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Sausage Salad Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

You can find my simple sausage salad recipe as a step-by-step guide in this post.

Today the sausage is served with pickles, onions and a vinegar-oil marinade.

At home in the inn, the salad was always pickled for a day or two.

The freshly marinated variant tastes just as delicious and is easy to make.

Dinner, snack or snack, the salad always fits.

I wish you good luck!

1. Recipe Sausage Salad

Get a first overview of the preparation here.

After the recipe you will find shopping tips and even more information.

You can send me cooking questions and kitchen gossip via the comment function.

Sausage Salad

Prepared, refined, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 4
Calories 502
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 15 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.

Simple guide to prepare salad with sausage, vinegar and oil.

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5.00 from 733 ratings

Sausage salad recipe image
Sausage salad recipe Image © Thomas Sixt



200 ml white wine vinegar (Optionally, I also use red wine vinegar)
6 Pinches primal salt
8 Pinches black ground pepper (Optionally, I use white pepper.)
2 tbsp brown can sugar
2 tsp Dijon mustard (Optionally, I use medium hot mustard)
8 tbsp Sunflower oil

salad ingredients

5 Pieces red onions (Optionally, I use shallots)
600 g Leberkäse
300 g cornichons (very small gherkins) (Optionally, I use pickles)
1 Bunch chives


Preparation step 1
Sausage salad ingredients
Sausage salad ingredients prepared in the kitchen.

Prepare ingredients

Prepare the ingredients in the kitchen.

Preparation step 2
Sausage salad marinade ingredients
Sausage salad marinade ingredients

Mix dressing

Mix vinegar in a bowl with salt, pepper, sugar and mustard. 

Let the marinade stand briefly and stir again to dissolve the spices.

Preparation step 3
to cut onions
Cut the onion into strips.

Prepare onions

Halve and peel the onions.

Cut either thin, fine onion strips or fine cubes and add to the vinegar.

Preparation step 4
stir in oil
Stir the oil into the vinegar marinade.

Finish dressing

Stir the oil into the vinegar marinade and prepare a fine dressing.

Preparation step 5
Put onions in marinade
Place the onion strips in the marinade.

Marinate onions

Place the prepared onions in the salad marinade and marinate.

Preparation step 6
Liver Cheese Slices
Thinly sliced liver loaf German Leberkäse.

Prepare sausage

Place the thinly sliced leberkäse slices exactly on top of each other.

Preparation step 7
Cut meat loaf into strips
Cut the meat loaf slices into strips

Cut strips

Cut the Leberkäse slices into strips 2.5 cm wide.

Preparation step 8
Cut meat loaf into diamonds
Cut meat loaf into diamonds

Cut diamonds

Cut the meat loaf strips into 2.5 cm wide diamonds.

Preparation step 9
Marinate sausage salad
Put the meat loaf in the dressing and marinate.

Marinate sausage

Add the prepared meat loaf lozenges to the onions and marinate.

Preparation step 10
Cut gherkins
Cut gherkins or gherkins.

Cut pickles

Cut the gherkins or gherkins into slices or long pieces.

Preparation step 11
Marinate sausage salad
Marinate the sausage salad in the bowl.

Add pickles

Add the pickles to the sausage salad and mix.

Preparation step 12
Sausage salad recipe image
Sausage salad recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Arrange the sausage salad in bowls or plates.

Decorate with freshly cut chives.

Serve with pretzels, butter and radishes.

Enjoy your meal!



The dressing ingredients are calculated just for direct marinating.

For pickling the sausage for several days, at least double the dressing ingredients.


2. Nutrition Facts And Calories

3. Buy Sausage For Sausage Salad

Regional differences can be seen in the selection of sausages:

–> The small Regensburger or the typical city sausage as well as meat loaf are part of the salad in Bavaria.

–> The Lyoner and the Fleischwurst are often used in northern Germany.

–> Swabian sausage salad consists half of blood sausage.

–> In Switzerland, the salad is prepared with Cervelat (Cervelas).

–> Cervelat is a Swiss boiled sausage, a bockwurst, known as Klöpfer in Basel or Stumpen in St. Gallen.

–> In Austria Knackwurst or Extrawurst is inserted.

