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Salad with Prawns Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

Today I show you my salad with prawns recipe.

Each season has its own recipes:

Lamb’s lettuce with shrimp goes well with autumn and winter.

What could be nicer than sitting at the table with your best friends and enjoying a great meal together?

This salad is a main course for figure-conscious people or a great appetizer and “only” rounds off the evening.

Reserve this appetizer for Christmas and a Christmas menu!

Learn lots of tips for preparing shrimp, salad and dressing. Good succeed!

1. Recipe Salad with Prawns

Here are the instructions with all the information about the ingredients.

For kitchen gossip and cooking questions you can send me a comment at the bottom of the page.

Salad with Prawns

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 202
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 15 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.

Easy instructions for preparing leaf salads with king prawns.

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Salad with Prawns Recipe Image
Salad with Prawns Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


50-150 g lamb’s lettuce (Lamb’s lettuce, lamb’s lettuce or mixed salad)
2 Piece Oranges
1 tbsp white vine vinegar
4 Pinches primal salt
3 pinches black ground pepper (Pepper white or black, according to personal taste)
1 Pinches brown can sugar (brown sugar brings a wonderful flavor to the salad dressing!)
30-50 ml Olive oil (Fry some olive oil for the prawns, use the rest for the dressing)
6-8 Pieces prawns (Adjust the amount depending on size, availability and appetite)
40 ml cognac


Preparation step 1
washed lamb's lettuce
You can mix washed and dried lamb’s lettuce with the K lettuce just before serving. © Thomas Sixt Food Photographer

Prepare salad

Clean the lamb’s lettuce carefully and soak it twice in cold water.

Drain the lettuce and prepare to marinate.

Please follow the instructions in the article or the article on washing lamb’s lettuce.

Preparation step 2
Fillet oranges
Step Cut image from video of orange fillets.

Prepare oranges

Peel the orange, fillet, collect the orange juice for the salad vinaigrette in a bowl.

Preparation step 3
Mix the orange juice dressing with the whisk.
Mix the orange juice dressing, slowly stir in the olive oil.

Prepare dressing

Mix and dissolve the orange juice, white wine vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar.

Slowly stir in the olive oil with a whisk or use the blender.

Prepare a well emulsified salad dressing!

Preparation step 4
Prawns in the pan, fried
High heat is required to fry the prawns, always preheat the pan well. Coated pan or iron pan, that remains a matter of philosophy and equipment in your own kitchen.

Prepare prawns

Dry the prawns prepared according to the instructions and fry them on both sides in a pan over high heat with a little oil.

Season the shrimp gently with salt and pepper. Personally, I prefer to use white pepper because it harmonises very well with the oranges.

Place the orange fillets in the pan with the prawns, flambé with the cognac and set aside next to the stove.

Preparation step 5
Salad with Prawns Recipe Image
Salad with Prawns Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Marinate the prepared rock salad evenly with the salad dressing and arrange on plates.

Add the prawns and orange fillets.

Decoration tips can be found at the top of the article, personally I currently prefer to combine pomegranate seeds or goji berries with this dish.

Decoration tips:

Add goji berries, red berries (red pepper), pomegranate seeds, diced tomatoes, pepper antipasti , bread croutons.

A similar recipe is the Shrimp and Avocado Salad .

2. Calories and Nutritional Values

The nutrition-conscious connoisseur will be delighted with this dish!

If the bread is left out, it is a low-carb dish, at the same time it is a food combining recipe, the salad is gluten-free and therefore very well tolerated and even fits into a change in diet.

3. Easy To Prepare Salad With Prawns

For this dish you need fresh lamb’s lettuce or mixed lettuce, oranges, white wine vinegar, olive oil, shrimp, cognac, salt, pepper and sugar.

This dish is absolutely simple and with a little skill you can prepare it in less than 30 minutes (starter).

First pluck the roots from the lamb’s lettuce, place the lettuce in cold water, gently toss the lamb’s lettuce blossoms in the water, change the water once and after 10 minutes place the lettuce on kitchen paper to drain.

