Author: Thomas Sixt is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger. Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.
Ingredients: Reduction of vinegar, white wine, peppercorns, shallots, tarragon and chervil. Butter or brown butter, egg yolk. Seasonings are salt, cayenne pepper, chopped tarragon or chervil.
Foam sauce – mousseline sauce
The Hollandaise sauce is seasoned with lemon juice and supplemented with whipped cream (classic) or with a little crème fraîche.
Maltese Sauce – Sauce maltaise
Finely grated zest and juice of blood oranges is stirred into the hollandaise sauce.
Divine Sauce – Sauce divine
Sherry is boiled up with truffle stock and poultry extract, then stirred into the hollandaise sauce with whipped cream.
There is another variant with port wine and lemon juice.
Cédard Sauce – Sauce cedard
The Hollandaise sauce is complemented with a reduction of mushroom stock and poultry extract with lemon juice.
Choron Sauce – Sauce choron
The Hollandaise sauce is also seasoned with (colorless sweated) tomato paste, tomato concassée and some white wine.
Reduction ingredients for Bearnaise sauce
Quarter the peeled tomatoes and cut out the core and cut into cubes.
11. FAQ Hollandaise Sauce
The most common and relevant questions and answers about the classic whipped butter sauce are listed below:
Why is the hollandaise sauce not working for me?
Please note the following error sources:
Water bath too hot –> Optimum temperature 75° C
Butter too hot –> Optimal temperature 75° C
Water bath bowl and whisk not grease-free and dry –> Whipping may fail
Butter added too quickly –> Add liquid butter slowly to whipped egg yolks
Add very little cornstarch to the cold egg yolks, this will give you a further safety during the preparation.
As a chef, why do you recommend brown butter for hollandaise sauce?
I like the flavor of the brown butter in the sauce.
I also like the distinction from store-bought Hollandaise sauce.
Technically correct, hollandaise with nut brown butter is a “sauce noisette”.
How can I set the temperature of the water bath and the ingredients perfectly?
Use a commercially available digital roasting thermometer.
After several applications you will develop a feeling for the temperatures.
How dangerous are salmonella and germs in egg yolks?
Salmonella and germs that may be contained in the egg are only safely killed at a temperature above 70°C, period 10 minutes.
The hollandaise must be kept at a temperature of 72°C for at least ten, preferably twelve minutes.
What do you think of a hollandaise sauce with crème fraîche
The ricochet of culinary art: A lukewarm hollandaise whipped in a blender with crème fraîche is not a hollandaise.
You will never get The Sauce hot on your plate, it cools down quickly.
I have health concerns for the following reason:
Care should be taken when whipping the sauce with warm ingredients (below 70°C) and then eating it without a holding temperature of at least 72°C for 12 minutes!
Salmonella and germs feel right at home in the temperature range below 70°C and multiply explosively.
Solution: Prepare sauce properly and keep heated at 72°C for at least 12 minutes.
Professional Notice:
A hollandaise sauce supplemented or refined with whipped cream or crème fraîche, prepared in a professionally correct manner, is a Chantilly sauce – sauce mousseline.
What can I do if I notice that the hollandaise is getting too hot while whipping.
Usually it is then too late and the yolk begins to coagulate. Drip in a little cold water and remove from the stove can perhaps still save your sauce preparation.
Below you can write to me directly. Please don’t forget the star rating on the recipe, 5 stars means you liked it!
