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Fried Dumplings Recipe for Bavarian Knödelgröstl

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

In this article I will show you my Fried Dumplings Recipe for Bavarian Knödelgröstl.

For roasted dumplings you should use bread dumplings or napkin dumplings from the previous day.

Roasted dumplings are a popular leftover food in Bavaria and Austria.

Instead of the typical and well-known preparation with egg I show you today a variation with sauerkraut and apple.

I wish you good luck and a good appetite!

1. Recipe Fried Dumplings

Following my recipe with exact ingredients.

I wish you good success and am happy about a comment…

Fried Dumplings – Bavarian Knödelgröstl

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 354
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 15 Min.
Total Time 30 Min.

Simple instructions for preparing dumpling gröstl.

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Fried Dumplings Knödelgröstl Recipe Image
Fried Dumplings Knödelgröstl Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Sauerkraut as a side dish with fried dumplings

300 g Sauerkraut (pickled cabbage)
100 ml white wine
200 ml concentrated vegetable broth
2 pc bay leaves

Ingredients for glazed apples

1 pc Apple
25 g clarified butter
4 pinches brown sugar (I prefer to use raw cane sugar!)

Ingredients for dumpling gröstel

4-6 pc Bread dumplings from the day before
1 tbsp Sunflower oil
1 tsp majoram (Dried marjoram has proved its worth here…)
1 pinches Salt
1 pinches black pepper
25 g butter
1 tbsp horseradish (named “Meerrettich” in Germany, “Kren” in Austria)
2 tbsp Créme Fraîche
2 pc radishes


1/2 Bund majoram (fresh)


Preparation step 1
Boil sauerkraut for the quick pork roast
Sauerkraut Boiling

Prepare sauerkraut

Place the sauerkraut in a large saucepan with the white wine and vegetable stock on the stove and bring to the boil.

Add the bay leaf.

Let the sauerkraut simmer for 20 minutes at medium heat.

Preparation step 2
Cut apple wedges
Apple wedges prepared on the kitchen board.

Prepare apples

Wash and halve the apple, remove the core and cut into eighths.

Brown the apple slices in a large pan with clarified butter, then add the sugar and caramelise lightly.

Place the apples on a plate and clean the pan.

Preparation step 3
Drain the cooked bread dumplings
Drain the cooked bread dumplings.

Prepare dumplings

Cut the dumplings into slices about 5 mm thick.

Heat the pan and fry the dumpling slices on both sides in sunflower oil.

Add the butte, froth and season with marjoram, salt and pepper.

Preparation step 4
Fried Dumplings Knödelgröstl Recipe Image
Fried Dumplings Knödelgröstl Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

Variant 1

Drain the sauerkraut onto a sieve and arrange on warm plates.

Add the roasted dumplings and apple slices in a fan shape.

Decorate with the fraiche cream and radish, sprinkle with fresh horseradish and serve.

Preparation step 5
Close-up of dumplings roasted dumplings
Delicious dumplings for your kitchen … roasted dumplings served with sauerkraut and horseradish sauce and apple pieces …

Variant 2

Alternatively you can pass some sauerkraut juice and boil it up in a second pot.

Refine with horseradish and butter as well as cream or crème fraîche and boil down.

Then arrange the sauerkraut in the middle.

Add the roasted dumplings and the apple pieces.

Mix the sauce with a hand blender and add to the Gröstl.

Good success!


2. Calories and Nutritional Values

3. Shopping List Fried Dumplings – Bavarian Knödelgröstl

For the fried dumpling you need the following ingredients…

You can find the exact amounts of ingredients further down in the Recipe Fried Dumplings – Bavarian Knödelgröstl.

Variation of the Bavarian Knödelgröstl: From the sauerkraut juice you can make a simply and fast horseradish sauce.

4. Top Tips for Fried Dumplings

Here are some good tips for your Dumpling Gröstl…

Then one last tip remains… for Gourmets 🙂 …

Pass some sauerkraut juice into a second pot.
Bring sauerkraut juice to the boil and refine with cream or crème fraîche and horseradish.
Reduce the sauce by half, then mix with cold butter and add to Gröstl. WOW that tastes delicious!

Tip from Chef Thomas Sixt
Delicious Bavarian Knödelgröstl fried dumpling for your kitchen… roasted dumplings served with sauerkraut and horseradish sauce and apple pieces…

5. More Ideas

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