries well under running water, then remove the green and halve depending on the size.

Preparation step 4
Weigh fruits
Weigh the cleaned berries to find the right ratio of preserving sugar and fruit. © Food photographer Thomas Sixt

Weigh strawberries

Weigh the strawberries to determine the right amount of preserving sugar.

Preparation step 5
Preserving sugar 2 to 1
Preserving sugar 2: 1

Gelling Sugar

Use gelling sugar 2:1:

1.5 kg strawberries and 1.0-1.3 kg gelling sugar.

I think most Internet recipes are wrong.

The berries contain a lot of water and need a lot of preserving sugar!

Preparation step 6
cut an apple
Cut the peeled apple pieces. © Thomas Sixt food photographer

PRepare Apple

Cut the peeled apples into small pieces.

Preparation step 7
Pulp from a vanilla pod
The pulp is scraped from vanilla pods

Add vanilla

Scrape out the vanilla pod.

Add the pod and pulp to the fruit.

Preparation step 8
raw ingredients for jam in the pot
The ingredients for jam in the saucepan. © Thomas Sixt food photographer

Prepare cooking

Put the berries with apple pieces, vanilla pod and pulp, jam sugar and white wine into the pot.

Preparation step 9
Boil the jam
Bring the strawberry jam to the boil in the saucepan. © Thomas Sixt food photographer

Boil ingredients

Bring the ingredients to the boil, stirring constantly on the bottom with a spatula so that the preparation does not burn.

Preparation step 10
Boil strawberry jam
Strawberries with apple, vanilla pod, wine and preserving sugar in a pot.

Cooking process

Cook the strawberry jam for five minutes.

Preparation step 11
Mix up the jam
You can puree the marmealde with a hand blender.


Remove the vanilla pod and mix the fruits with a hand blender.

Preparation step 12
Cook the marmealde yourself
Put the cooked jam on a cold plate and let it cool down briefly. If you slide your finger through it, the jam will "stand". Gelierpobe passed. If the jam is too runny, simply add the preserving sugar and bring to the boil again and test. © Food photographer Thomas Sixt

Gelling test

Carry out the gelling test, put some strawberry jam on a small plate and let cool.

You can pull through the fruit preparation with a spoon or your finger, if the jam “stops” the firmness is good.

Otherwise add more preserving sugar, test again and then prepare for bottling.


Preparation step 13
Rinse glasses with vinegar
Clean the glasses, rinse the glasses well with vinegar for durability. © Thomas Sixt food photographer

Prepare jars

Wash screw glasses and lid under hot running water.

Fill glass by glass with vinegar essence, shake and disinfect.

You can pour the vinegar from glass to glass!

Preparation step 14
Jars for filling with jam
The cleaned and disinfected jars, prepared for filling with home-made jam.

Jars ready

Make the jars ready for filling with lids.

Preparation step 15
Fill jam
Use a beak cup to fill the jam. So the glasses stay clean at the edge!

Fill jam

Bring the strawberry jam to the boil and fill the jars with a measuring cup or beaker.

Caution hot!

Preparation step 16
Pour in jam
Pour the jam into the clean jars and close immediately while hot.

Close jars

The glasses quickly close to form a vacuum.

Preparation step 17
Jam jars
Strawberry jam jars, made from 1.5 KG strawberries.

Jars ready

Fill all glasses and leave.

Preparation step 18
Strawberry jam jars with basket
Cook your own strawberry jam from the basket to the glass and back again.


The fine strawberry jam is now ready.

From the basket to the basket!

Enjoy your meal!

Preparation step 19
Strawberry jam recipe Image
Strawberry jam Recipe Image © Food photographer Thomas Sixt


Enjoy a freshly prepared jam bread right away…



2. Calories and Nutritional Values

3. Shopping List for Strawberry Jam

It is so simple and today there are very few ingredients…

3.1 Ingredients and Shopping List

You need:

Please make sure that you have the following things for the preparation in the kitchen:

The berry fruit spread tastes delicious on the bread. © Food Photographer Thomas Sixt

3.2 Preparation and Cleanliness

Hygiene during preparation is the be-all and end-all. Our fruit preparation has a shelf life of one year.  After half a year, the colour fades and the jam tends to turn grey-brown and also loses its aroma slightly. Experience shows that the jars are usually emptied after a few weeks as if by magic.

My tip: Don’t cook too much strawberry jam, because it only lasts about half a year. If you love strawberry jam, make it out of frozen fruits out of season, that works too 🙂

  1. I clean my jam jars thoroughly before filling.
  2. In addition, I use a strong vinegar, from which I put 2-3 tablespoons into the empty jars and screw down the lid.
  3. Then I shake the glasses, so that the acid is distributed everywhere inside.
  4. Then I open the glass again and pour the rest away from the vinegar.
  5. When filling the jars with the hot finished jam, something goes wrong and stains the edge and the jar.
  6. This I wipe with a new kitchen cloth or wet kitchen paper quickly clean again.

Use a beak cup (a 1 l jug) to fill the glasses, then you will hit more accurately and hardly spill anything.

Recommendation by Chef Thomas Sixt
Strawberry jam tastes homemade for breakfast. Coat the bread with the delicious close-up. © Food Photographer Thomas Sixt

4. Additional Success Tips for Strawberry Jam

Gelling test: Place the cooked strawberry jam on a cold plate and allow to cool briefly. If you pull your finger through, the jam “stops”. Jelly bottom passed. If the jam is too liquid, simply add preserving sugar and bring to the boil again and test. © Food Photographer Thomas Sixt

5. Further suitable Recommendations

More strawberry Recipes:

strawberry tart
strawberry cake simple
strawberry creamy cake
strawberry strudel
strawberry puff pastry
strawberry muffin
strawberry risotto

We are looking forward to more spreads….

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

5.00 from 1228 ratings

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