Servus Thomas, excellent instructions with all variants of the famous sauce. Anyone who is clever reads your explanations and can select and use the appropriate recipe for themselves. So far we had tested the mixing bowl version and the cream dispenser version. Both worked out perfectly. The sauces taste excellent, the butter sauce is not only a great addition to asparagus, but especially to fish and shrimp. My neighbor uses a new Thermomix and takes the program. Nevertheless, she has integrated your version with nut butter and she raves about the taste. It's amazing how easy cooking can be if you follow your tips. We'll send you a ♥️ thank you and look forward to more ideas from you! Greetings Renate Quell and neighbor 👍
Hello Renate, thank you very much for the detailed feedback. I enjoyed reading that. Just yesterday I had the pleasure of using Thermomix again… For all those reading along: There are extra instructions for nut butter ! Kind regards Thomas
Hello Thomas, thanks for introducing the many sure-fire sauce variants. I made the classic hollandaise water bath version and that worked out fine now. The past mistakes of hitting the boiling water are now history thanks to your most instructive explanation. Many thanks! Greetings Anne
Thanks Anne, that makes me happy! Kind regards Thomas
Hello Thomas, This is a really successful guide. After I didn't like the quick hollandaise sauce after "Emmi just cooks", I continued to search for another recipe. Only now did I realize what a real Hollandaise sauce is and how to make it properly. Yesterday evening I tried your version with the mixer, warming it up with a pot in the oven. The sauce was a success right away and tasted sensational! Thanks for the many tips. I have one more question… Did you add to and update the article since yesterday? There are more Hollandaise variations of the preparation and the overview is now even better. I still have a cream boy in the kitchen cupboard, I'll try the variant with the cream siphon next. Compliments, thanks and stars! Great chef, great summary, like a real cooking class. Greetings Leha
Hello Leha, thank you for your feedback on the successful, quick hollandaise. I'm happy if it works and tastes good at home. I looked at the recipe mentioned on the hobby cook's website. In fact, it is not a hollandaise. I always think it's a shame when things are misnamed in order to get clicks. Google once again contributes a lot to the fact that many people are served a technically incorrect hollandaise sauce. In any case, you found what you were looking for! A good success 🙂 I'm currently revising all the asparagus recipes and this guide was on tonight. Feel free to contact us again with cooking questions and kitchen gossip! Kind regards Thomas
Good evening Thomas! Tried your version of the Sauce Hollandaise Kitchenaid as shown in the cooking video today. The delicious sauce is perfect for the first time and worked immediately without any problems. Many thanks for your efforts! Greetings Gisela
Thank you Gisela!
Hi Thomas! I hope You are fine! I always let my apprentices look at your blog. This covers the theory part for the kitchen perfectly. Thank you for your work and the support of the offspring! Greetings Fauster PS Your instructions are technically perfect 🙂 Good school 🙂
Hi Fauster, thank you for your consistently positive feedback! Sending you the best regards 🙂 Thomas
Absolutely ingenious instructions for an absolutely delicious and tasty sauce. Thanks
Thank you!
Just perfect from start to finish! Excellent dinner, thanks for this recipe!
Hello Cleo, thank you for your feedback and the praise. Would you like to see the categories… –> Cooking asparagus and –> Recommend asparagus recipes . There are still many fine recipe ideas for the asparagus season to discover! Good succeed! Greetings Thomas
I think a lot of people don't even know how good home-made hollandaise tastes… not even the good one from Lukull, which is otherwise a well-known insider tip… And the subtleties in this recipe are simply to the point!
Hello Stefanie, thank you very much for your feedback and praise. That makes me happy! The hollandaise not only goes well with asparagus but also with fish and meat in general. Now that the asparagus is in season, it's particularly enjoyable. I like to combine garlic mustard with the dishes. The weeds are growing again along the way and are just beginning to bloom. I wish you continued success! Kind regards Thomas
I've failed the sauce three times, it's annoying. Your instructions gave me a lot of knowledge about the ingredients and the preparation. I've now dared to do it again with a hand mixer and stainless steel bowl. It worked great. Happy wife and daughter, thanks to Sixt I can now shine in the kitchen!