–> The Extrawurst from Austria is a bit spicier than Lyoner and has a finer taste.

–> The Austrian version of the salad is called Saure Wurst or Essigwurst.

For a freshly prepared salad, my recommendation is a special meat loaf from Austria called Neuburger.

You can have Neuburger sliced fresh and thin at Edeka’s sausage counter.

Neuburger is my favorite for sausage salad.
Please try and comment!

Sausage tip from chef Thomas Sixt

Sausages overview:

You might be wondering why I prefer meat loaf for the salad?

Sausages with skin have to be peeled off, you can save yourself this step with sausages without skin or casing.

Liver Cheese - Neuburger
Neuburger – never call him Leberkäse.
Thinly sliced Lyoner photographed from above.
meat sausage
meat sausage
Krakauer photographed from above.
Black pudding - red sausage
Blood Sausage – Red Sausage photographed from above.

4. Buy cheese for the Swiss sausage salad

It’s easier to buy sliced cheese for the salad because it’s quicker to cut.

–> Swiss, Alsatian and Strasbourg sausage salads contain some Emmental cheese.

–> The Swiss version of the sausage and cheese salad is prepared with Gruyere, Emmental or Appenzeller.

–> In the recipe above you can add 150-200 g of cheese for a fine Swiss sausage salad.

You can find the Swiss cheese variants under this paragraph.

I hope this makes the selection and shopping easier for you 🙂

Matured Emmental Swiss cheese.
Appenzell Swiss cheese
Gruyere Swiss cheese

5. Vegetarian Sausage Salad

There is no real vegetarian sausage salad, you can replace the sausage with tofu and even prepare a vegan salad without cheese and without animals.

I would recommend a smoked tufo, it tastes a little better.

Sliced smoked tofu
Sliced smoked tofu. A great ham substitute!
Smoked tofu cut into thin strips
Smoked tofu cut into strips.

6. Dressing and Marinade For Sausage Salad

The salad dressing traditionally consists of the following ingredients:

–> white wine vinegar or red wine vinegar,

–> sugar, salt and pepper,

–> Optional medium hot mustard and

–> Refined vegetable oil such as sunflower oil or corn oil or rapeseed oil

The goal is a harmonious sweet and sour marinade that is prepared with a high proportion of sugar.

Always start with vinegar and spices, only when the spices are dissolved do you stir in the oil.

Sausage salad marinade ingredients
Sausage salad marinade ingredients
mustard on spoon
Mustard on a Spoon, Medium Hot Mustard or Dijon Mustard.

7. Shelf Life Of Sausage Salad

There are two variants for a longer shelf life of the vinegar sausage:

For 24 hour shelf life:

–> Prepare the salad with onions and cover with plenty of dressing, with lid, store in the fridge.

For two to four days shelf life:

–> Leave out the onions and keep the sausage covered with dressing, with lid, in the fridge.

–> Add the fresh onions just before serving.

Please pay attention to the onions: Cut the onions with a sharp knife.

You can preserve the onions by adding vinegar and sugar to the marinade.

The marinated onions must be covered with marinade or they will start to ferment.

Chopped onions ferment faster!

I prefer the addition of freshly sliced onions.
I like that better!

Tip from chef Thomas Sixt
Shallot cubes with root
Finely chopped onion cubes with the leftover root
Cut the onion into strips
Peel the red onion and cut into fine strips.

8. Side Dish Ideas For Sausage Salad

The sausage salad tastes great with fresh farmhouse bread, pretzels and rolls.

In the Saarland and in the Electoral Palatinate around Heidelberg, Speyer, Ludwigshafen and Schwetzingen, the salad is even eaten with French fries.

Other suitable supplements are:

9. More Ideas For Your Kitchen

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

5.00 from 733 ratings

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  • Hello Thomas,

    we have tried your sausage salad and it tastes very very good.

    First time we could try a variant of it on vacation in Germany.

    Your dish reminded me positively of a good time.

    Thanks greeting Pete

    • Hi Pete,

      thank you for your warm feedback.

      Good memories are always nice.

      Wish you continued success in the kitchen and where it is important to you!

      Love greetings Thomas