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Fillet Steak on Fennel, a Quick, Summery Steak Recipe

is a chef, food photographer, cookbook author and blogger.
Here he shares recipes, answers cooking questions and helps with cooking.

The fillet steak recipe on fennel shows you a wonderful main course with a fine, light vegetable side dish.

Every now and then I pay attention to the slim line or I want to create a balance.

Then steak with vegetables is a good idea.

The following instructions show you the preparation with a cooking video.

Good succeed! I wish you a lot of fun cooking yourself!

1. Recipe Fillet Steak

Below are the instructions with all the relevant information…

Fillet Steak on Fennel

Cooked, photographed and written down by chef Thomas Sixt.

Servings 2
Calories 603
Preparation Time 15 Min.
Cook Time 0 Min.
Total Time 20 Min.

Prepare simple instructions for steak with fillet and low carb side dish.

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Fillet steak recipe image
Filet steak recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


500 g fennel bulb
20 g Olive oil
30 g raisins
300 g fillet of beef
2 twigs fresh rosemary
primal salt
black ground pepper


Preparation step 1
Ingredients fillet steak with side dish
Ingredients for preparing fillet steak with side dish.

Provide ingredients

Prepare the ingredients for the preparation according to the list above.

Preparation step 2
Cut fennel
Cut fennel

Prepare fennel

Clean the fennel, remove the coarse greens and keep for the soup.

Halve the fennel bulb and cut in from above.

Preparation step 3
Dice the fennel
Dice the fennel Detail shot.

Cut fennel

Make two horizontal cuts through the fennel bulb.

Then cut the fennel bulb into cubes.

Preparation step 4
Fry the fennel vegetables
Fry the diced fennel

Fry fennel

Fry the fennel cubes in olive oil, allow to take on colour.

Preparation step 5
Fry fillet steak
Fry fillet steak

Sear steak

Fry the pieces of beef fillet in a pan with a little olive oil.

Alternatively, fry or grill in a high-quality pan without oil.

Preparation step 6
Turn the fillet steak over while roasting
Turn fillet steak

Turn steak

Turn the steak after 3 minutes in the pan.

Preparation step 7
Fennel with raisins
Fennel Vegetables with Raisins

Finish vegetables

Refine the fennel vegetables with raisins.

Season the vegetables with salt, pepper and olive oil.

Keep the fennel warm for serving.

Preparation step 8
Check steak doneness
Check the degree of doneness of the fillet steak.

Steak doneness

Check the degree of doneness of the steak with a pressure test.

Allow the steak to cook to the desired degree of doneness, with or without the lid.

Preparation step 9
Season fillet steak
Season fillet steak

Season steak

Season steak with salt and pepper.

I prefer to use fleur de sel or ancient salt and black pepper.

Preparation step 10
Arrange the fennel vegetables
Arrange vegetables

Arrange vegetables

Prepare hot plates.

I either put the plates in the oven for 15 minutes at 100°C or briefly heat the plates in the microwave.

Arrange the fennel vegetables in the middle of the hot plates.

Preparation step 11
Arrange fillet steak
arrange steak

Arrange steak

Arrange the fillet steak on the fennel.

Preparation step 12
Add olive oil
Add olive oil

Add oil

Drizzle the preparation with cold olive oil and refine.

Preparation step 13
Fillet steak recipe image
Filet steak recipe Image © Thomas Sixt


Add a sprig of rosemary for decoration.

Preparation step 14
Fillet steak sliced arranged
Steak cut arranged.


Optionally, you can halve the steak once in the middle and arrange it sliced on the plate.

Serve quickly and enjoy.

I wish you a good appetite!


You can also use goji berries instead of raisins.

You can also season the fennel vegetables with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon olive oil.

2. Calories and Nutritional Values

3. Buy Meat: The Fillet Steak is Buttery Tender without the Meat Aging

It’s a light dish, healthy and not heavy, great for a nice summer evening.

Since I refine the roasted fennel with raisins, the steak with side dish has a Mediterranean flavor on the one hand and a slightly oriental and sweet taste on the other.

Filet steak with fennel, ideal for guests, on the menu, or for an evening for two!

Tip from chef Thomas Sixt

I love fillet steaks because the meat is always tender and I can save weeks of maturing the steaks in the fridge.

The maturity is always the problem with the steaks. I always buy rib eye steak, rump steak and rump steak close to the expiry date and then leave the meat in my fridge for another 10 days.

At best you buy vacuum-packed steaks, then you don’t have to worry about it.

If the goods come fresh from the butcher, then pickling in oil is the order of the day.

The meat should always be covered with oil. To make it work, simply place a piece of cling film on the meat that has been doused with oil and add more oil on top.

Herbs like rosemary, thyme, bay leaf, and peppercorns affect the flavor a bit.

No storms of enthusiasm are to be expected from my side, because I prefer to add the herbs and aromatics to the roast and think they are more effective there.