Hello Moritz, the way of preparing sauces actually came about as part of my cooking school. Even cooks fail with this sauce and in the restaurant industry, the queen of sauces is rarely made from fresh ingredients. In gastronomy, depending on the region, you even have to keep a sample. I think that's totally exaggerated and it doesn't promote our chefs and the culinary arts. I'm happy if it worked out for you now, maybe I'll get an invitation to dinner 🙂 Best regards and continued success! Thomas Sixt
Hi Thomas, I would never have come up with this idea of preparing sauces. It's that simple. Well, an egg of Columbus, then. Thanks for the great tips. I even cooked the sauce alongside the grilled vegetables and everyone was happy. Kind regards K
Hello Catherine, Thank you for the nice compliment. Glad the sauce tastes good. Kind regards and good luck Thomas Sixt
Hello Thomas Sixt, I'm planning the sauce for my perfect dinner. There should be fillet steak, vegetables, potatoes and the Dutch-style sauce for the main course. Can you please give me a tip for the order of preparation? Thanks Mark
Hello Markus, I'll make you a little mise en place plan for your dinner: – Vegetables : You can blanch them in the afternoon until they are al dente and chill them – Potatoes : Peel, cut into quarters, turn (shape) , boil in salted water until soft, drain, chill. – Meat : Please prepare and prepare the filletat room temperature one hour before preparation . – Reduction : Prepare in the afternoon and chill. – Separating the eggs : Separate the eggs into two bowls and refrigerate. -Butter : Clarify the butter about an hour before guests arrive . Before you bring the appetizer to the table, preheat the oven to 90°C. – Season vegetables with nut butter, salt and pepper and place in the oven – Season potatoes with parsley, nut butter, salt, pepper and nutmeg and place in the oven. – Place the stainless steel bowl with the reduction in the oven and serve the appetizer. Serve the appetizer plate, heat the pan and fry the steak. – Think about hot plates : heat plates for the main course in the microwave. – Steak frying : When the steaks are in the pan, add the egg yolks to the reduction and beat them up. Heat the nut butter (80-90°C) and slowly add it to the reduction. – Finishing the meat : Turn the steaks over, continue frying briefly, switch the oven temperature to 220°C on the grill and place the steaks in the oven on the top shelf. – Think about the side dishes : put the side dishes on the stove and taste again. – Serving : Taste the sauce, arrange the side dishes and meat, add the sauce and serve. I wish you good luck and much success! Kind regards, Thomas Sixt
Thanks for the great recipe and the many pictures. I think the video is great, it shows all the work steps perfectly.
Hello Otmar, thank you for your nice feedback. Feel free to contact us with cooking questions! Kind regards, Thomas Sixt
Hi Thomas, very ingenious instructions. I never dared to make the sauce myself. I've always used finished products. It worked now, thanks to your instructions. Kind regards, Charlotte
Servus Charlotte, that makes me happy, it tastes better when you cook it yourself! Good luck and greetings Thomas
Hello Thomas, this is a very successful guide. I would never have thought of the bowl heating technique. Great post and the result is great. My sauce turned out great and I am very happy. Thank you Leo
Servus Leo, then you can now dare to try the variations of this fine sauce. Sauce Hollandaise I show variations in an extra post. Good luck Greetings Thomas Sixt
Hello Thomas, I cooked your sauce in the Thermo-Mix today and used your instructions as a basis. It turned out great, thanks for that.
Dear aunt 🙂 Thank you for your nice message, I'm very happy. Let's keep in touch. Kind regards, Thomas Sixt
Hi Thomas, I cooked your sauce recipe, first of all thanks for the great instructions and the how-to video. The sauce was a bit lacking in spiciness, what can I use as an alternative to pepper? Thank you for your message!
Hello Ursula, thanks for your message, I season the sauce with white pepper and cayenne pepper at the end. I added the last ingredient again. Thanks for the valuable hint. Good luck Thomas
Servus Thomas, excellent instructions with all variants of the famous sauce. Anyone who is clever reads your explanations and can select and use the appropriate recipe for themselves. So far we had tested the mixing bowl version and the cream dispenser version. Both worked out perfectly. The sauces taste excellent, the butter sauce is not only a great addition to asparagus, but especially to fish and shrimp. My neighbor uses a new Thermomix and takes the program. Nevertheless, she has integrated your version with nut butter and she raves about the taste. It's amazing how easy cooking can be if you follow your tips. We'll send you a ♥️ thank you and look forward to more ideas from you! Greetings Renate Quell and neighbor 👍