Cordon bleu Recipe for Stuffed Schnitzel in Variations

Thomas Sixt is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.
Nice that you found my Cordon Bleu Recipe 🙂
It is a schnitzel stuffed with cheese and ham and breaded.
Traditionally it is prepared with veal or pork.
Guests like the stuffed schnitzel with turkey or chicken
In Austria, the popular dish is known as Gordon bleu, another regional name is Zagreb Schnitzel.
This recipe deals in detail with the preparation including all the chef’s tips for variants of the filling with cheese and ham.
I wish you good luck!
Table of Contents
1. Recipe Cordon bleu
Below are my instructions with all the quantities for the traditional dish.
I appreciate comments 🙂
Cordon Bleu
Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.
Prepare simple instructions for filled, breaded, baked schnitzel.

4 | pc | escalope of veal (From pork or from veal) |
8 | pinches | primal salt |
8 | pinches | white pepper |
4 | slices | cooked ham |
4 | slices | Emmental cheese |
4 | toothpicks | |
4 | tbsp | flour |
2 | pc | eggs |
4-8 | tbsp | bread crumbs |
200 | ml | Rapeseed oil |
30 | g | butter |

Prepare ingredients
Have the butcher cut the meat thinly from the topside or from the back.
Butterfly schnitzel from the saddle of pork or saddle of veal are ideal.
Provide filling and ingredients.

Beat meat
Rinse the meat slices and pat dry, then unfold and place between cling film.
Pound the meat slices lightly and set aside.

Prepare breading
Sift the flour and set aside.
Put the beaten and whisked eggs and the breadcrumbs in bowls.
Season the egg with salt and pepper.

Fill escalope
Top each slice of ham with a slice of cheese and fold together.
Season the pounded meat slices on both sides with salt and pepper.
Place the ham and cheese and some plucked basil on one half of the prepared schnitzel and place the other half on top.

Fix escalope
Secure the filled schnitzel with a toothpick.

Flour escalope
Next, season the filled escalopes with salt and pepper, coat them in the flour on both sides and then dip them in the beaten egg.

Bread escalope
Then roll in the breadcrumbs and coat the filled schnitzel evenly by pressing gently.

Heat a pan and pour in the canola oil.
Fry the breaded, stuffed schnitzel floating in the fat until golden on both sides.
Alternatively, fry the stuffed schnitzel.
Season with salt before serving and remove toothpicks.
Then arrange on preheated plates and serve with the lemon and side dishes.
The video shows you how to prepare the lemon star or lemon crown as an accompaniment to the baked, filled schnitzel.
2. Overview of Calories and Nutritional Values
3. Cordon bleu Origin
Cordon bleu literally means blue ribbon .
The method of preparation is first mentioned in the book “Lucullus zu Escoffier” from 1949.
Only in 1956 was it gastronomically mentioned in Germany in the book “Die Hotel- und Restaurationsküche”.
The stuffed and breaded schnitzel became a popular dish in Germany in the 1970s.
You can be creative when choosing cheese and ham. Emmental, Gouda, mozzarella, rosemary ham, air-dried ham,…
Ingredients tip from chef Thomas Sixt

4. Cordon Bleu with Chicken and other Meat Variants
You can prepare your cordon bleu with different types of meat, the following list will help you choose:
Pork –> pork schnitzel from pork loin, pork topside or pork fillet
Turkey meat –> Have the butcher cut the turkey escalope from the turkey breast thinly for the filling
Veal –> veal schnitzel from the topside, veal loin schnitzel or veal fillet
Chicken –> Skinless chicken breast prepared as butterfly cutlets
Important note:
Pork schnitzel and veal schnitzel can be pounded well and thinly.
Therefore, the following preparation in the pan goes very well.
Turkey escalopes and stuffed chicken breasts are usually thicker to prepare, so frying them floating in hot fat at a temperature of 165-170°C is a good recommendation.