Meat cut beef, where's the rib eye steak? The graphic answers this question.
The piece of meat Entrecôte is also called Rib Eye. In New Zealand, the popular steak is called Scotch Filet. It is cut from the back, number 6. The juicy, robust steak is popular with steak gourmets because of its aromatic taste. You can recognize the rib eye steak by the typical eye of fat.

3.1 How was Meat Stored and Prepared for Aging in the Past?

Steak meat used to be dipped in liquid lard, among other things, and then hung up in the cold store.

The pork fat seals the meat airtight and it can mature well and last a few days longer.

This variant can only be used to a limited extent at home and makes little sense.

Buy rib-eye steak, rump steak and rump steak close to the expiry date and let them mature in your own fridge!

Tip for aging meat from chef Thomas Sixt
Prepare rib eye steak for frying.
Rib Eye Steak Ingredients prepared for steak roasting. Take the steak out of the fridge about an hour before cooking. In addition to the rib eye steak, you need some thyme, garlic, salt, pepper and garlic. ©Thomas Sixt food photographer

4. Fry or Grill Fillet Steak Properly

Frying a steak has recently become a science of its own.

I’m doing it again as I learned from star chef Alfons Schuhbeck in Waging am See:

I can’t understand the hysteria surrounding burnt pepper and I think the meat tastes better if it’s seasoned before roasting.

In the video I show it with seasoning after frying, but now I do it the other way around.

At least no one can say I haven’t tried it 🙂

Season steaks just before roasting, that’s my version and it tastes great!

Fry a steak like in the star gastronomy tip from chef Thomas Sixt

4.1 Prepare the Fillet Steak in the Pan or on the Grill

The most important aspect of roasting and grilling steak is the heat.

The meat should be cooked at high heat so that as little meat juice as possible escapes.

If the heat is too low, the meat will cook and the result will not be what you want.

What is important when frying a steak!

We cooks have learned that the pores in meat close when it is seared. In new, popular-scientific books, this is now repeatedly taken up and refuted.

Also the internet is full of smart people who now know that meat has no pores.

Be that as it may, in the end it comes down to the same thing, whether the pores close or the surface proteins of the outer cells are caramelized, it doesn’t matter at all.

Rump steak with bacon beans and gravy, recipe picture by Thomas Sixt, this steak tastes great.

Frying and thus caramelizing is important for the taste.

This so-called Maillard reaction ensures the tasty crust.

Fry the steak vigorously, with a little heat-resistant fat, so it becomes tasty!

Tip for roasting a steak from chef Thomas Sixt
let the steak go through
Allow the steak to cook to your desired doneness.

5. Prepare Fillet Steak Rare, Medium or Well Done

The matter is not half as tricky as it is treated.

Below is a table showing the degrees of doneness and temperatures:

Gargrad BezeichnungKerntemperatur
Medium Rare50-54°C
Medium well60-72°C
Well done73-85°C

In principle, steaks are usually served rare, medium or well done, everything in between is science and I would like to focus on these three degrees of doneness.

Option one is the safest, take a thermometer and check the temperature carefully.

The pressure test is somewhat less precise:

“Rare” is very “soft” in print, “Medium” is slightly “bouncy” and “Well done” is “very firm” in print.

Meat juice pearls are also visible on the surface of the steak when the cooking level is medium.

Fillet steak sliced arranged
Steak cut arranged.

6. Suitable Side Dishes for the Fillet Steak

The great advantage of this dish is undoubtedly its quick preparation.

You only need a pan, first prepare the fennel and then put it in a bowl.

Rinse the pan briefly and fry the steaks in it right away.

I love this dish because it’s quick and easy.

One pan is enough for this dish – a quick steak with a side dish of vegetables!

Preparation tip from chef Thomas Sixt

I’ve recently seasoned the fennel with a little cinnamon and a little cayenne pepper, added some lemon juice to the seasoning and also used rosemary-garlic oil that I made myself.

The fennel tastes excellent lukewarm!

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Ratatouille recipe image
Ratatouille Recipe Image © Thomas Sixt

7. More Recipe Ideas with Beef

Comments, Cooking Questions and Answers

4.99 from 1569 ratings

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  • Hello Thomas, I just tried your recipe with fennel! Great thing, I added a few diced carrots (because of the colour:-)))) and a few rosemary potatoes :-)))! ) Didn't detract from the matter; wonderful light and quick recipe with a clear overview and instructions! Thank you for this very tasty idea!!

    • Hello Hans Herrmann, thank you for your positive feedback, which makes me very happy. Carrots and rosemary potatoes are a good idea. Taste hit – wonderful! Feel free to contact us again with kitchen gossip and cooking questions. Kind regards, Thomas Sixt

  • Hello Thomas, can I actually prepare another vegetable similar to fennel? Your pictures make my mouth water, but I'm not a fan of fennel at all… An alternative would be great, maybe there's something on your blog?

  • Here it is advertised as a summer dish, I can say: The fillet steak on fennel simply tastes good all year round!! My boyfriend is a total fennel fan and meat lover, so I had to try this recipe 🙂 We now cook it at least once a month simply because it tastes so great! Thank you for this great recipe! Greetings from the Black Forest Nina