I published a step-by-step guide to washing and cleaning lamb’s lettuce a long time ago.

It is important that the salad has dried well before marinating, so that the salad dressing adheres optimally to the fine leaves.

If you prefer to prepare your salad with a mixed salad, you can find a suggestion here as a picture, I will show you how to wash the salad elsewhere.

Colorful leaf salads, different varieties.
Colorful leaf salads are excellent for shrimp. If you don’t have much time, you can also buy a ready-made mixture at the market.

4. Matching Salad Dressing For Salad With Prawns

I prepare the salad dressing with orange juice and vinegar. Have a board and a bowl ready, you will also need a very sharp knife.

Peel the oranges with a knife and generously remove the skin.

Then hold the orange over the bowl and cut out orange fillets from the fruit.

I will show you how to prepare the orange fillets in the cooking school filleting oranges .

Place the orange fillets in an extra bowl.

Add some white wine vinegar to the orange juice, add salt, pepper and sugar, then mix with a whisk and slowly add olive oil.

The combination of vinegar and orange juice gives you a pleasant, fresh acidity for your salad dressing. Prepare the salad dressing for later serving.

salad dressing
A fine dressing makes the salad delicious! Taste the dressing with sugar sweet and sour. © Food photographer Thomas Sixt

The salad is always marinated with the dressing just before serving, because the acidity quickly wilts the lettuce leaves.

Marinating the salad Tip from chef Thomas Sixt

5. Fry Prawns Properly

The best place to buy shrimp is at the fish market, Asian grocery stores are an insider tip, they often have large, raw frozen shrimp on offer.

The shrimp are ideal when they are gray and have not been pre-cooked. The larger the shrimp, the better suited it is for frying.

If you get real scampi then buy them, your guests will be very happy!

Thaw the shrimp in cold water, peel, remove the intestines, drain the shrimp and prepare for frying and flambéing.

The real scampi is a small crab and tastes delicious!
The real scampi is the better shrimp and tastes delicious. Here in the picture shelled scampi on a board.
Prawns raw and unpeeled
Raw shrimp in the shell.

How to prepare delicious pre-cooked shrimp from the supermarket:
If you “only” get pre-cooked, frozen shrimp from the supermarket, you can recognize them by their red color, then prepare them as follows:

My professional chef tip for pre-cooked supermarket prawns: just heat the prawns briefly in olive oil and butter and glaze them so that they are easy to put on the plate. If fried too much, these shrimp become rubbery in consistency or just leave a lot of water.

Shrimp fry tip from chef Thomas Sixt

When your guests are sitting at the table, you can finish preparing your salad.

Prepare the required number of plates for serving.

The plates should be cold and there is no harm in polishing them :-).

Fry the prawns on both sides in a hot pan with a little olive oil, season lightly with salt and pepper, add the cognac and flambé.

Place the orange fillets in the hot pan and leave the pan near the stovetop. Marinate the lamb’s lettuce with the dressing and arrange on the plate.

Add orange fillets and shrimp… and your simple shrimp salad is ready.

Shrimp in the pan, fried
High heat is required to fry the shrimp, always preheat the pan well. Coated pan or iron pan, that remains a matter of philosophy and equipment in your own kitchen.

6. Other Suitable Ideas

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

4.96 from 1604 ratings

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  • Hi Thomas!


    This is a great idea to combine fried shrimp and lettuce with oranges.

    I liked this very much and I like these variants very much.

    Looking forward to more ideas from your cookbook now.

    Thanks PF

  • Hi Thomas,

    Nice Blog and good Ideas, great Photos 🙂

    I made my first Prawn salad yesterday and your instructions were very helpful.

    Thanks! Kerry

    • Hello Kerry,

      Nice to read from You 🙂

      Thank you for your quick feedback and the positive feedback.

      This makes me happy!


      I wish you the best of luck!

      Kind regards Thomas

  • Hi Thomas Sixt,

    I love your ideas and photos, they are so special to me and give me great joy.

    This salad I have already prepared several times and it tastes simply delicious.

    Love Anne