5. Cheese Selection for Cordon bleu
You can find popular types of cheese for filling the schnitzel in the following list with comments:
Emmental –> In combination with boiled ham, the classic Cordon Bleu
Gouda –> Next to Emmental, the classic and a bit finer in taste
Raclette –> Strong taste, goes well with bacon, bacon and boiled ham
Appenzeller –> Spicy, strong taste, goes with all types of ham
Gruyere –> Depending on the degree of ripeness, it is spicy and piquant with a note of fruit, suitable for all types of cheese
Gorgonzola –> Suboptimal for wrapping, wonderfully flavorful as a filling in combination with pears and walnuts
Bavaria Blu –> Pleasantly spicy and very fine in combination with Black Forest ham or bacon slices
Mozzarella –> Pleasantly refreshing in combination with basil, Parma ham or pancetta or guanciale

6. Ham Variants for Cordon bleu
Matching the above overview of cheese variants, you will find tips for different types of ham here:
Cooked ham –> Toasted ham or fine ham for the classic filling
Bacon –> Fine, lightly smoked bacon with a hearty taste
Bacon –> Strong smoky flavor and very spicy
Black Forest ham –> Strong taste, smoky and spicy with juniper aroma
Parma ham or San Daniele ham –> Fine, light aroma from the air- dried ham
Pancetta or Guanciale –> Fine aroma, but very rich in fat.
Optionally, you can add fresh herbs to your filling.
Pleasant companions are thyme and basil, please use herbs de Provence very sparingly!
If you like toast Hawaii , you can fill the Cordon Bleu with pineapple!
German cordon bleu tip from chef Thomas Sixt
7. Side Dish Ideas for Cordon bleu
Filled escalope goes well with:
–> parsley potatoes
–> French Fries
8. Other Schnitzel Recipes

Creamy Meat Stew Recipe for a Fast Pan Dish

Schnizza Recipe for Pizza Style Schnitzel Au Gratin

Cream Schnitzel Recipe for the simple Kitchen

Jaegerschnitzel Recipe Original from German Chef

Schnitzel Parisian Style Recipe

Breaded Schnitzel Cornflakes

Viennese Schnitzel Recipe with Parsley Potatoes and Cowberries

Wiener Schnitzel Recipe With Many Tips For Original Breaded Veal Schnitzel

Cordon bleu Recipe for Stuffed Schnitzel in Variations

Italian Veal Escalope Recipe

Bread Turkey Escalope, all Variants at a Glance, Large Cook-Wiki Recipe with Video

Turkey Escalope Recipe with Video, Variants and Tips
Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers
Below you can write to me directly.
Please don’t forget the star rating on the recipe, 5 stars means you liked it!
Laugh… Thank you!
Hi Thomas,
great recipe, I have one Question:
Is there a special reason why you only fry the cordon bleu in rapeseed oil?
Thanks Steffen
Hello Stefan, rapeseed oil is particularly good for frying. Sunflower oil and real lard is fine too. It should be heat-resistant oils that you use for frying in the pan. Kind regards Thomas
Hello Thomas,
that's a good idea with the bacon and i like it. What's your favorite variant?
Would like to cook this for my brother-in-law Ernst this weekend.
Thank you for the reply and the great recipe! Greetings from Michaela
Hello Michaela, I recently experimented with rosemary ham and Appenzell cheese, it was really nice. Thank you for your nice comment! Kind regards Thomas
Simply fine, thanks to the chef of this site! Greetings Julia
Hello Julia, thanks for your nice compliment, send best regards from the kitchen! Good luck Greetings Thomas Sixt
Hello Thomas Sixt,
thank you for the great recipe and the many pictures and ideas.
I've been reading your blog for a long time and now I wanted to leave you a few lines.
I have cooked the stuffed great schnitzel several times.
Lastly, we had incorporated a nice aged brie cheese into the filling.
Something fine is only available to eat at home. I'll stay tuned and look forward to more great ideas from your kitchen. Maike sends you lots of love 🙂
Hello Maike! Thanks for your nice lines. I sometimes put truffle brie in the filling and combine that with an air-dried ham. Just try it, it tastes really delicious! Thomas Sixt sends warm greetings from the kitchen
Very fine guide – It tasted excellent to us, and we were not even in the kitchen yet. Top instructions… Thanks for the eye candy 🙂